Skills Required to become a Freelancer

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Freelancing is one of the fastest-growing employment segments. Often, it is better than a hectic 9-5 job. Freelancing gives you flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to make more money. These are some of the reasons why people are opting to become freelancers. There are several career paths in freelancing to choose from. And you need to have some necessary skills to become a freelancer. Freelancing can indeed make you a jack-of-all-trades. But, to succeed in this field, there are some personality traits and skills you have to develop.

Freelancers need both hard and soft skills, as you need in a job or any other sector. Hard skills are those abilities that are teachable and crucial for particular career paths of freelancing. Examples of hard skills are-

  • Knowledge of coding
  • Knowledge of WordPress
  • Expertise in using sketch for a web designer
  • Ability to build a website

Furthermore, soft skills are related to your personality rather than your knowledge. Soft skills are indispensable traits in freelancing. Examples of soft skills are mood, critical thinking, discipline etc. Hard skills depend upon the type of path you are opting for, but soft skills are familiar and particular to everyone opting for freelancing.


Necessary skills for freelancers:


One should have a clear idea of their abilities and potential. Depending on your abilities, you should possess enough self-confidence to take up any new project. You can also gain confidence by experiencing this field. Because experience in particular work makes you realize your capability.

Negotiating Skills:

When you are becoming the boss of your own, it is essential to convince your clients why they need your service. Because your income is your responsibility. No one is going to welcome you without knowing about your skills. Those clients who are aware of freelancing will go through many freelancers. Therefore, you need to make your position by your potential.

Interpersonal Skills:

You have to communicate a lot with your clients. So, you need to have strong interpersonal skills. You have to convey your views in a short and precise manner. You also have to keep a piece of knowledge about your competitors in this field. You also have to expand your network and connect with as many freelancers as you can. Social media is a boon for you as it provides you with a platform to increase your network.



You should have enough patience if you want to gain success as a freelancer. It is a time taking process. After completing one project, you have to keep hunting for some other assignment and patiently wait for the client’s response. You have to keep on expanding your network and hunting for new projects. Therefore, you should have persistence and patience.

Stress management Skills:

If you are having trouble with your project, you need to wave off your stress and face the situation calmly. You should always have a clear head and avoid overworking for extra money because these can lead to stress-related problems. Decide what to do and what not to. Find the work which is better for you.


There are many other skills such as time management, a passion for learning, accounting skills., freelance writing, marketing skills and many more. It is always possible to develop these soft skills and improve those accordingly. You can improve your soft skills by reading books, consulting a trainer or a mentor, making schedules to manage time etc. But the best way to engulf these skills is practising. Practice these skills in your freelancing business, it may take a lot of time, but success is guaranteed. Freelancing is not an easy path after all. You have to invest your whole time and skills to stand on this path. But without experiencing freelancing, one should not back off. Mistakes are natural and the stepping stones to success. Therefore, give your best and have patience, then success is not too far!

By – Sanchayita Chattopadhyay

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