10 Ways To Cope Up with Failure

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In life, there are many situations come that hurt us deeply. These situations are like the ups and downs of our life. Sometimes, these ups and downs lead us towards failure. For example, whether you were rejected a promotion at the office or you failed to qualify for a job, failing makes us feel bad. But if you know how to deal with failure in a healthy way with the right skills and techniques, then perhaps you don’t have to feel the painful emotions of being a failure. One should always try to reduce his fear of failing. As it will also help you in reducing your pain, so you can bounce back more efficiently than before.

Thus, it seems that it becomes a necessity to overcome our fear of failure for our own inner peace. In this article, we are coming up with 10 healthy ways to cope up with failure.

Embrace Your Emotions

Failure is coexisted by a variety of emotions such as anxiety, embarrassment, anger, sadness, and shame. These feelings are uncomfortable and many people tend to do anything they can to avoid feeling emotional discomfort.

Recognize Unhealthy Attempts To Reduce Pain 


Sometimes, you were feeling tempting with your job and decided to quit. But minimizing your pain won’t help you in any way. You might distract yourself or try to fill the void you feel with fast food, drugs or alcohol won’t heal your pain either. These things will only give you some temporary relief. You should figure out the unhealthy ways you try to reduce pain in your life.

Practice Healthy Coping Skills 

There are a plethora of activities that you can do to make yourself happy. For example, call a friend, play with your pet, practice a deep breath, go for a walk, take a bubble bath, and so on. These are some of the healthy coping skills that will work for you. But remember, not every coping skill works for everyone. So, it’s important to figure out coping skills that suit you.

Acknowledge Irrational Beliefs 


Sometimes few people started having irrational beliefs regarding failure at some point in life. Perhaps they think failure is something that occurs because you are bad or you cannot succeed. These kinds of beliefs are not accurate. They can stop you from doing things where you might fail.

Develop Realistic Thoughts 

In case, if you are thinking that you are hopeless or that there’s no benefit in trying again. Then, at that moment, you need to reframe your thoughts. You should remind yourself of more realistic thoughts about failure. Some of the realistic thoughts about failure are:

  • I have self-confidence and I can manage failure.
  • I can learn from my mistakes or failures.
  • If I cannot handle failure then I cannot handle success.

          You should repeat a phrase or affirmation to yourself to reduce your negative thoughts.

Accept A Level Of Responsibility 


It makes sense if you accept an accurate level of your responsibility for your failure. For example, if you are taking too much responsibility then it may cause you to unnecessarily blame yourself. On the other side, blaming others or unfortunate circumstances for your failure will stop you from learning from it. 

Research Famous Failures 

Thomas Edison failed 1000 times before inventing the lightbulb. You should spend some time researching famous people who have failed. You will find that they failed many times along the way. Moreover, many successful people are failing on a regular basis. Even you will also learn skills that assist you in your own life.

Ask Yourself What You Can Learn 


If you are open to learning, then failure can be your great teacher. You should always keen to find out what you could do next time after your failure. This will ensure your failure has become a life lesson that helped you learn something.

Create A Plan For Moving Forward 

Just thinking about your failure, again and again, is not a good thing. You should start planning to move further. Make a plan that will help you in gaining the information from failing into practice.

 Face Your Fears Of Failure 


If you keep avoiding failure, then it can make you feel really scared when it actually happens. You should also build confidence in yourself to face the fears of failure. This is the only key to reduce the discomfort. Try to leave your comfort zone. Do things that help you in trying new things where you could fail. This will make you feel that failure is not as bad as you might think.

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