Is Doing MBA worth it in India?

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Is opting Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) from B-school worth investing time and chunks of money? As per the in-depth research done by research scholars, the data simply highlighted that in 2019, approximately 2.5 lakh aspirants attended the CAT examination but the stark truth is that many of the enthusiasts are not proficient enough to be successful MBA student.

For the Symbiosis examination, SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) near about 80000 students applied and in the case of XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test), 75000 applicants applied. All of the above-mentioned examinations are referred to as standard entrance examinations which help individuals to do MBA from eminent colleges.

So, in this article, we will be covering 6 major reasons why to opt MBA for a great future opportunity?

  • Don’t consider an MBA just as your normal Post Graduate Degree

In reality, MBA credentials can work as essentials because their relevance to enthusiasts who wanted to kick-off their journey in this vocation means a lot. This course aims to build interdisciplinary understandings along with the capability to generate strategic thinking and learning business communication skills. Last but not the least, it also enhances the negotiation skills which are required while working in esteemed firms. 

These features of an MBA degree simply imply that it works on the foundation and slowly it leads to the emergence of great buildings.

  • Exceptionally well rewarding path

If you are a self-starter and you have an MBA degree also then it might work for you as a blessing in disguise. Because as an MBA working professional you can work in finance-related or consulting related job positions. You can become your own boss also by beginning your very own business venture. These options are exquisite and exclusive for those who have successfully completed their MBA from different universities. These job positions also ensure financial stability and professional growth. So, that is why an MBA is considered an exceptionally rewarding career path.

  • Gain expertise before entering into the business world

If you have entered an MBA course successfully then congratulations because now your career has moved on an upward trajectory. MBA courses include numerous valid assignments, case studies and practical’s. The main agenda of these exercises is to resolve business dilemmas that generally occurs while working to meet the organization’s mission and vision. These practices are generally created for management students.

These projects try to boost intrapersonal skills like creative-thinking, analysis ability, leadership and many more. These attributes have an everlasting and adverse impact on your career. 

Several universities provide this bravo platform where students can participate and excel. So, it is better to compete with different universities and colleges in terms to learn from competitions. Try to engage yourself in such activities to get concise answers as a solution.

  • Establish Your Professional Connections in the Market
Business People Shaking Hands In A Meeting Room
Business People Shaking Hands In A Meeting Room

In the current business world, the mantra of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) has been chanted. Now the network of the person is recognised as the net worth of an individual. Now the network is the key to unlock prosperity and enhancement in this cut-throat world. 

MBA courses allow enthusiasts to gather and connect with each other through communication. With the support of interaction, only the subject can build professional networks. It also enhances personal reputation which guarantees immaculate long-term rewards for the students. We also get an opportunity to connect with Alumni also which adds immense value.

  • Be proficient in diverse skill sets

Day by day several MBA graduates are joining and working with various companies like tech, retail, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, telecom, education, NGO and many more. So, the MBA discipline focuses on skillsets like marketing, business planning, finance, operations, talent acquisition, Human resources, management etc. These courses are created in an eloquent manner to build different yet important skills like logical reasoning, managing, cognitive skills and so on. 

career prospects

These programs motivate individuals to explore these skills. It robust intellectual curiosity and diverse attributes or heterogenous skill sets. These lessons provide tremendous help to students who are working hard. If an individual embodies all these pivotal capabilities then that individual can easily achieve the desired outcomes. 

  • Value for Money

Well, it is an incontrovertible fact that the fee structure of MBA is high because of its demand and trend in the current scenario. But try to think and go for the best universities, so that it can help you to gain exceptional brand value. Brand Value can play a very decisive role in rubbing off the student’s money after attaining graduation. So, it maintains the value for money which you and your parents invested to pursue MBA.

So, here is the brief of all the 6 points which can be taken into consideration while researching and thinking about the MBA course for getting marvellous working offers in future. 

-Hruditya Kumar

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