Liberal Arts education in India

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Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through various forms of learning. It can take place in a variety of settings, including schools, universities, vocational training institutions, and online platforms. Education is crucial for personal development, socialization, and economic progress. Education can be divided into different levels, including primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Primary education is typically the first stage of formal education and usually starts at around age five or six. Secondary education follows and typically includes middle school and high school. Tertiary education includes post-secondary education such as college, university, and vocational training. Here are all about the liberal arts education in India.

Education can also be categorized into various disciplines, such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), humanities, social sciences, arts, and vocational training. Education is often viewed as a key factor in promoting social mobility, economic growth, and social cohesion. It provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to participate in society and contribute to the common good.

Education is essential for personal development and plays a crucial role in shaping individuals’ lives. It helps people learn new skills, gain knowledge, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Education also helps people become responsible and engaged citizens, enabling them to participate in civic life and contribute to society. One of the primary benefits of education is the opportunity for economic advancement. People with higher levels of education tend to have higher income levels and better job prospects. Education can also lead to better health outcomes, increased social mobility, and reduced poverty rates.

What is the importance and need of Liberal Arts Education in India?

Taking Risks (45)

The liberal arts are the arts of communication and thinking. They are the arts indispensable to further learning, for they are the arts of reading, writing, speaking, listening and figuring.” ~ Oliver DeMille

There is a huge lack of awareness and scope towards the benefits of Liberal Arts Education in India and what does it provide to the students. We aim to provide all the information regarding this field of education.

Importance of Liberal Arts

Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts provides a multidisciplinary approach among the
students that includes a diverse mix of subjects improving their prospects of employment in different areas and industries. It is a three years Bachelor’s programme for students who hope to seek a range of subjects from arts and humanities, to languages and social sciences which this programme covers. Its central academic disciplines include linguistics, literature, sociology, political science, philosophy, history and psychology. The Liberal Arts curriculum delivers a learning experience to the students and educate them to know all about diversity, complexity, dynamics and empowers them with the skills to deal with the change. It
shapes the students into critical thinkers and gives rise to the problem solvers and responsible members of society and delivers them with the flexibility to design their degree.

What is the need for Liberal Arts Education in India?

As the world is progressing there is a rise in demand for interlinked and interconnected social sciences, humanities and arts. The study of Liberal Arts allows society to plunge the boundaries of subjects including literature, language, history, philosophy, mathematics, sociology, geography and psychology and science.

1) It provides an interdisciplinary approach to learning and education as it is integrated with diverse subjects exposing the students to a wide and broad range of subject areas. Producing critical thinkers and improves their perspective of the world and society.

2) India has a diverse economy and the youth needs to learn the proper interaction between different individual without regard to their genders, race, religion, caste or class. Liberal Arts will help them to grow and become an adaptively versatile’ human being and a responsible citizens with the talent and skills to shape our society in the right direction.

3) It generates the students into individuals who have the confidence and flexibility to continually learn new skills and material. It helps them to exceed their creative and crucial reasoning skills making them more pragmatic and open-minded.

4) It’s an enormously diverse programme which gives the students the freedom to build upon their interest in areas they are satisfied with. Students decide by themselves which majors they want to go for and choose from various options and develop specialized knowledge along with the minors.

5) It also allows the students to combine the research and academic-focused programs in the areas of sociology, history, archaeology, public relations and policy, advertising, training & HR, psychology, international relations, foreign languages, social work, civil services, journalism and mass media communication, corporate communications, research and writing and other academics.

Liberal Arts College/Universities in India

•Ashoka University – Sonipat, Haryana
•Christ University – Bengaluru, Karnataka
•Symbiosis School For Liberal Arts – Pune, Maharashtra
•O.P Jindal University – Sonipat, Haryana
•Mahindra University – Hyderabad, Telangana
•Azim Premji University – Bengaluru, Karnataka
•Plaksha University – Mohali, Punjab
•Auronya College – Pondicherry
•FLAME University – Pune, Maharashtra
•Shiv Nadar University – Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
•Krea University – Sri City, Andhra Pradesh
•Jyoti Dalal School Of Liberal Arts (JDSoLA) NMIMS – Mumbai, Maharashtra
•TISS, Hyderabad

Above is all that you need to know about Liberal Arts Education – the need and importance of it in India and how it helps in shaping the world into a better place. It helps the students to prepare for a life of learning and living. It fills the mind with understanding and enhances the human potential to address the problems that
the world is facing. To broaden it further, it’s an education that instils the mind with optimism evolving the people to become well-rounded and capable of enjoying their associations with others and the world around them.

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