TS LAWCET Results 2023 : Admit Card , Cutt-off

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TS LAWCET Results 2023, denoting the Telangana State Law Common Entrance Test, serves as a crucible of legal acumen assessment. This provincial-level ingress examination, meticulously orchestrated by the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), orchestrates the gateway to matriculation within the domain of jurisprudence, encompassing both undergraduate (3-year LL.B.) and postgraduate (2-year LL.M.) curricula within the enclaves of Telangana.

TS LAWCET Result 2023

The examination is conducted in both the Telugu and English languages, providing candidates with the option to choose their preferred medium of communication. It adopts a computer-based format, abbreviated as CBT, comprising a total of 150 multiple-choice questions, each of which carries a valuation of 1 mark. The temporal span allocated for the examination stands at 1 hour and 30 minutes.

The curriculum for the TS LAWCET encompasses an array of subjects, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of legal acumen. These subjects encompass:

    • General English
    • Logical Reasoning
    • Legal Aptitude
    • Indian Constitution
    • Jurisprudence
    • Law of Torts
    • Law of Contracts
    • Law of Crime
    • Law of Property
    • Law of Evidence
    • Law of Procedure

Mastery of these subjects is pivotal for aspirants seeking success in the TS LAWCET examination, as they serve as the bedrock upon which the assessment is founded.

TS LAWCET Result 2023 Highlight

The TS LAWCET 2023 results unveiled several noteworthy highlights:

    • The overall pass rate stood at an impressive 65.2%, reflecting a commendable performance by the candidates.
    • A standout achievement was the attainment of 119 out of 120 marks by a candidate hailing from the general category, underlining their exceptional proficiency.
    • For aspirants in the general category pursuing the 3-year LL.B. program, the cut-off threshold was established at 48.5%, while those interested in the 5-year LL.B. program had a slightly higher cut-off of 53%.
    • In contrast, candidates belonging to the reserved categories had slightly lower cut-off percentages. Specifically, the cut-off for the 3-year LL.B. program was set at 43%, and for the 5-year LL.B. program, it was 47.5%.
    • The distribution of seats within the various courses exhibited some disparity. The 3-year LL.B. (Regular) program boasted the highest number of available seats, totaling 4,269 opportunities for eager law enthusiasts.
    • Conversely, the 2-year LL.M. (Regular) program offered a more limited number of seats, with just 758 slots available, making it a more competitive option for prospective candidates.

These highlights provide a comprehensive snapshot of the TS LAWCET 2023 results, reflecting the achievements and opportunities within the realm of legal education in Telangana.

Courses offered by TS LAWCET

The Telangana State Law Common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET) proffers an array of erudition pathways, embracing the following academic trajectories:

    • 3-year LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws)
    • 5-year Integrated LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws)
    • 2-year LL.M. (Master of Laws)

The 3-year LL.B. curriculum stands as a conventional undergraduate legal expedition, exquisitely dispensed by both governmental and privately-endowed jurisprudential academies within the territorial confines of Telangana. Meanwhile, the 5-year Integrated LL.B. endeavor represents a harmonious convergence of undergraduate and postgraduate legal enlightenment. It finds its sanctuary within select governmental and privately-managed legal citadels in Telangana. On the other hand, the 2-year LL.M. voyage signifies a postgraduate odyssey through the realms of jurisprudence, thoughtfully administered by governmental and privately-appointed bastions of legal erudition ensconced within the Telangan terrain.

How To Check The TS LAWCET Result 2023

The proclamation of the TS LAWCET 2023 outcome graced us on the auspicious date of June 15, 2023. To peruse your performance in this legal odyssey, kindly heed these directives:

    • Navigate to the official TS LAWCET sanctum: https://lawcet.tsche.ac.in/
    • Evoke the “Result” portal.
    • Input your unique registration credentials alongside the date of your nativity.
    • Engage the “Submit” enigma.
    • Witness the fruition of your endeavor as your result elegantly unfurls before your discerning gaze. Optionally, you may procure a portable document format (PDF) rendition of your achievement for posterity.

Should you encounter any tribulations during this odyssey of result perusal, rest assured, assistance awaits your beck and call at the TS LAWCET helpline, reachable at 040-23306200.

    • The TS LAWCET result manifests itself in two distinct incarnations: PDF and text formats.
    • The PDF variant holds the hallowed status of the official transcript of your accomplishment.

Conversely, the text rendition exists solely for your expediency and ease of reference.

    • Feel unburdened by limitations, for the privilege to procure your result in either guise is boundless; you may summon it forth as many times as you deem fit.
    • It is worth noting that the veracity of your result shall remain unassailable for a span of one year, ensuring its enduring relevance in your legal journey.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility prerequisites for TS LAWCET 2023 are as follows:

 The 3-year LL.B. program:

    • Successful completion of the 12th-grade examination with a minimum aggregate score of 50% is mandatory.
    • Proficiency in English as a mandatory subject during the 12th-grade is imperative.
    • Citizenship status must affirm your Indian identity.

The 5-year Integrated LL.B. program:

    • Attainment of a minimum aggregate score of 45% in the 10+2 examination is a prerequisite.
    • Proficiency in English during the 10+2 examination is an indispensable requirement.
    • You must possess Indian citizenship.

 The 2-year LL.M. program:

    • Successful completion of a 3-year LL.B. course from a recognized university with a minimum aggregate score of 50% is compulsory.
    • Citizenship must be confirmed as Indian.

Details Mentioned On Result

The TS LAWCET result encompasses a comprehensive array of information, including:

    • Your name and roll number.
    • Your designated category.
    • Your unique application number.
    • A visual representation through your photograph.
    • A breakdown of your performance, elucidating scores achieved in each section of the examination.
    • Your cumulative overall score.
    • Your attained rank within the examination cohort.
    • A decisive declaration of your qualifying status, thereby determining whether you have successfully met the examination’s eligibility criteria.

Grading System for TS LAWCET 2023

Below is the grading system for TS LAWCET 2023, presented in tabular form:


It’s noteworthy that the TS LAWCET exam does not employ a negative marking system. Thus, even if you respond to a question inaccurately, there will be no deductions from your total score.

To qualify for the TS LAWCET, candidates must achieve a minimum of 40% for general category candidates and 35% for those falling under the reserved categories.

The grading system serves as the foundation for ranking candidates, with the highest scorers receiving the highest grades, and so forth. The cut-off for admission to law colleges will be determined based on the grade attained in the TS LAWCET examination.

TS LAWCET Revaluation Form 2023

    • The TS LAWCET 2023 revaluation form is presently unavailable but is anticipated to be unveiled subsequent to the announcement of the results. This form will be disseminated by the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE).
    • To access the revaluation form, you can visit the official TSCHE website. Once obtained, meticulous completion is imperative. Additionally, you must append a copy of your hall ticket and the answer sheet to the form.
    • For the revaluation process, a fee is requisite, amounting to Rs. 500 for general category candidates and Rs. 250 for those belonging to reserved categories. The payment can be executed online or in cash at any TS Online / AP Online Centre.
    • A discerning panel of experts will spearhead the revaluation procedure. They will meticulously reassess your answer sheet, culminating in the issuance of a revised marksheet. The revised marksheet shall be dispatched to your designated address via postal services.


In conclusion, the TS LAWCET result for the year 2023 represents not just a culmination of rigorous examination but also a pivotal milestone for aspiring legal scholars. This outcome not only signifies individual achievements but also shapes the future of legal education in Telangana.

The result, available in both PDF and text formats, contains vital information such as names, roll numbers, categories, application numbers, scores in each section, overall scores, ranks, and the crucial qualifying status.

The grading system, devoid of negative marking, uses a well-defined set of grades to rank candidates. It plays a vital role in determining eligibility for law colleges, with minimum qualifying marks established for both general and reserved categories.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

The TS LAWCET 2023 examination took place on May 25, 2023, with two distinct sessions: one from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM and the other from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Notably, the examination was conducted in both the Telugu and English languages, providing candidates with language options for their convenience.

The minimum qualifying marks for TS LAWCET are 40% for general category candidates and 35% for reserved category candidates.

The TS LAWCET 2023 counseling is anticipated to take place in September 2023. The precise dates for the counseling sessions will be disclosed by the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) in the near future.

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