SNAP Exam Pattern : Question Papers, Preparation

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The SNAP exam pattern for 2024 is structured around three main sections: General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Analytical and Logical Reasoning (A-LR). The exam will span a total duration of 120 minutes, with a combined total of 150 questions. Each section will comprise 50 questions, and each question will hold a weightage of one mark.

Snap Exam Pattern

SNAP exam pattern

SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksDuration
General English505040 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes
Analytical and Logical Reasoning (A-LR)505040 minutes
Total150150120 minutes

Preparing for the SNAP Exam 2024 requires a strategic approach.

 Here are some tips to help you excel in your preparation:

  1. Early Start: Initiate your preparation well in advance, allowing ample time to cover the entire syllabus and practice extensively.
  2. Understand Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Thoroughly comprehend the SNAP exam pattern and syllabus. This understanding will guide your preparation, ensuring focus on relevant topics.
  3. Coaching or Online Courses: Consider enrolling in a coaching institute or taking online courses. Structured guidance from experts can enhance your preparation.
  4. Practice Previous Year’s Papers: Solve previous year’s question papers and take mock tests. This practice will familiarize you with the exam format, helping manage time effectively.
  5. Focus on Speed and Accuracy: Given the timed nature of the SNAP exam, work on improving both speed and accuracy. Practice solving questions quickly without compromising on precision.
  6. Stay Motivated: Maintaining motivation is crucial during exam preparation. Stay positive, believe in your capabilities, and remember that consistent effort yields results.

SNAP exam syllabus

  1. General English: This section evaluates your proficiency in the English language. Key topics include:
  • Vocabulary: Identify word meanings and usage in context.
  • Grammar: Identify and correct grammatical errors.
  • Reading Comprehension: Read passages and answer related questions.
  • Verbal Reasoning: Solve problems demonstrating critical thinking and reasoning skills.

2. Quantitative Aptitude: This section assesses your mathematical ability. Topics covered are:

  • Number System: Solve problems involving basic arithmetic operations.
  • Algebra: Solve problems involving equations, inequalities, and functions.
  • Geometry: Solve problems related to shapes, angles, and areas.
  • Data Interpretation: Interpret data presented in tables, graphs, and charts.
  • Data Sufficiency: Determine whether given information is sufficient to answer a question.

3.Analytical and Logical Reasoning: This section gauges your critical thinking and puzzle-solving skills. Topics include:

  • Verbal Reasoning: Solve problems related to word and concept relationships.
  • Critical Reasoning: Evaluate arguments and draw conclusions.
  • Logical Reasoning: Solve problems requiring logical thinking and puzzle-solving.
Section Number of Questions Total Marks
General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, and Verbal Ability 15 15
Analytical & Logical Reasoning 25 25
Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency 20 20
Current Affairs 20 20
Total 80 80

SNAP exam preparation

Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus:

    • Knowing the SNAP exam pattern and syllabus is crucial for effective preparation.
    • The exam consists of three sections: General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Analytical and Logical Reasoning (A-LR).
    • Each section has 50 questions, and there is negative marking for incorrect answers.
    • Understanding these details will help you tailor your preparation strategy accordingly.

Enroll in a Coaching Institute or Take Online Courses:

    • Consider enrolling in a coaching institute or exploring online courses for structured guidance.
    • Research and choose an institute or course that aligns with your learning preferences and requirements.

Solve Previous Year’s Question Papers and Mock Tests:

    • Practice with previous year’s question papers and mock tests to get acquainted with the exam format.
    • This helps you manage time effectively and assesses your readiness for the actual exam.

Work on Your Speed and Accuracy:

    • Since the SNAP exam is time-bound, focus on improving your speed and accuracy.
    • Practice solving questions under timed conditions to enhance your efficiency.
    • Identify weak areas and concentrate on improving them to boost overall performance.

Stay Motivated and Positive:

    • Exam preparation can be stressful, so maintaining motivation and a positive mindset is crucial.
    • Remind yourself of your goals and the reasons for taking the exam.
    • Set realistic goals, celebrate achievements, and keep a positive outlook throughout the preparation journey.

Additional Tips:

  • Create a Study Schedule: Plan a study schedule that covers all sections and topics, and adhere to it consistently.
  • Quiet Study Environment: Choose a quiet study space to minimize distractions.
  • Take Breaks: Breaks every 30-60 minutes prevent burnout and enhance focus.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Ensure adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and manage stress effectively for overall well-being.

SNAP exam question paper

SNAP exam marking scheme

Here is the SNAP exam marking scheme:

Question TypeMark for Correct AnswerMark for Incorrect Answer
General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Analytical and Logical Reasoning (A-LR)+1-0.25

This means that each correct answer will earn you one mark, and each incorrect answer will deduct 0.25 marks from your score. There are no marks for unattempted questions.

The SNAP exam has a negative marking scheme in order to discourage candidates from guessing. If you are not sure of the answer to a question, it is best to leave it blank.

Here is an example of how the SNAP exam marking scheme works:

  • You answer 50 questions correctly.
  • You answer 10 questions incorrectly.
  • You leave 10 questions blank.

Your total score would be:

50 + (10 * -0.25) = 47.5

Therefore, it is important to be accurate when answering SNAP exam questions. Guessing can significantly lower your score.

SNAP Exam Pattern FAQ

A: There are three sections in the SNAP exam: General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Analytical and Logical Reasoning (A-LR).

A: There are 50 questions in each section of the SNAP exam.

A: There are 40 minutes allotted for each section of the SNAP exam.

A: Each correct answer carries one mark, and each incorrect answer deducts 0.25 marks. There are no marks for unattempted questions.

A: The SNAP exam has a negative marking scheme in order to discourage candidates from guessing. If you are not sure of the answer to a question, it is best to leave it blank.

A: No, there is no sectional time limit for the SNAP exam. You can spend as much time as you want on each section.

A: No, you are not allowed to use a calculator for the SNAP exam.

A: The SNAP exam is conducted in English only.

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