JKSSB: Registration, Exam

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The Government of Jammu and Kashmir established the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), a service recruitment board that administers exams for different departmental services or non-gazetted positions in the UT of J&K.

The JKSSB administers a range of tests, including:

  1. Open competitive tests are held to fill positions in the government such junior assistant, clerk, and accountant, among others.
  2. Tests of selection are used to promote individuals in the government.
  3. competitive examinations for positions in autonomous organizations and the public sector


The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is a government agency responsible for conducting recruitment examinations for various posts in the government of Jammu and Kashmir. The board was established in 2010 and is headquartered in Jammu



Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is regulated by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir which conducts examinations to recruit candidates for various departmental services or gazetted and non-gazetted posts in Jammu and Kashmir.

Latest Notification

The publication of the Calendar of Events for 2023–2024 is the most recent announcement from the JKSSB. The calendar lists the dates of several significant occasions, including the distribution of notices, the opening of online applications, and exams.

A few crucial dates from the  Calendar of Events for 2023–2024 are listed below:

Release of notifications: In the months of February, March, April, and May, the JKSSB customarily publishes notices for a variety of tests.
Online applications: Within a few weeks of the notification’s distribution, the online application period for JKSSB tests normally opens.
Exams are normally administered by the JKSSB in the months of May, June, July, and August.


Candidates must go to the JKSSB’s official website and register before they may take the test. Candidates can log in and complete the online application form after creating an account. Candidates must fill out the following information on the application form:

Personal information (name, birth date, gender, address, phone number, etc.)
Academic information (skills, grades, etc.)
selection of posts
the application fee being paid

Here are some tips for registering for JKSSB exams:

  • Create an account on the JKSSB website well in advance of the release of the notification for the exam.
  • Keep all your documents ready before you start filling out the online application form.
  • Pay the application fee carefully and keep the transaction details safe for future reference.
  • Proofread the application form carefully before submitting it.
  • Keep a copy of the submitted application form for your records.

Eligibility Criteria

Depending on the position and applicant category, different candidates may not meet all of the JKSSB exam requirements. For all JKSSB tests, there are certain common qualifying requirements, nevertheless.

The following general qualifying requirements apply to JKSSB exams:

The candidates must be Indian nationals.
Age: Typically, candidates must be at least 18 years old to sit for JKSSB examinations. The maximum age varies according on the position and candidate type.
Education: Depending on the position, different educational backgrounds are necessary for JKSSB tests. However, to be eligible for most JKSSB tests, applicants must have completed Class 12.

Application Fee

Category Application Fee (INR)
General 600
OBC 450
SC/ST 300
PwD 300

Exam Pattern

Exam Type Duration Number of Questions Marks
JKSSB Junior Assistant Objective-type (MCQs) 2 hours 100 100
JKSSB Clerk Objective-type (MCQs) 2 hours 100 100
JKSSB Accountant Objective-type (MCQs) 2 hours 100 100
JKSSB Draftsman Objective-type (MCQs) 2 hours 100 100


Subject Syllabus
General Intelligence and Reasoning Analogy, Series, Coding-Decoding, Similarities and Differences, Logical Reasoning, Number Series, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, etc.
General Knowledge Current Affairs, History of India, Geography of India, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, etc.
Numerical Ability Number System, Fractions, Decimals, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Time and Work, Distance and Speed, etc.
English Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills, etc.
Computer Knowledge Basic Computer Concepts, Computer Hardware and Software, Operating Systems, Internet, etc.


The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is a government agency responsible for conducting recruitment examinations for various posts in the government of Jammu and Kashmir. The board was established in 2010 and is headquartered in Jammu.

  • Junior Assistant: This exam is for the post of Junior Assistant in various departments of the government of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Clerk: This exam is for the post of Clerk in various departments of the government of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Accountant: This exam is for the post of Accountant in various departments of the government of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Draftsman: This exam is for the post of Draftsman in various departments of the government of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Other: The JKSSB also conducts exams for other posts, such as Police Constable, Forest Guard, and Teacher
  • Nationality: Candidates must be Indian citizens.
  • Age: The minimum age to appear for JKSSB exams is typically 18 years. The upper age limit varies depending on the post and category of the candidate.
  • Educational Qualification: The educational qualification required for JKSSB exams varies depending on the post. However, most JKSSB exams require candidates to have at least a Class 12 pass.
  • Junior Assistant: Objective-type (MCQs) | 2 hours | 100 questions | 100 marks
  • Clerk: Objective-type (MCQs) | 2 hours | 100 questions | 100 marks
  • Accountant: Objective-type (MCQs) | 2 hours | 100 questions | 100 marks
  • Draftsman: Objective-type (MCQs) | 2 hours | 100 questions | 100 marks
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