CRPF HCM Syllabus

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CRPF HCM Syllabus: The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Head Constable Ministerial (HCM) examination is conducted for the recruitment of Head Constables in the Ministerial cadre. This is a highly competitive examination, and candidates need to be well-prepared to excel in it. In this article, we will discuss the CRPF HCM syllabus in detail, covering all the important topics and subjects that candidates should focus on during their preparation.

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CRPF HCM Syllabus

The CRPF HCM examination consists of two phases: Written Examination and Skill Test/Typing Test. Let’s delve into the details of each phase, including the syllabus for both.

Written Examination

The written examination is the first phase of the CRPF HCM recruitment process. It consists of various subjects, and candidates need to prepare thoroughly to qualify for the next round. The subjects included in the written examination are as follows:

a. Part I – Hindi/English Language:

  1. Hindi/English Grammar: This section may include questions related to sentence structure, tenses, articles, conjunctions, prepositions, subject-verb agreement, and other grammatical concepts.

  2. Vocabulary: Questions related to synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitutions, idioms, and phrases.

  3. Comprehension: Reading comprehension passages followed by questions to test the candidate’s understanding of the passage.

General Intelligence

Analogies: Questions to test the candidate’s ability to recognize similarities between objects or concepts.

Spatial Visualization: Questions related to the ability to visualize spatial patterns and mentally manipulate them.

Coding-Decoding: Questions to assess the candidate’s ability to decipher codes or patterns.

Classification: Questions involving the categorization of objects or concepts based on specific criteria.

Number Series: Questions that require finding the missing number in a given series.

Logical Reasoning: Questions to assess logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

c. Part III – Numerical Aptitude:

Number System: Topics related to integers, fractions, decimals, and basic arithmetic operations.

Percentages: Questions involving calculations related to percentages.

Ratio and Proportion: Problems related to the ratio and proportion of quantities.

Average: Questions on calculating the average of a set of numbers.

Interest: Questions related to simple interest and compound interest.

Profit and Loss: Problems involving calculations of profit and loss.

Time and Work: Questions related to time and work problems.

Mensuration: Questions on the calculation of areas and volumes of geometric shapes.

Clerical Aptitude

  1. Basic Computer Knowledge: Questions related to computer fundamentals, such as hardware, software, and basic operations.

  2. Office Management and Procedures: Questions related to office management, handling documents, filing, and administrative procedures.

  3. Administrative and Accounting Rules: Knowledge of government rules and accounting procedures.

  4. Communication Skills: Questions on effective communication and interpersonal skills.

English Typing Test

Here are some tips for preparing for the CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus English Typing Test:

  • Practice typing regularly. The more you practice, the faster and more accurate your typing will become. There are many free and paid typing tutorials and games available online.
  • Get familiar with the computer keyboard. Make sure that you know where all of the keys are located and that you can type them without looking at the keyboard.
  • Practice typing different types of passages. The CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus English Typing Test may include passages from a variety of sources, such as news articles, government documents, and business letters. It is important to practice typing different types of passages so that you are prepared for anything on the test day.
  • Take mock typing tests. There are many mock typing tests available online that can help you to practice for the real test. Taking mock tests will help you to get used to the format of the test and to identify any areas where you need to improve.

On the day of the test, be sure to arrive early and to bring your own computer keyboard and mouse. You will also need to bring a valid photo ID.

Once you are seated at the computer, you will be given a few minutes to practice typing before the test begins. The test will then start automatically.

During the test, be sure to focus on both speed and accuracy. If you make a mistake, try to correct it as quickly as possible and then move on. Do not get bogged down on any one mistake.

At the end of the test, your typing speed and accuracy will be calculated. If you have met the minimum requirements, you will pass the test. Otherwise, you will fail the test.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Skill Test/Typing Test

The candidates who qualify for the written examination are called for the Skill Test/Typing Test. In this test, candidates are evaluated on their typing speed and accuracy. The key details of the Skill Test/Typing Test are as follows:

Important Points to Consider

  • The written examination consists of objective-type questions, and candidates should practice solving previous years’ question papers and mock tests to get a feel for the exam pattern and improve their time management skills.

  • The skill test/typing test is qualifying in nature, and candidates need to meet the minimum typing speed requirements in both English and Hindi to move on to the next stages of the selection process.

  • It’s essential to focus on improving typing speed and accuracy while preparing for the typing test. Regular practice is key to achieving the required typing speed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A: The CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus covers the following subjects:

  • Hindi or English (100 marks)
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning (100 marks)
  • General Awareness (100 marks)
  • Numerical Aptitude (100 marks)

A: The difficulty level of the CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus is moderate to difficult. The questions are designed to test candidates’ knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the subjects covered in the syllabus, as well as their ability to apply those concepts to solve problems.

A: The passing marks for the CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus is 40% in each subject. Candidates who do not score at least 40% in any subject will be disqualified from the exam.

A: The best way to prepare for the CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus is to study the syllabus carefully and make sure that you understand all of the concepts. You should also solve as many practice problems as possible. There are many practice problems and mock tests available online and in books.

A: Here are some tips for taking the CRPF HCM Exam Syllabus:

  • Arrive early and relax before the exam.
  • Read the instructions carefully before you start the exam.
  • Budget your time wisely.
  • Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If you don’t know the answer to a question, mark it for review and come back to it later.
  • Check your work carefully before you submit the exam.
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