SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi : Details

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The Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level (SSC CHSL) examination is a crucial stepping stone for aspirants seeking entry into various government positions such as clerks, data entry operators, and postal/sorting assistants. The SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi is meticulously designed to assess candidates‘ proficiency in key subjects essential for these roles.

Navigating the SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi: A Vital Introduction

Understanding the Examination Framework: 

The SSC CHSL (Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level) examination stands as a gateway to numerous coveted government positions. It assesses candidates’ proficiency in various subjects essential for clerical, data entry, and postal/sorting assistant roles. The syllabus serves as a roadmap, delineating the topics and concepts that candidates must master to excel in the examination.

Comprehensive Coverage of Key Subjects: 

The SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi spans across diverse subjects, including General Awareness, General Science, Mathematics, English Language, and Hindi Language. Each subject is meticulously crafted to evaluate candidates’ knowledge, reasoning skills, and language proficiency. Understanding the depth and breadth of these subjects is crucial for candidates aiming to secure success in the examination.

Empowering Candidates for Success: 

By comprehensively understanding the SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi, candidates can strategically plan their preparation and allocate time and resources effectively. This introduction serves as a beacon, illuminating the significance and scope of the syllabus, thereby empowering candidates to embark on their exam preparation journey with confidence and clarity.

SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi

Overview of SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi

Overview of the SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi:

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam tests candidates for various positions in different government departments. The syllabus covers various subjects assessed through three tiers:

Tier 1 (Computer Based Test):

  • General Intelligence & Reasoning: Tests analytical and logical thinking abilities through questions on analogies, series completion, syllogisms, etc. (50 marks)
  • Quantitative Aptitude: Tests basic mathematical skills through questions on number systems, arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, etc. (50 marks)
  • General Awareness: Tests knowledge of current affairs, history, geography, science, polity, etc. (50 marks)
  • English Language: Tests comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills through questions on reading comprehension, cloze test, error identification, etc. (50 marks)

Tier 2 (Descriptive Test):

  • Essay Writing: Tests the ability to express oneself clearly and coherently on a given topic. (100 marks)
  • Letter Writing: Tests the ability to write different types of letters like official letters, applications, complaints, etc. (60 marks)

Tier 3 (Skill Test):

  • Typing Skill Test: Mandatory for Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerk posts, this tests typing speed and accuracy. (Qualifying nature)
  • Shorthand Skill Test: Mandatory for Stenographer posts, this tests the ability to take dictation in shorthand and transcribe it accurately. (Qualifying nature)

SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi

एसएससी सीएचएसएल परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम (हिंदी में)

एसएससी सीएचएसएल परीक्षा विभिन्न सरकारी विभागों में विभिन्न पदों के लिए उम्मीदवारों की परीक्षा लेती है। इसका पाठ्यक्रम तीन चरणों में मूल्यांकन किए जाने वाले विभिन्न विषयों को शामिल करता है:

टियर 1 (कम्प्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा):

सामान्य बुद्धि और तर्कतार्किक क्षमता का परीक्षण करता है। (समानता, श्रृंखला पूर्णता, तर्कशास्त्र आदि)50
मात्रात्मक योग्यतामूल गणितीय कौशल का परीक्षण करता है। (संख्या प्रणाली, अंकगणितीय संक्रियाएं, बीजगणित, ज्यामिति आदि)50
सामान्य जागरूकतावर्तमान मामलों, इतिहास, भूगोल, विज्ञान, राजनीति आदि के ज्ञान का परीक्षण करता है।50
अंग्रेजी भाषापठन समझ, क्लोज टेस्ट, त्रुटि पहचान आदि के माध्यम से समझ, शब्दावली, व्याकरण और लेखन कौशल का परीक्षण करता है।50

टियर 2 (वर्णनात्मक परीक्षा):

निबंध लेखनकिसी दिए गए विषय पर स्पष्ट और सुसंगत रूप से व्यक्त करने की क्षमता का परीक्षण करता है।100
पत्र लेखनविभिन्न प्रकार के पत्र लिखने की क्षमता का परीक्षण करता है जैसे आधिकारिक पत्र, आवेदन पत्र, शिकायत पत्र आदि।60

टियर 3 (कौशल परीक्षा):

टाइपिंग कौशल परीक्षाडाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर और लोअर डिवीजन क्लर्क पदों के लिए अनिवार्य, यह टाइपिंग गति और सटीकता का परीक्षण करता है।
शॉर्टहैंड कौशल परीक्षास्टेनोग्राफर पदों के लिए अनिवार्य, यह शॉर्टहैंड में डिक्टेशन लेने और इसे सटीक रूप से ट्रांसक्राइब करने की क्षमता का परीक्षण करता है।

SSC CHSL Syllabus Exam Pattern

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam selects candidates for various positions in different government departments. It has three tiers:

Tier 1 (Computer Based Test):

This online test assesses general knowledge and skills crucial for administrative work. It consists of four sections:

General Intelligence & ReasoningTests analytical and logical thinking abilities (analogies, series completion, syllogisms).50
Quantitative AptitudeTests basic mathematical skills (number systems, arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry).50
General AwarenessTests knowledge of current affairs, history, geography, science, polity, etc.50
English LanguageTests comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills (reading comprehension, cloze test, error identification).50

Tier 2 (Descriptive Test): 

This pen-and-paper test assesses writing skills and expression. It has two sections:

Essay WritingTests the ability to write a well-structured essay on a given topic.100
Letter WritingTests the ability to write different types of letters (official, application, complaint).60

Tier 3 (Skill Test): 

This is a qualifying test specific to certain posts:

  • Typing Skill Test: Mandatory for Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerk posts, it tests typing speed and accuracy.
  • Shorthand Skill Test: Mandatory for Stenographer posts, it tests the ability to take dictation in shorthand and transcribe it accurately.

Important Dates for SSC CHSL Exam

Important Dates for SSC CHSL Exam

Notification Release Date: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) typically releases the official notification for the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) examination several months before the exam date. Aspirants should keep a close eye on the official SSC website for the announcement of the notification.

Application Period: Following the release of the notification, SSC opens the application window for candidates to register for the CHSL exam. The application period usually spans several weeks, during which candidates must complete the online application process, including fee payment and document submission.

Admit Card Availability: SSC issues admit cards to registered candidates for appearing in the CHSL examination. Admit cards are usually released a few weeks before the exam date. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official SSC website using their registration credentials.

Examination Dates: The SSC CHSL examination is conducted in multiple stages, including Tier-I (Computer Based Examination), Tier-II (Descriptive Paper), and Tier-III (Skill Test/Typing Test). The exam dates for each tier are announced by SSC in the official notification. Typically, Tier-I exams are conducted over a period of several days in various shifts.

Result Declaration: SSC declares the results of each tier of the CHSL examination separately. The result dates are not fixed and may vary depending on factors such as the number of candidates, exam complexity, and evaluation process. Candidates can check their results on the official SSC website.

Counselling/Document Verification: After the declaration of Tier-I and Tier-II results, qualified candidates are called for document verification and counselling rounds. The dates for these stages are communicated to candidates through official notifications and updates on the SSC website.

Who can apply for the SSC CHSL Exam?

Eligibility Criteria for SSC CHSL Exam

To apply for the Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level (SSC CHSL) exam, candidates must fulfill certain eligibility criteria:

  1. Educational Qualification:
    • Candidates must have passed 10+2 (12th standard) or its equivalent examination from a recognized board or university.
  2. Age Limit:
    • The minimum age to apply for the SSC CHSL exam is 18 years, and the maximum age limit is usually 27 years. However, age relaxations are applicable for candidates belonging to reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC) and other specified categories as per government norms.
  3. Nationality:
    • Candidates must be citizens of India, or subjects of Nepal, Bhutan, or Tibetan refugees who migrated to India before January 1, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India. Candidates of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India are also eligible to apply.
  4. Other Requirements:
    • Candidates must fulfill certain physical and medical standards as specified by the Staff Selection Commission. They should also possess the required proficiency in typing or data entry operations, as applicable for certain posts.

SSC CHSL Website Link

Here’s how to access the SSC website:

  1. Open a web browser and visit
  2. Navigate to the “Apply” section on the homepage.
  3. Look for the link related to the “Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Examination“.
  4. Clicking this link will take you to a dedicated page with all the information you need about the SSC CHSL exam.


Conclusion: Navigating the SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi

Comprehensive Framework for Success: The SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi stands as a comprehensive framework designed to evaluate candidates’ proficiency in various subjects essential for clerical, data entry, and postal/sorting assistant roles. Its meticulous structure encompasses topics ranging from General Awareness and Mathematics to English and Hindi Language, ensuring a holistic assessment of candidates’ knowledge and skills.

Strategic Preparation for Success: Understanding the depth and breadth of the SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi is paramount for aspirants aiming to excel in the examination. By strategically planning their preparation and allocating time and resources effectively, candidates can navigate through the syllabus with confidence and clarity. This approach empowers them to tackle each subject systematically, maximizing their chances of success.

Empowering Candidates for the Journey Ahead: Aspirants embarking on their SSC CHSL Syllabus In Hindi exam preparation journey must recognize the significance and scope of the syllabus. It serves as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path towards success and empowering candidates to navigate through the challenges ahead with determination and perseverance. By embracing the syllabus as a roadmap for their academic journey, candidates can embark on their quest for excellence with confidence and conviction.


The SSC CHSL syllabus comprises subjects such as General Awareness, General Science, Mathematics, English Language, and Hindi Language.

The SSC CHSL syllabus is available on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Additionally, various educational portals and coaching institutes may also provide access to the syllabus.

While the core subjects remain consistent, minor changes or updates may occur in the SSC CHSL syllabus from year to year. It is essential for candidates to refer to the latest syllabus provided by SSC for accurate preparation.

Several books and study materials are available in the market that cater to SSC CHSL exam preparation. Candidates can refer to standard textbooks, previous years’ question papers, and online resources for effective preparation.

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