Executive Search Poland – The Best Executive Recruitment

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Anyone looking for high-class specialists knows perfectly well how difficult it is to find them. Recruiting top-quality candidates is a big challenge. After all, mostly we care about time. Each day of loss can mean considerable financial consequences for the company. It is therefore worth entrusting the task of finding the best candidates to independent headhunters from Sowelo. Thanks to cooperation with this recruitment agency, we have the opportunity to achieve success and have advantage over the competition.

Executive Search Poland The Best Executive Recruitment

The Executive Search Poland service offered by Sowelo is a comprehensive search for the best talent for a given position. Experienced specialists are engaged in a thorough search of the market, and then expertly evaluate candidates in terms of their competence, experience and motivation. They have up-to-date knowledge of the latest recruitment trends. They act quickly and efficiently, always based on ongoing cooperation with the client. Sowelo has a track record of many cooperation projects in the field of Executive Search, these are projects carried out both in Poland and abroad, concerning the recruitment of single employees as well as dozens of employees at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that Executive Search is just one of the services that the Sowelo recruitment agency has in its offer. It also includes services such as IT Contracting, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Employer Branding, Recruitment Process Assessment or Talent Market Mapping. If you want to find our more, check at https://sowelo.eu/services/executive-search-direct-search/

Executive Search Poland - why use Sowelo's services?

Recruitment processes offered by Sowelo recruitment agency from Poland are services for both domestic and foreign clients. They stand out in the market for such services. Numerous positive reviews as well as the desire to cooperate again seem to be the best proof for that.
One of the top five reasons why clients choose to work with Sowelo is the use of science in the recruitment process. Specialized psychometric tools such as McQuaig’s advanced behavioral assessment tests are used. They provide important support for recruitment campaigns and are suitable for recruiters of senior positions, too. Further reasons include eliminating the stress and effort of recruitment campaigns while reducing hiring costs. Partnering with Sowelo for Executive Search means gaining access to an online platform that makes the recruitment process more efficient and simpler for clients. Finally, by using Sowelo’s services, the client has the opportunity to achieve an impressive 96% employee retention rate, virtually unheard of in the recruitment world.

What's in Sowelo's specialized offering?

Executive Search Poland

Sowelo recruitment agency has been operating in the market for 16 years. Its main task is to find and hire suitably qualified candidates in accordance with the client’s personal requirements. A rich database of contacts and referrals from the market make it possible to achieve success in finding the best candidates in a given industry. Sowelo’s experienced team perfectly matches the client’s organizational culture.

Sowelo headhunters have many successful projects to their credit. While working on them, they have demonstrated unparalleled competence and deep knowledge in many fields. The agency specializes in specific areas of recruitment in IT, telecommunications or finance. It also offers consulting on recruitment strategies, tools and methods. What’s more, when it comes to the IT industry, where high-level professionals are so in demand today, Sowelo provides Executive Search Poland in the fields of robotics, process automation, software, internet, storage, infrastructure or security.

Speaking of the experience of Sowelo recruiters, examples of successful recruitment processes can be listed for a long time. The list of specialists acquired by Sowelo includes, for example, Network Engineer, Branch Director, Management Consultant, Accounting Manager, Sales Executive or Team Supervisor.

The agency focuses on a high standard of services and building long-term cooperation with clients. The cooperation is based on trust and loyalty. Accordingly, Sowelo provides clients with a 3-6 month guarantee for each candidate recommended to the client under the current contract.

By cooperating with Sowelo, clients can reduce recruitment costs by an average of 30%. Cost efficiency is extremely important for clients who use the services of this agency. Project costs vary depending on the requirements listed in the potential candidate’s profile, the position’s place in the organizational hierarchy and the characteristics of the market in which the candidate is sought. Using Sowelo’s services, clients no longer have to develop recruitment ads, review resumes and attend recruitment meetings with unsuitable candidates. They save not only money, but also valuable time!

Executive Search by Sowelo - no more failed recruitments

Bad hires or failed recruitments are a huge cost for companies. Hiring the wrong employees happens in all industries. In addition to costing a fortune, it also negatively affects a company’s operations and can ultimately lead to its failure in the market and bankruptcy.
It is therefore necessary to do everything possible to prevent unsuccessful recruitment. The Sowelo Consulting agency offers its clients services thanks to which you can get the best candidates and thus avoid the consequences of bad hires.

It is worth using Executive Search Poland and other services offered by Sowelo. In this way you can avoid failure in recruitment, and thus avoid unnecessary expenses. The advice of experienced headhunters is a huge benefit for any company. By entrusting recruitment matters to them, you can focus on your work and the success of your company yourself.

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