9 job profile for law students

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People generally think that with a degree in law one has to pursue the job of courtroom only where people fight and arguments take place.  But having a degree in law you can pursue various types of careers, not just a job of the black coat. Here is an article on 9 Job Profile For Law Students .

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Law students have a variety of job profiles to choose from, including lawyer, legal consultant, corporate lawyer, government lawyer, legal aid lawyer, and law professor. As a lawyer, you would be responsible for providing legal advice to clients, drafting legal documents, negotiating settlements, and representing clients in court proceedings. Know More Details on Services For Working Professionals.

Professional Counseling

A person with a degree in law and in counseling can go to various types of counseling professions, as they have varied types of knowledge and can counsel different categories of people. They can also join as a counselor in law colleges as they understand the pressure students have during the course. They can also get a job profile for law into the court as a counselor as they have sufficient knowledge to understand the court. know more about our services for masterclass for working professionals.

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Government And Politics

Government and law go hand in hand as work of any politician or a post holder in parliament have to create new laws and make people obey the old ones, they many times reform thee present laws for the betterment of the country. Knowledge of various sections and articles is also required to run a country properly. Taking under observation the latest example of article 377 which inspired many young minds.


To become an entrepreneur you don’t need a degree but it is always helpful to have some knowledge of the laws and system to work efficiently. Many times one has to fight to the board to get a bill passed or for permissions. When one has the knowledge of law no one can trick or fool them by rejecting it with the help of any law and order. Many successful entrepreneurs give credit to their extra knowledge for their success. 

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Journalism Or Writing

Journalism may not be the best alternative but with the knowledge of the law, they can be helpful in various cases where law and order are included. Lawyers can also take a job profile of legal analysts as their skills for analysis are groomed with their degree studies.

One can make a career in writing after completion of their law degree. Lawyers due to different ways of thinking and different thought process can give readers something different to read. We can take the example of a very successful Lawyer author John Grishma who started his career in writing after completing his law degree. He is an author known worldwide and has written 30+ books until now. Know more about career and job switch guidance.

Public Interest Advocacy

When one wants to change the system can want to do something to benefit society, they can go for public interest advocacy. This field requires knowledge of a lawyer to a great extent. Social issues are solved and understood by discussions and debates where well-knowledged personalities meet and discuss the issue, lawyers can be a part of this as they have knowledge of law and order and can guide everyone well, keeping laws under care.


It is not necessary that as a lawyer you only fight cases in the court, you can opt to teach the students in universities and can opt for research in various topics of interest. Faculties need knowledge of the law and who would be better than the learned lawyers themselves. An additional degree in teaching is also required in some universities as teachers should be well qualified as the reputation of the institution is at stake. Know more about higher education guidance abroad.

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Banking And Finance

Lawyers can participate in estates, tax, and small business related works. A lawyer can learn the work of a bank without much of a burden. But banking is not highly recommended for lawyers. Lawyers can also see to taxes of small businesses around and can apply their knowledge to gain profit and return. Finance many times require legal knowledge too and lawyers prove useful in such situations.

Development Agencies

Lawyers can participate in various development agencies, non-governmental organizations as their knowledge of the law can be used in situations of conflict. Knowledge of law can also be used for funding in various institutions and knowledge of the law that is crucial to their mandate. Lawyers are aware of the latest news and updates which can help the development agencies work better. Know more more about HIGHER/EXECUTIVE EDUCATION GUIDANCE.

Negotiation And Conflict Resolution

While one doesn’t need knowledge of the law to resolve the conflicts but many times it helps when the matter is related to law and it is generally seen that negotiating powers of lawyers is good. People have more tendency to listen to the lawyer and to trust them than the general public.

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These are some of the job profile for a lawyer can take with a degree in law, a degree of law is very general and can be used in many fields. Many people go for a second degree and choose different fields and use knowledge of the law to develop it.


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