Apsc Prelims Question Paper 2023: PDF Download

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The APSC (Assam Public Service Commission) Prelims 2023 is a crucial step for candidates aspiring to serve in Assam’s administrative services. As one of the most competitive exams, understanding the pattern and content of the question paper is essential for effective preparation. This blog post delves into the APSC Prelims 2023 question paper, offering a comprehensive analysis of its structure, key topics, and question patterns. By examining the paper’s format and trends, we aim to provide valuable insights and strategies to help future aspirants navigate their preparation journey. Whether you’re a first-time candidate or looking to refine your study plan, this analysis will equip you with the knowledge to tackle the exam with confidence.

Structure of the APSC Prelims 2023 Question Paper

The APSC Prelims 2023 question paper was meticulously designed to assess candidates’ general knowledge and aptitude. Here’s a detailed look at its structure:

Question Paper Format

    • Number of Papers: The Prelims exam consisted of two papers.
    • Type of Questions: Both papers included Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
    • Duration: Each paper was allotted 2 hours.

Paper 1: General Studies (GS)

    • Total Questions: 100 questions.
    • Marks: Each question carried 2 marks.
    • Subjects Covered: Indian History, Geography, Polity, Economy, General Science, and Environment.
    • Negative Marking: 0.5 marks were deducted for each incorrect answer.

Paper 2: General Studies (GS)

    • Total Questions: 100 questions.
    • Marks: Each question carried 2 marks.
    • Subjects Covered: Current Affairs, Assam-specific issues, and general awareness.
    • Negative Marking: 0.5 marks were deducted for each incorrect answer.

General Guidelines

    • Language: The paper was available in both English and Assamese.
    • Instructions: Clear instructions were provided at the beginning of each paper, including marking schemes and guidelines for answering.

Notable Changes and Trends

    • Increased Focus on Current Affairs: There was a noticeable emphasis on recent events and current affairs in Paper 2.
    • Assam-Specific Questions: Paper 2 featured more questions related to Assam’s geography, culture, and history.

Key Topics Covered in 2023

  • Indian History
    • Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History.
    • Important events, personalities, and movements.
  • Geography
    • Physical and Political Geography of India and the World.
    • Climate, resources, and environmental issues.
  • Polity and Governance
    • Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights, and Duties.
    • Governance structures and administrative functions.
  • Economy
    • Economic Development, Planning, and Reforms.
    • Current economic issues and statistics.
  • General Science
    • Basic concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
    • Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Current Affairs
    • National and International news.
    • Recent developments in politics, sports, and science.
  • Assam-Specific Topics
    • Geography, history, and culture of Assam.
    • Current issues and developments in Assam.
  • Environment and Ecology
    • Biodiversity, conservation, and ecological challenges.
    • Environmental policies and initiatives.

Analysis of Question Patterns

Question Types

    • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): Predominantly used across both papers, focusing on factual knowledge and application of concepts.
    • Direct and Indirect Questions: A mix of straightforward factual questions and those requiring interpretation or application of knowledge.

Difficulty Level

    • Moderate to Challenging: Questions ranged from straightforward factual recall to those requiring deeper understanding and analysis.
    • Trend: Increased emphasis on critical thinking and the application of knowledge rather than rote memorization.

Distribution of Topics

    • Balanced Coverage: Both papers covered a broad range of subjects, with a balanced distribution across History, Geography, Polity, and Current Affairs.
    • Current Affairs Focus: Paper 2 showed a heavier emphasis on recent events and contemporary issues compared to previous years.

Question Patterns

    • Thematic Clusters: Some questions were grouped around specific themes or recent events, reflecting a trend towards testing knowledge in context.
    • Assam-Specific Focus: Paper 2 included a higher proportion of questions related to Assam’s geography, culture, and recent developments.

Comparison with Previous Years

    • Increased Complexity: Compared to previous years, there was a noticeable increase in the complexity of questions, particularly in Paper 2.
    • Greater Emphasis on Current Affairs: A shift towards more current and dynamic content, aligning with contemporary issues and developments.


    • Preparation Strategy: Candidates should focus on current affairs and recent developments, in addition to traditional subjects.
    • Mock Tests: Practicing with mock tests that reflect the new patterns and complexity levels is essential for effective preparation.

Tips for Preparation Based on the 2023 Paper

Topic Tips for Preparation
General Studies (GS) Review Previous Papers: Analyze past question papers to identify frequently covered topics and question patterns.
Comprehensive Study Material: Use reliable textbooks and reference materials to cover Indian History, Geography, Polity, and Economy in-depth.
Focus on Current Affairs: Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and online news sources to stay updated on national and international events.
Current Affairs Daily Updates: Follow a daily current affairs digest or app to ensure you’re updated on recent events.
Practice Questions: Solve practice questions and quizzes related to current affairs to test your knowledge and retention.
Assam-Specific Topics Local Resources: Use resources focused on Assam’s geography, history, and culture.
Current Issues: Stay informed about recent developments and issues specific to Assam by reading local news and reports.
Geography Map Practice: Regularly practice reading and interpreting maps, focusing on Indian and global geography.
Environmental Issues: Study key environmental and ecological issues, including conservation efforts and climate change impacts.
Polity and Governance Constitutional Knowledge: Deepen your understanding of the Indian Constitution, its articles, and amendments.
Administrative Functions: Familiarize yourself with the structure and functioning of Indian administrative systems.
Economy Economic Concepts: Revise key economic concepts, policies, and current economic issues.
Statistics Review: Study recent economic statistics and data to understand current economic trends and issues.
General Science Conceptual Clarity: Focus on basic concepts in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Environmental Science: Understand environmental science concepts, including ecosystems and biodiversity.
Time Management Mock Tests: Take regular timed mock tests to improve speed and accuracy.
Study Schedule: Create a structured study plan that allocates time for all subjects and topics, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Additional Resources


    • Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
    • Geography of India by Majid Husain
    • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

Online Platforms:

    • Daily current affairs updates from websites like The Hindu, India Today, and PIB.
    • Mock tests and practice papers on platforms like InsightsIAS and Testbook.

Local Resources:

    • Regional publications and news sources for Assam-specific topics.
    • Study materials from local coaching centers.


In conclusion, analyzing the APSC Prelims 2023 question paper provides valuable insights into the exam’s evolving nature. By understanding the structure, key topics, and question patterns, candidates can tailor their preparation strategies effectively. Emphasizing current affairs, regional knowledge, and thorough subject coverage will enhance your chances of success. Regular practice with mock tests and staying updated with recent developments are crucial. Remember, a well-rounded preparation approach will not only boost your confidence but also improve your performance. Best of luck to all future APSC candidates as you embark on your journey to join Assam’s esteemed administrative services.


The APSC Prelims 2023 consisted of two papers, each with 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Each paper was allotted 2 hours, and questions covered General Studies, Current Affairs, and Assam-specific topics. There was negative marking of 0.5 marks for each incorrect answer.

The exam covered a broad range of subjects, including Indian History, Geography, Polity, Economy, General Science, Current Affairs, and Assam-specific issues. Understanding these topics thoroughly is crucial for effective preparation.

Stay updated with daily news from reputable sources like The Hindu and India Today. Utilize current affairs magazines and online platforms for practice questions and summaries. Regularly reviewing recent events and trends will help you perform well in this section.

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