Why working professionals also need a career counsellor?

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Whatever age you fall into, whether it is 15, or 60, taking important decisions in a career in necessary. For a candidate of 15 years, the important decision might be choosing a correct course or stream for oneself. For a candidate of 18 years, the decision might revolve around the fact that he/she needs to choose the best college. A candidate of 20 years of age might decide as in which job choose and for a 40-year-old, career-changing might be an important decision to take. Whatever decisions we take, it will surely affect the present day and future decisions as well. That is why it is necessary to take career counselling for working professionals that will lead to a good future. You will read about “Why working professionals also  need a career counselling” in this blog.

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What Is Career Counselling?

Career counselling is done in most places these days. Be it in schools or in the work front, career counselling has been made one of the most important procedures that help a candidate to make a proper choice of career for oneself. Since a step today will lead to decisions for tomorrow, one needs to have a good and experienced career counsellor who will be able to guide properly. Here are some important points to note while career counselling is done to working professionals.

Why Is Career Counselling Necessary For Working Professionals?

Believing In Who We Are Actually

Being human beings, we have varieties of interests and values that we carry along with us. We have our own set of strength and weaknesses too which sometimes, we are unaware of. Working towards the betterment of these qualities will always gain us in the way that we will be able to believe in ourselves. A career counsellor asks a working professional to choose a career option that is based on the skills, on strengths and interests that he/she carries. The quicker he/she chooses, the better he/she knows own-self.

Exploring Career Opportunities

career counselling to working professionals is necessary because professionals get confused as in which option to choose from amongst a wide range of opportunities given on the internet! A career counsellor offers a set of skills that helps these working professionals to choose as in whether he/she actually wants to change the career or not.

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Following The Correct Educational Path

A science student suddenly choosing a normal government job might lead to exploiting of his/her skillset that he/she has earned being a student of that stream. It is thus necessary for a counsellor to guide this professional which path or career to choose and that which is connected to the educational path that he/she has followed all these years.

Working professionals often face this peculiar questions as in “Which job should I choose?” or “I am not happy with my job”. These questions focus on the fact that improper guidance in career can encourage or even discourage to take up a job option and often lead to good or bad results. A certain cost is involved in making a proper career choice and all of these are long term effects. Through proper career counselling, all these questions can be addressed to earlier and the working professional will actually be a happy man/woman at the end of the month. A good career counselling opens avenues which the candidate has to walk through and face all the challenges in smiling face and come as a best person out of it.

It Is Important To Be Happy With Your Work!

Yes! These days, there are a lot of trouble and stress that all of us face in the work front. You will be truly being a successful and a happy person when the work that you have chosen will not only give you monetary benefit but add on to your strengths and passions. Many masterclass working professionals choose a career for the sake of doing a job and later end up doing loads of experiments. The whole procedure of changing jobs and entering into a new environment is a difficult task and often leads to stagnation of the person. To avoid being so sad and unhappy in the work front, it is necessary to get proper guidance from an experienced career counsellor. Those people who choose a career under peer pressure, competitions and societal pressure, later end up regretting their options. This leads to an unsuccessful life. This should not happen. A career counsellor-

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  • Understands that each of the individual’s situations is different and should be attendee differently.
  • A number of reasons determine candidates’ success and happiness in the work front. They are colleagues, job role, interests and promotions.
  • A career counsellor understands and listens to the situation you are into and guides you accordingly.
  • Decisions whether to change a job or not or what to be done when you are suddenly fired is all guided by a counsellor.
  • A career counsellor examines the strengths, weaknesses, personalities and situations and then takes a decision.
  • A working professional is made to do a lot of activities through which he/she understands the own self and thus takes decisions too.
  • What to be done when you are under office politics, when you do not get promotions or you want to pursue a certificates course and come back strong and smart, all are guided by the career counsellor.

Dealing With Career Stagnation

A working professional undergoes lots of career setbacks which include accidental cases, maternity leaves or career stagnations. In these cases, the working professional has to start from fresh again which is a big challenge for most! After such stagnation, the working professional has to choose a lot of situations whether he/she wants to stay in same work culture, the same genre or wants to join a workplace that will not judge the person in any way. All these decisions are not at all difficult if you have the guidance of the proper career counsellor. He/she will actually say that you have added up to your skills. This means that while you were away if you get indulged in some work from the home facility or get into work with smaller companies that do not have strict working hours, you can easily add them to your curriculum vitae thus making your position stronger. Having a certificate course in workplace communication front will also add up to your lost time and skills thus making your resume stronger than before.

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If you feel stuck in your current positions, or if you are in-between roles and unsure of what you want to do next. Then you need career clarity service. CareerGuide brings Career Clarity Service for Working Professionals to overcome wide variety of work-related challenges. You’ll have better career clarity than most people if you actually understand what makes you tick and what your mission in life is. You will have a better understanding of what you need to do to pursue those careers in the future after a career session with a certified career counselor.

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