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BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 : Details, Information

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The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) 12th Admit Card for the year 2021 played a crucial role in facilitating the smooth conduct of examinations for Class 12 students in Bihar. The BSEB, an educational body responsible for conducting secondary and higher secondary examinations in Bihar, issues these admit cards as a mandatory requirement for students appearing for the board exams.

  • Introduction

BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021: 

Ensuring Smooth Examination Process

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) plays a pivotal role in conducting the intermediate examinations for Class 12 students in the state of Bihar. The issuance of the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 marks a crucial phase in the examination process, ensuring the smooth conduct of exams and maintaining the integrity of the evaluation system. This document serves as an official authorization for students to appear in their respective examinations and contains vital information such as exam dates, timings, roll number, and exam center details.

Key Features and Importance of BSEB 12th Admit Card

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 serves as a significant identification document for students appearing in the intermediate examinations. It acts as a gateway to the examination hall, verifying the identity of the candidates and preventing any unauthorized individuals from participating in the exams. Moreover, the admit card contains essential instructions and guidelines that students must adhere to during the examination process, ensuring a fair and disciplined conduct of the exams. Additionally, it enables the examination authorities to maintain accurate records and streamline the process of result declaration.

Steps for Obtaining BSEB 12th Admit Card

To obtain the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021, students need to follow a series of steps outlined by the Bihar School Examination Board. Typically, the admit cards are released online on the official website of the board, and students can download them by providing necessary credentials such as registration number, date of birth, and other relevant details. It’s imperative for students to verify all the information mentioned on the admit card for accuracy and report any discrepancies to the examination authorities promptly. Additionally, students should ensure to carry a printout of the admit card to the examination center along with a valid photo ID for verification purposes.

bseb 12th admit card 2021

Overview of BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021

Overview of BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021:

  1. Importance and Significance: The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 is a crucial document issued by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) for students appearing in the intermediate examinations. It serves as an official authorization for students to participate in their respective exams and contains vital information such as exam dates, timings, roll number, and exam center details.
  2. Identification and Verification: One of the primary functions of the BSEB 12th Admit Card is to verify the identity of the students and prevent any unauthorized individuals from participating in the exams. It acts as a gateway to the examination hall, ensuring the integrity and fairness of the examination process.
  3. Guidelines and Instructions: The admit card contains essential guidelines and instructions that students must follow during the examination process. It provides information regarding exam rules, prohibited items, and other important details to ensure a disciplined conduct of the exams.
  4. Online Availability and Download Process: Typically, the BSEB 12th Admit Card is released online on the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board. Students can download their admit cards by logging in with their credentials such as registration number and date of birth. It’s important for students to verify all the details mentioned on the admit card for accuracy.
  5. Verification of Information: Students should carefully verify all the information mentioned on the admit card, including their name, roll number, exam center details, and photograph. Any discrepancies should be reported to the examination authorities immediately for rectification.
  6. Mandatory Document for Examination: The BSEB 12th Admit Card is a mandatory document that students must carry to the examination center. Without a valid admit card, students will not be allowed to appear in the examination. It’s essential for students to carry a printed copy of the admit card along with a valid photo ID for verification purposes.
  7. Streamlining Examination Process: The issuance of the BSEB 12th Admit Card helps in streamlining the examination process and enables the examination authorities to maintain accurate records of the students appearing in the exams. It facilitates a smooth conduct of the examinations and aids in the timely declaration of results.

BSEB 12th Syllabus

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) releases the class 12 syllabus for students appearing for their board exams. This syllabus is crucial for students as it outlines the topics and sub-topics they need to cover for each subject. The BSEB syllabus is available for three streams: Science, Commerce, and Arts.

Here’s a table outlining the general format of the BSEB 12th syllabus:

SubjectTopics Covered
PhysicsMechanics, Optics, Electricity, etc.
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, etc.
MathematicsAlgebra, Calculus, Statistics, etc.
BiologyHuman Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Genetics, etc.
EnglishLiterature, Grammar, Writing Skills, etc.
HindiLiterature, Grammar, Writing Skills, etc.
Business StudiesPrinciples of Management, Marketing, Finance, etc.
EconomicsMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Money & Banking, etc.
AccountancyDouble Entry System, Final Accounts, etc.
And more (depending on the stream)

BSEB 12th Exam Pattern

The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) conducts the class 12th exams following a specific format. Here’s a breakdown of the BSEB 12th Exam Pattern:

Exam Structure:

  • Question Types: The exams comprise a mix of objective (Multiple Choice Questions – MCQs) and subjective (short & long answer) questions.
  • MCQ Weightage: For subjects without practicals, there’s an equal weightage of 50% for both MCQs and subjective questions. Subjects with practicals will have 35% weightage for MCQs in the theory exam.
  • Total Marks: Each subject carries a maximum of 100 marks, divided between theory and practical components for applicable subjects.
  • Exam Duration: The exam duration is 3 hours and 15 minutes.
  • Passing Marks: Students need to secure a minimum of 30% marks (30 out of 100) in each subject to pass the exam.

Table format:

Question TypesMCQs and Subjective (Short & Long Answer)
MCQ Weightage (without practicals)50%
MCQ Weightage (with practicals)35%
Total Marks100 (Theory + Practical)
Exam Duration3 Hours 15 Minutes
Passing Marks30% (per subject)

How to Download the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021

To download the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Access the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). You can do this by typing “BSEB official website” into your preferred search engine and clicking on the official link provided.
  2. Navigate to the Admit Card Section: Once you’re on the BSEB website’s homepage, look for the “Admit Card” or “Downloads” section. This section usually contains links to various examination-related documents.
  3. Select the Intermediate Admit Card: Within the Admit Card section, locate the option specifically for the Intermediate (12th) examination. Click on this option to proceed.
  4. Enter Required Details: You will be prompted to enter certain details to access your admit card. Typically, you’ll need to provide details such as your registration number, date of birth, and other relevant information as required.
  5. Submit and Verify: After entering the necessary details, click on the “Submit” or “Download” button. Double-check all the information provided to ensure accuracy.
  6. Download and Print: Once your details are verified, your BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 will be displayed on the screen. Download the admit card to your device and make sure to print it out. It’s important to have a hard copy of the admit card for examination purposes.
  7. Verify Information: After downloading, carefully review all the details mentioned on the admit card, including your name, roll number, exam center details, and photograph. Ensure that all information is correct and matches your registration details.
  8. Contact Authorities (if needed): In case you notice any discrepancies or errors on the admit card, promptly contact the examination authorities or the BSEB helpline for assistance and rectification.
  9. Keep it Safe: Safeguard your BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 until the completion of your examinations. It will be required for entry into the examination hall and may be needed for future reference.

Important Details on the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 contains several important details that are crucial for students appearing in the intermediate examinations. Here are some of the key details typically included on the admit card:

  1. Student’s Name: The full name of the student as registered with the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is prominently displayed on the admit card.
  2. Roll Number: A unique identification number assigned to each student for the examination purposes. The roll number helps in identifying the student during the examination and while accessing examination-related information.
  3. Date of Birth: The student’s date of birth is mentioned on the admit card. It serves as additional verification alongside other details.
  4. Examination Date and Time: The date and time of each examination paper are clearly mentioned on the admit card. It’s essential for students to take note of these details to ensure they appear for the exams at the correct times.
  5. Examination Center Details: The admit card specifies the name and address of the examination center where the student is assigned to appear for the examinations. It’s important for students to verify the location of their exam center beforehand to avoid confusion on the examination day.
  6. Subject-wise Examination Schedule: For students with multiple subjects, the admit card typically lists the subject-wise schedule of examinations, including the dates and timings for each subject.
  7. Photograph: A recent passport-sized photograph of the student is usually printed on the admit card for identification purposes. It’s important for students to ensure that the photograph is clear and recognizable.
  8. Instructions and Guidelines: The admit card often contains important instructions and guidelines that students must adhere to during the examination process. This may include rules regarding permissible items, reporting time, and examination conduct.
  9. Signature: In some cases, the admit card may also contain a digital or printed signature of the examination authority or a designated official.
  10. Barcode or QR Code: Some admit cards may include a barcode or QR code for quick verification of student details at the examination center.

Official BSEB Website

The official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB),, is an essential resource for students, schools, and exam administrators. It acts as a central hub for all BSEB-related information, keeping you informed throughout the exam cycle.

Here’s what you can find on the BSEB website:

  • Examination Updates: Stay updated on exam schedules, including the 12th class exam pattern, for all board examinations.
  • Admit Card Downloads: Download your admit cards for appearing in the exams. These cards contain important details like your roll number, exam venue, and timings.
  • Exam Results: Access your BSEB exam results once declared by the board.
  • Syllabus and Sample Papers: Familiarize yourself with the subject syllabuses to understand the topics covered in each exam. Explore sample question papers to get a feel for the question format and difficulty level.
  • Important Notifications: Stay informed about any last-minute changes, updates, or important announcements from the BSEB regarding examinations or other board-related matters.


Ensuring Smooth Examination Process:

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 stands as a cornerstone in the seamless execution of the intermediate examinations conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board. With its comprehensive inclusion of vital details such as student information, examination schedule, and center details, the admit card serves as an indispensable tool for both students and examination authorities. It acts as a gateway to the examination hall, verifying the identity of students and maintaining the integrity of the examination process.

Facilitating Student Preparedness:

Furthermore, the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 plays a pivotal role in facilitating student preparedness for the examinations. By providing clear information about examination dates, timings, and subject schedules, the admit card enables students to plan and manage their study routines effectively. Additionally, the inclusion of instructions and guidelines on the admit card ensures that students are well-informed about the examination rules and conduct, contributing to a disciplined and organized examination environment.

Emphasizing the Importance of Accuracy and Compliance:

In conclusion, the issuance of the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 underscores the significance of accuracy and compliance in the examination process. Students are advised to thoroughly verify all the details mentioned on the admit card and promptly report any discrepancies to the examination authorities for rectification. Adherence to examination guidelines, coupled with meticulous preparation, is essential for a smooth and successful examination experience. Ultimately, the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 serves as a symbol of readiness and commitment for students embarking on their intermediate examinations, paving the way for academic achievement and future endeavors.


What is the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021?

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 is an official document issued by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) for students appearing in the intermediate (Class 12) examinations.

How can I download my BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021?

Students can download their BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 from the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board. They need to enter their registration number, date of birth, and other required details to access and download the admit card.

What information is included on the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021?

The admit card contains important details such as the student’s name, roll number, date of birth, examination dates and timings, examination center details, subject-wise examination schedule, photograph, and instructions/guidelines for the examination.

Is the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 mandatory for the examination?

Yes, the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 is a mandatory document that students must carry to the examination center. Without a valid admit card, students will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

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BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 : Details, Information

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The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) 12th Admit Card for the year 2021 played a crucial role in facilitating the smooth conduct of examinations for Class 12 students in Bihar. The BSEB, an educational body responsible for conducting secondary and higher secondary examinations in Bihar, issues these admit cards as a mandatory requirement for students appearing for the board exams.

  • Introduction

BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021: 

Ensuring Smooth Examination Process

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) plays a pivotal role in conducting the intermediate examinations for Class 12 students in the state of Bihar. The issuance of the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 marks a crucial phase in the examination process, ensuring the smooth conduct of exams and maintaining the integrity of the evaluation system. This document serves as an official authorization for students to appear in their respective examinations and contains vital information such as exam dates, timings, roll number, and exam center details.

Key Features and Importance of BSEB 12th Admit Card

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 serves as a significant identification document for students appearing in the intermediate examinations. It acts as a gateway to the examination hall, verifying the identity of the candidates and preventing any unauthorized individuals from participating in the exams. Moreover, the admit card contains essential instructions and guidelines that students must adhere to during the examination process, ensuring a fair and disciplined conduct of the exams. Additionally, it enables the examination authorities to maintain accurate records and streamline the process of result declaration.

Steps for Obtaining BSEB 12th Admit Card

To obtain the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021, students need to follow a series of steps outlined by the Bihar School Examination Board. Typically, the admit cards are released online on the official website of the board, and students can download them by providing necessary credentials such as registration number, date of birth, and other relevant details. It’s imperative for students to verify all the information mentioned on the admit card for accuracy and report any discrepancies to the examination authorities promptly. Additionally, students should ensure to carry a printout of the admit card to the examination center along with a valid photo ID for verification purposes.

bseb 12th admit card 2021

Overview of BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021

Overview of BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021:

  1. Importance and Significance: The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 is a crucial document issued by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) for students appearing in the intermediate examinations. It serves as an official authorization for students to participate in their respective exams and contains vital information such as exam dates, timings, roll number, and exam center details.
  2. Identification and Verification: One of the primary functions of the BSEB 12th Admit Card is to verify the identity of the students and prevent any unauthorized individuals from participating in the exams. It acts as a gateway to the examination hall, ensuring the integrity and fairness of the examination process.
  3. Guidelines and Instructions: The admit card contains essential guidelines and instructions that students must follow during the examination process. It provides information regarding exam rules, prohibited items, and other important details to ensure a disciplined conduct of the exams.
  4. Online Availability and Download Process: Typically, the BSEB 12th Admit Card is released online on the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board. Students can download their admit cards by logging in with their credentials such as registration number and date of birth. It’s important for students to verify all the details mentioned on the admit card for accuracy.
  5. Verification of Information: Students should carefully verify all the information mentioned on the admit card, including their name, roll number, exam center details, and photograph. Any discrepancies should be reported to the examination authorities immediately for rectification.
  6. Mandatory Document for Examination: The BSEB 12th Admit Card is a mandatory document that students must carry to the examination center. Without a valid admit card, students will not be allowed to appear in the examination. It’s essential for students to carry a printed copy of the admit card along with a valid photo ID for verification purposes.
  7. Streamlining Examination Process: The issuance of the BSEB 12th Admit Card helps in streamlining the examination process and enables the examination authorities to maintain accurate records of the students appearing in the exams. It facilitates a smooth conduct of the examinations and aids in the timely declaration of results.

BSEB 12th Syllabus

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) releases the class 12 syllabus for students appearing for their board exams. This syllabus is crucial for students as it outlines the topics and sub-topics they need to cover for each subject. The BSEB syllabus is available for three streams: Science, Commerce, and Arts.

Here’s a table outlining the general format of the BSEB 12th syllabus:

SubjectTopics Covered
PhysicsMechanics, Optics, Electricity, etc.
ChemistryPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, etc.
MathematicsAlgebra, Calculus, Statistics, etc.
BiologyHuman Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Genetics, etc.
EnglishLiterature, Grammar, Writing Skills, etc.
HindiLiterature, Grammar, Writing Skills, etc.
Business StudiesPrinciples of Management, Marketing, Finance, etc.
EconomicsMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Money & Banking, etc.
AccountancyDouble Entry System, Final Accounts, etc.
And more (depending on the stream)

BSEB 12th Exam Pattern

The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) conducts the class 12th exams following a specific format. Here’s a breakdown of the BSEB 12th Exam Pattern:

Exam Structure:

  • Question Types: The exams comprise a mix of objective (Multiple Choice Questions – MCQs) and subjective (short & long answer) questions.
  • MCQ Weightage: For subjects without practicals, there’s an equal weightage of 50% for both MCQs and subjective questions. Subjects with practicals will have 35% weightage for MCQs in the theory exam.
  • Total Marks: Each subject carries a maximum of 100 marks, divided between theory and practical components for applicable subjects.
  • Exam Duration: The exam duration is 3 hours and 15 minutes.
  • Passing Marks: Students need to secure a minimum of 30% marks (30 out of 100) in each subject to pass the exam.

Table format:

Question TypesMCQs and Subjective (Short & Long Answer)
MCQ Weightage (without practicals)50%
MCQ Weightage (with practicals)35%
Total Marks100 (Theory + Practical)
Exam Duration3 Hours 15 Minutes
Passing Marks30% (per subject)

How to Download the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021

To download the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Access the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). You can do this by typing “BSEB official website” into your preferred search engine and clicking on the official link provided.
  2. Navigate to the Admit Card Section: Once you’re on the BSEB website’s homepage, look for the “Admit Card” or “Downloads” section. This section usually contains links to various examination-related documents.
  3. Select the Intermediate Admit Card: Within the Admit Card section, locate the option specifically for the Intermediate (12th) examination. Click on this option to proceed.
  4. Enter Required Details: You will be prompted to enter certain details to access your admit card. Typically, you’ll need to provide details such as your registration number, date of birth, and other relevant information as required.
  5. Submit and Verify: After entering the necessary details, click on the “Submit” or “Download” button. Double-check all the information provided to ensure accuracy.
  6. Download and Print: Once your details are verified, your BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 will be displayed on the screen. Download the admit card to your device and make sure to print it out. It’s important to have a hard copy of the admit card for examination purposes.
  7. Verify Information: After downloading, carefully review all the details mentioned on the admit card, including your name, roll number, exam center details, and photograph. Ensure that all information is correct and matches your registration details.
  8. Contact Authorities (if needed): In case you notice any discrepancies or errors on the admit card, promptly contact the examination authorities or the BSEB helpline for assistance and rectification.
  9. Keep it Safe: Safeguard your BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 until the completion of your examinations. It will be required for entry into the examination hall and may be needed for future reference.

Important Details on the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 contains several important details that are crucial for students appearing in the intermediate examinations. Here are some of the key details typically included on the admit card:

  1. Student’s Name: The full name of the student as registered with the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is prominently displayed on the admit card.
  2. Roll Number: A unique identification number assigned to each student for the examination purposes. The roll number helps in identifying the student during the examination and while accessing examination-related information.
  3. Date of Birth: The student’s date of birth is mentioned on the admit card. It serves as additional verification alongside other details.
  4. Examination Date and Time: The date and time of each examination paper are clearly mentioned on the admit card. It’s essential for students to take note of these details to ensure they appear for the exams at the correct times.
  5. Examination Center Details: The admit card specifies the name and address of the examination center where the student is assigned to appear for the examinations. It’s important for students to verify the location of their exam center beforehand to avoid confusion on the examination day.
  6. Subject-wise Examination Schedule: For students with multiple subjects, the admit card typically lists the subject-wise schedule of examinations, including the dates and timings for each subject.
  7. Photograph: A recent passport-sized photograph of the student is usually printed on the admit card for identification purposes. It’s important for students to ensure that the photograph is clear and recognizable.
  8. Instructions and Guidelines: The admit card often contains important instructions and guidelines that students must adhere to during the examination process. This may include rules regarding permissible items, reporting time, and examination conduct.
  9. Signature: In some cases, the admit card may also contain a digital or printed signature of the examination authority or a designated official.
  10. Barcode or QR Code: Some admit cards may include a barcode or QR code for quick verification of student details at the examination center.

Official BSEB Website

The official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB),, is an essential resource for students, schools, and exam administrators. It acts as a central hub for all BSEB-related information, keeping you informed throughout the exam cycle.

Here’s what you can find on the BSEB website:

  • Examination Updates: Stay updated on exam schedules, including the 12th class exam pattern, for all board examinations.
  • Admit Card Downloads: Download your admit cards for appearing in the exams. These cards contain important details like your roll number, exam venue, and timings.
  • Exam Results: Access your BSEB exam results once declared by the board.
  • Syllabus and Sample Papers: Familiarize yourself with the subject syllabuses to understand the topics covered in each exam. Explore sample question papers to get a feel for the question format and difficulty level.
  • Important Notifications: Stay informed about any last-minute changes, updates, or important announcements from the BSEB regarding examinations or other board-related matters.


Ensuring Smooth Examination Process:

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 stands as a cornerstone in the seamless execution of the intermediate examinations conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board. With its comprehensive inclusion of vital details such as student information, examination schedule, and center details, the admit card serves as an indispensable tool for both students and examination authorities. It acts as a gateway to the examination hall, verifying the identity of students and maintaining the integrity of the examination process.

Facilitating Student Preparedness:

Furthermore, the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 plays a pivotal role in facilitating student preparedness for the examinations. By providing clear information about examination dates, timings, and subject schedules, the admit card enables students to plan and manage their study routines effectively. Additionally, the inclusion of instructions and guidelines on the admit card ensures that students are well-informed about the examination rules and conduct, contributing to a disciplined and organized examination environment.

Emphasizing the Importance of Accuracy and Compliance:

In conclusion, the issuance of the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 underscores the significance of accuracy and compliance in the examination process. Students are advised to thoroughly verify all the details mentioned on the admit card and promptly report any discrepancies to the examination authorities for rectification. Adherence to examination guidelines, coupled with meticulous preparation, is essential for a smooth and successful examination experience. Ultimately, the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 serves as a symbol of readiness and commitment for students embarking on their intermediate examinations, paving the way for academic achievement and future endeavors.


What is the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021?

The BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 is an official document issued by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) for students appearing in the intermediate (Class 12) examinations.

How can I download my BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021?

Students can download their BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 from the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board. They need to enter their registration number, date of birth, and other required details to access and download the admit card.

What information is included on the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021?

The admit card contains important details such as the student’s name, roll number, date of birth, examination dates and timings, examination center details, subject-wise examination schedule, photograph, and instructions/guidelines for the examination.

Is the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 mandatory for the examination?

Yes, the BSEB 12th Admit Card 2021 is a mandatory document that students must carry to the examination center. Without a valid admit card, students will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

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