4 Important Things to Consider When Using AI-Generated Content for Blogging

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Technology continues to rapidly progress, and with it comes more and more businesses using AI-generated content for their blog posts. You may wonder if using AI-generated content is the way to go for you, as you’ve heard mixed reviews on its use.
That’s why we’re here to help by offering a list of 4 important things to consider when using AI-generated content for blogging. So, take a break from scheduling your appointment with The Bunion Cure, and let’s dive right in.

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Lacks Creativity

The number one important thing to consider when using AI-generated content for blogging is that it will never be able to replicate a human’s words. AI-generated content offers little to no creativity. Seeing as the content is written by a computer, AI also won’t be able to create messages that are meaningful or can’t ever truly grasp the complexities of human emotions. This could result in the content being bland, hollow, and something that won’t necessarily resonate with or engage the readers.

Could Come Off as Spam

Google is starting to crack down on AI-generated content, as they said it goes against their guidelines and can result in this content being flagged as spam. This should come as no surprise as a lot of the content AI produces is regurgitated from other posts online. Seeing as it lacks originality, it can easily come across as spam. While you can still use AI-generated content as the bones for a piece of content, it’s paramount that you have someone go in and make edits and add the human element to the piece – this is known as AI-assisted content.

Potential for Incorrect Information

If you’re using AI-generated content, it’s crucial that you fact-check it before publishing. AI is limited in the information that it has, and it’s not always correct when it comes to the content that it generates. This is particularly true if you use AI services such as Chat GPT-3 which only holds information until 2020. You certainly don’t want to put out any content that’s incorrect, so ensure you fact-check any AI-generated content before publishing.

Readability Varies

When it comes to the readability of AI-generated content it’s hit or miss. While it can produce content rapidly, it doesn’t always mean the quality of the content is up to par with what you’re looking for. After all, you don’t want to publish content that’s hard to understand, as it will undoubtedly turn readers away. This is again where human intervention with AI-generated content is a must. You want to be sure someone goes into the content and ensures adequate and efficient readability.

Final Thoughts

There are many benefits to using AI technology to help you with content writing. However, in almost all cases, you’ll still want to make sure you have human input and intervention before publishing any AI-generated content. Without human assistance with AI-generated content,  you run the risk of the content being marked as spam, repetitive, unintelligible, incorrect, and hard to read.

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