What Will Be On My Background Check?

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It’s no secret that a lot of people are out of work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world have lost their jobs and are struggling to find new ones. Not only has it changed the interview process, but employers have also become more specific about what they want. With so many out of work, all kinds of companies are being choosier about who they hire. When there are an increased amount of workers trying to get a new job, the competition only increases. As competition increases, businesses will be using background checks more often. Below are a few categories that may be included in the background check.

Criminal Charges

Even if it is a fast background check, any criminal history will be included. Anything that is on your record will come up in the background check. Not only will you be subject to the crimes you have committed in the past, but even some crimes that are off your record may also come up. Your criminal history isn’t always relevant to the job, but it is often a way to see if the candidate is being forthcoming. If you know for a fact that something will pop up, it may be wise to bring it up before the background check.

Criminal Charges: What Will Be On My Background Check?: Looking for a new job.

Traffic Tickets & License Information

Another thing that may pop up when you’re subject to a background check is your traffic ticket and license information. When the employer runs your ticket history, they will find unpaid tickets and information on the validity of your license. This is especially relevant to occupations that require commuting or driving as a part of the job. If you have had trouble with your car situation, you should be upfront with the employer when it’s relevant.

Traffic Tickets & License Information: What Will Be On My Background Check?


Background checks can even tell employers about your education history. Be sure, to be honest about what degrees and certificates you have. Don’t lie about your education, you will probably regret it. When you are subject to a background check, education may be very relevant to the employer. Even if you don’t need the education to get the job, you won’t look good if you lie to management. Not only will the background check provide the information on if and where you went to college, but it will also determine where you went to high school.

Education: What Will Be On My Background Check?: Looking for a new job.

Credit History

You might be surprised that even your credit history will be found with a background check. If you have bad credit, it might pop up in the evaluation. Your financial situation may be included. If you have had a bankruptcy, that might come up. While your financial standing isn’t a reason not to give you a job, it can be a window into how responsible you are. Be honest and have a good reason for your poor financial situation and the employer might not care.  

Credit History: What Will Be On My Background Check?

Work Authorization

Background checks will also determine if you are authorized to work. If you’re not authorized to work in the United States, the employer will find out and won’t be able to give you the job if they follow the law. There’s no reason to lie about whether or not you’re authorized. The most common reason is the person applying is not a citizen. Even if you are not authorized to work for another reason such as mental health, physical well-being, or something else, the background check will reveal it.

Work Authorization: What Will Be On My Background Check?: Looking for a new job.

Social Media

Social media may even be included in the background check. It can be done privately by the company or provided by the background check company. This may seem intrusive, but it has become common practice for companies who are hiring. Hiring has become even more competitive in the current moment. COVID-19 has made it so every detail of the prospective candidate matters.

Social Media: What Will Be On My Background Check?

The pandemic has turned the world upside down. There are many people out of work. People need new jobs and to get back to a sense of normalcy. As we get out of the gloomy environment of COVID-19, everyone will be looking to get back to it and work at a job they like and feel respected. When you’re looking for work, be sure to be open, honest, and transparent. Understand that a background check is coming your way and be prepared for your dirty laundry to be aired out. Then you will approach the interview and background check more earnestly.

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