BBA 1st year Subjects

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BBA, or Bachelor of Business Administration, is a three-year undergraduate degree that provides students with the foundation they need to pursue a career in business. The specific subjects that are offered may vary depending on the university or college.The first year of BBA is a challenging but rewarding experience. Students will learn a lot about the fundamentals of business and develop the skills they need to succeed in their future careers. You will learn the basics of business. This includes accounting, economics, business law, and management.You will develop your analytical and problem-solving skills. You will be able to use these skills to analyze business data and make decisions.

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BBA Subjects 1st Year

The majority of colleges stretch the BBA syllabus over six semesters. While BBA courses may vary from college to college, the most of them follow the same syllabus and focus on accounting, finance, and management. The BBA syllabus is organized in accordance with the demands put forth by employers and the most recent business market developments. See the table below to learn about the first-year BBA courses:

BBA Subjects 1st Year: Semester 1

The BBA courses offered during the first semester are listed in the table below:
List of BBA subjects in the first semester
Financial Accounting
Principles of Management
India Socio-Political Economics
Essentials of IT
Quantitative Techniques – I

BBA Subjects 1st Year: Semester 2

The following table lists the BBA courses offered during the Second semester:
List of BBA subjects in the second semester
Cost Accounting
Quantitative Techniques – II
Environmental Management
Principles of Marketing
Effective Communications

BBA Subjects

The BBA curriculum is structured so that students are well-versed in administrative, business management, financial, leadership, and teamwork abilities. The entire BBA curriculum is divided into two groups: core courses and electives. Depending on their aspirations for their future education and careers, students can select from the available subjects. See the list of required and optional BBA courses below:

BBA Core Subjects

BBA Elective Subjects

  • Marketing and Operations
  • Commercial Bank Management
  • E-Commerce
  • Security Analysis
  • Advanced Sales and Distribution
  • Retail Management
  • Digital Marketing
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