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Request To Become A Career Counsellor

We are eager to include you in our closed-door hub of career counsellors from across the country. The ‘CareerGuide Counsellor’ is a carefully ideated community for a symbiotic relationship between the students and counsellors. The benefits of the CareerGuide Counsellor app/website are many, but the step to achieve them is just one: Complete the ‘CareerGuide Certification Course for Guiding Students’. If you are a counsellor with years of experience, you may wonder what is the need for yet another certification. The idea behind expecting you to undergo ‘CareerGuide Certification Course for Guiding Students’ is to help you gain a command over the new age counselling techniques as well as strengthen your knowledge in the new age careers. Besides these universal benefits, you will also get acquainted to CareerGuide ecosystem. * Certification course is charged. Thus, the world of counseling will open to you and you may start guiding the students towards a brighter future.
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Build Online Reputation

Build your online visibility and credibilty by helping students on CareerGuide

Expand Your Reach

CareerGuide helps you expand your geographic reach by connecting students.

Increase Your Network

Connect with your peers across multiple geographies by joining CareerGuide.

Multiply Your Earning

CareerGuide can become an alternative earning channel when you need it.

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