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Elvish Yadav, Sagar Thakur, Maxtern, Munawar Faruqui: Hit My Face: YouTuber Narrates Fight With Bigg Boss Fame

Sagar Thakur's FIR Against Elvish Yadav

Sagar Thakur, known as ‘Maxtern‘, lodged an FIR against social media influencer Elvish Yadav, accusing him of brutal assault. Thakur alleged that Yadav, accompanied by several individuals, physically attacked him, including hitting him with a mobile phone and threatening his life. Despite clear evidence, Thakur expressed dissatisfaction with the FIR, claiming it included only bailable charges despite the severity of the assault. He called for immediate legal action and appealed to authorities for intervention, questioning potential political influence in the case. The altercation stemmed from a social media feud between the two, escalating into a physical confrontation during a meeting in Gurugram.

Escalating Tensions: The Social Media Feud

The genesis of the conflict between Sagar Thakur and Elvish Yadav lies in a simmering social media feud. It ignited when Thakur, alias ‘Maxtern’, publicly criticized Yadav, labelling him a “hypocrite” for his association with Munawar Faruqui, a Bigg Boss winner embroiled in past controversies. Yadav’s vocal support for Hindutva clashed with his seemingly amicable interaction with Faruqui, drawing sharp criticism from his followers and Thakur alike.

The exchange of barbs quickly escalated into a full-blown online confrontation, with both parties trading insults and accusations across various social media platforms. Thakur’s comments struck a chord, triggering heated debates among their respective followers and amplifying the tension.

As the online spat intensified, it laid the groundwork for a face-to-face confrontation between Thakur and Yadav. The meeting, intended for a verbal resolution, instead descended into chaos and violence, leaving Thakur battered and bruised. This physical altercation not only heightened the animosity between the two but also thrust their conflict into the public eye, garnering widespread attention and scrutiny.

The social media feud, which began as a war of words, ultimately spilt over into the physical realm, underscoring the potent influence and consequences of online interactions. It serves as a cautionary tale about the power of social media to escalate conflicts and the importance of tempering online discourse with restraint and civility.

The Meeting: From Words to Blows

The eagerly anticipated meeting between Sagar Thakur and Elvish Yadav initially intended for a verbal resolution, rapidly spiralled into a harrowing ordeal marked by physical violence and aggression.

Scheduled to address the escalating tensions stemming from their social media feud, the encounter quickly devolved into chaos as tempers flared and emotions ran high. What was meant to be a civil discussion swiftly transformed into a scene of brutality as Thakur found himself facing not just Yadav, but also a cohort of his associates.

As the confrontation unfolded, Thakur alleges that Yadav and his group launched a vicious assault, sparing no measure in their onslaught. The encounter, witnessed by eyewitnesses and later immortalized in video footage, portrayed a chilling scene of unchecked aggression and brutality.

Exposing the Brutality: Video Evidence Surfaces

The gravity of the altercation between Sagar Thakur and Elvish Yadav was starkly revealed when video footage of the incident surfaced, laying bare the brutality of the assault. The footage, captured by bystanders, depicted Yadav and his accomplices entering a shop and launching a vicious attack on Thakur.

In the video, Thakur can be seen being subjected to a barrage of blows and kicks, leaving him reeling from the assault. The graphic visuals served as irrefutable evidence of the severity of the incident, corroborating Thakur’s claims of being brutally assaulted.

As the footage spread rapidly across social media platforms, it ignited outrage and condemnation from viewers, amplifying the public scrutiny surrounding the altercation. The video not only shed light on the ferocity of the attack but also underscored the importance of accountability and justice in cases of violence.

Seeking Justice: Sagar Thakur's Plea for Legal Action

Sagar Thakur’s plea for justice reverberated through his impassioned call for legal action against Elvish Yadav and his associates. In his quest for accountability, Thakur emphasized the urgent need for authorities to take decisive measures in response to the brutal assault he endured.

With unwavering determination, Thakur underscored the gravity of the situation, highlighting the physical and emotional trauma inflicted upon him during the altercation. He stressed the imperative of holding Yadav accountable for his alleged actions, urging authorities to pursue non-bailable charges commensurate with the severity of the offense.

Thakur’s plea resonated beyond mere restitution for his suffering; it encapsulated a broader demand for justice and fairness in the face of violence and aggression. By speaking out against impunity and advocating for legal recourse, Thakur exemplified the resilience of those who refuse to be silenced in the pursuit of truth and accountability.

Bailable Charges Amidst Alleged Attempt to Murder

Sagar Thakur’s dismay over the inclusion of bailable charges in the FIR despite the alleged attempt to murder highlighted a glaring disparity in the legal response to the severity of the offence. Despite clear evidence suggesting a concerted effort to inflict grievous harm, the charges lodged against Elvish Yadav and his accomplices under bailable sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) fell short of addressing the gravity of the situation.

Thakur’s assertion that the assault constituted an attempt to murder underscored the urgency of reassessing the charges and pursuing non-bailable sections of the IPC. By advocating for a more robust legal response, Thakur sought to ensure that those responsible for the violent attack faced appropriate consequences for their actions. The discrepancy between the alleged offense and the charges filed highlighted broader concerns about the adequacy of the legal framework in addressing instances of severe violence and aggression.

Speculations Surrounding the Haryana Government

Speculations surrounding the involvement of the Haryana government in the handling of Sagar Thakur’s case against Elvish Yadav have stirred significant controversy and debate. Amidst allegations of political influence shaping the course of the investigation, questions have been raised regarding the impartiality and integrity of the legal process.

Some observers have speculated that the decision to pursue bailable charges against Yadav, despite compelling evidence suggesting an attempt to murder, may have been influenced by political considerations. Speculations abound regarding potential ties between Yadav and influential figures within the Haryana government, leading to accusations of preferential treatment and a lack of accountability.

The perceived opacity surrounding the government’s involvement has fueled suspicion and mistrust, with many demanding transparency and accountability in the handling of the case. Calls for an independent inquiry to uncover any potential conflicts of interest and ensure justice prevails have intensified, underscoring the significance of upholding the rule of law and safeguarding the integrity of the judicial process.

Appealing to Authority: Sagar Thakur's Call for Intervention

Sagar Thakur’s impassioned call for intervention resonated deeply as he appealed to prominent authorities for assistance in his pursuit of justice. Recognizing the urgency of the situation and the need for swift action, Thakur directly addressed Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and Gurugram Police, urging them to intervene and rectify the perceived injustices in his case.

By appealing to these authoritative figures, Thakur sought to leverage their influence and authority to ensure that his grievances were heard and addressed appropriately. His plea underscored the importance of holding accountable those responsible for the violent assault he endured, while also highlighting the broader significance of upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens.

The Influence of Social Media: Shaping Public Opinion

The clash between Sagar Thakur and Elvish Yadav underscored the profound influence of social media in shaping public opinion and exacerbating conflicts. The feud, which originated as an exchange of barbs on digital platforms, quickly escalated into a full-blown confrontation fueled by the rapid dissemination of information and opinions online.

Social media served as a battleground where supporters of both parties rallied, amplifying the intensity of the dispute and magnifying its repercussions. The circulation of video footage depicting the altercation further galvanized public sentiment, sparking outrage and condemnation from viewers.

The pervasive reach of social media not only heightened the visibility of the conflict but also influenced perceptions of the individuals involved, shaping narratives and influencing public discourse. In this digital age, the power of social media to shape public opinion and fuel contentious issues highlights the need for responsible engagement and thoughtful discourse in online interactions.

The Aftermath: Ramifications of the Conflict

The aftermath of the conflict between Sagar Thakur and Elvish Yadav reverberated far beyond the physical altercation, leaving a trail of profound ramifications in its wake. Firstly, it exposed the vulnerabilities of individuals in the digital age, where online disagreements can escalate into real-world violence with alarming ease.

The incident also raised questions about the responsibility of social media influencers in fostering constructive discourse and managing conflicts responsibly. The clash highlighted the potential consequences of unchecked aggression and the need for influencers to wield their influence responsibly.

Moreover, the handling of the case by authorities sparked concerns about the impartiality of the legal system and the potential influence of political considerations. The perceived discrepancy between the severity of the offense and the charges filed underscored broader issues of accountability and transparency within the justice system.

Furthermore, the incident shed light on the broader societal issues of violence and intolerance, prompting discussions about the need for greater empathy, understanding, and respect for differing viewpoints.


The clash between Sagar Thakur and Elvish Yadav encapsulates a multifaceted narrative of conflict, accountability, and the power dynamics inherent in the digital age. What began as a war of words on social media escalated into a violent altercation, exposing the vulnerabilities of individuals in online interactions.

The aftermath of the conflict reverberated through the corridors of social media, sparking debates about the responsibilities of influencers, the integrity of the legal system, and broader societal issues of violence and intolerance. It underscored the need for responsible engagement and thoughtful discourse in online interactions, as well as the imperative of holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their social standing.


The conflict originated from a social media feud between the two individuals, fueled by differing viewpoints and personal disagreements. However, the meeting between Thakur and Yadav, intended for a verbal resolution, quickly escalated due to heightened emotions and the involvement of associates. The confrontation turned violent, resulting in physical assault and injury to Thakur.

Sagar Thakur filed an FIR (First Information Report) against Elvish Yadav and his associates, alleging assault and threats to his life. Thakur sought legal recourse and justice for the incident, emphasizing the severity of the assault and calling for non-bailable charges to be levied against the perpetrators.

Speculations arose regarding potential political influence in the decision to pursue bailable charges against Yadav despite the severity of the alleged offense. Thakur questioned the impartiality of the legal process, raising concerns about potential ties between Yadav and influential figures within the Haryana government.

The conflict underscored broader societal issues of violence, intolerance, and the impact of social media on public discourse. It prompted discussions about the responsibilities of influencers, the integrity of the legal system, and the need for greater empathy and understanding in navigating online interactions.

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