4 Great Reasons to Become a Blockchain Developer (and How to Train)

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Blockchain technology is taking over the world right now. From cryptocurrencies to NFTs and beyond, it is the basis of all sorts of cutting edge services, solutions and digital systems which are disrupting the establishment and paving the way to a bright future.

This is just a taste of why becoming a blockchain developer is a good idea, so let’s go over how you can achieve this, and what other benefits pursuing this career path will bring.

Studying using online blockchain certification courses

First things first; you don’t need to go through a traditional training route if you want to get into the blockchain development scene.

With the help of online training tools, like Dooey’s course, blockchain developer certification is attainable wherever you are based. You can study from home and fit this around your other work and personal commitments.

Getting certification from a reputable course is sensible because it not only helps you learn the ins and outs of this specialism, but also acts as a calling card to attract prospective employers once you are certified.

Benefitting from being a rare commodity

Simply put, there aren’t that many qualified, experienced and skilled blockchain developers out there. And when demand outstrips supply, you’ll find it easy to secure a job after you are properly trained up.

In turn this means that you’ll be able to command higher salaries, going above and beyond the already impressive average that typical software developers and engineers enjoy. Stepping into a role with a six figure starting salary is not uncommon. And while money isn’t everything, it’s definitely a helpful motivator when you are studying blockchain development.

Pursuing your own projects

You might plan to train as a blockchain developer and get a job in an existing organization, but it’s also entirely viable and legitimate to follow this path because you are interested in launching your own projects based on blockchain tech.

Whether you want to delve into the world of decentralized finance, or you are interested in the role that blockchain can play in other processes such as voting, gambling, AI and big data, or anything else besides, this could be your ticket to controlling your own destiny in a range of fields and specialisms.

Appreciating the cryptocurrency craze

Crypto is no longer that thing which only a handful of people around the world are interested in. It has gone parabolic in the past couple of years, and yet the market is still incredibly volatile and difficult to navigate unless you have a deeper understanding of the technologies that underpin it.

This is where training as a blockchain developer pays dividends. If you do decide to invest in crypto, you won’t need to rely on guesswork or luck, but can base your picks and your trades on a foundation of knowledge.

Staying ahead of the curve

Ultimately, the practical implementation of the blockchain is still only a little more than a decade old, and even with the mainstream attention that it has been getting recently, it remains a niche and broadly untapped area with massive potential for growth.

By training as a blockchain developer today, you will be getting your foot in the door very early, and will still be among the first to ride the wave as it builds and builds over the coming years.

Blockchain tech is not going anywhere, and many predict that it will seep into all sorts of areas of the digital ecosystem in the near future, so jumping on the bandwagon now is better than delaying the decision any longer.

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