The importance of IQ scores in finding a suitable job

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Finding a job is one of the most critical events in our lives. The question is how we can figure out which job is suitable and which one is not.

In fact, what factors determine a suitable person for a job. Of course, it depends on the many items, but intelligence is always one of the most influential ones.

Intelligence Quotient is what we can assess how smart we are and if we can be successful in a certain job position.

In this article, we’re going to discuss IQ tests and their importance in finding a suitable job.

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What is IQ?

First, you need to know what IQ is.

An IQ test is a standard psychological assessment of people’s intelligence levels. To calculate IQ, we should divide the mental age by the chronological age and multiply it by 100 to get a ratio IQ.

The deviation IQ, which is calculated as a function of the difference between an individual’s score and the mean (or average) score, has largely supplanted this idea.

The average IQ score is generally 100, with somewhat more than two-thirds of all results lying within 15 points of the mean (usually one standard deviation).

Over 95% of all scores fall between 70 and 130 (two standard deviations below the mean) (two standard deviations above the mean).

Some tests, such as the verbal IQ test, which assesses verbal intelligence, and the performance IQ test, which examines nonverbal intelligence, produce more precise IQ scores.

There is one point regarding IQ that needs to be clarified. It isn’t absolute, and it isn’t always the same. So don’t be shocked if your IQ result differs from one IQ test to the next.

In acknowledgment of the idea that a person’s cognitive capacities vary in respect to his age group, IQ also has an age correlation. If a child has a high IQ, he may be labeled as “clever for his age” or “slower than other kids his age,” if the contrary is true.

You may recall taking a few IQ exams in the past. Were they identical twins? Were there any common themes? They were most likely different. One IQ test may focus on a single topic, while another may include numerous parts with questions from other topics.

There are IQ tests for several areas where an individual’s degree of skill is to be assessed. For example, Taking the BrainManager quick IQ test will be fun as well as educational. There are IQ tests that measure a person’s verbal proficiency, as well as tests that measure three-dimensional thinking.

How is IQ measured?

Here is the formula for calculating IIQ:

   IQ = ( Mental Age x 100) / Chronological Age

From the IQ Equation, it appears that IQ involves two age elements:

  • Mental age refers to the age-graded degree of competence based on commonly acknowledged demographic norms and standards. In other words, it reflects your cognitive relatives as compared to those of other individuals of various ages. It essentially expresses what you’re capable of. This is based on the results of a test you took just for this.
  • The chronological age of a person is his or her actual age in years.

As you can see, most IQ tests consider your age when measuring your mental ability so that you can compare yourself with your peer group.

Different ranges of IQ scores

To be able to compare your IQ with others’, you should know what IQ score is considered average:

  • Low IQ or “feeble-mindedness” is defined as a score of less than 70.
  • On the IQ scale, scores of 80 to 89 are considered dullness or “below-average” performance.
  • IQ scores of 90 to 109 are considered ordinary or average. 
  • Above-average intelligence or excellent intelligence is defined as an IQ score of 110 to 119.
  • Gifted or superintelligent people have IQ scores of 120 to 140 on the IQ scale.
  • Genius or smart persons have IQ scores of 140 or higher.

Is IQ the most important factor in success?

Of course, it’s well-established that there is a clear link between IQ and job performance. But the question is if we should rely solely on IQ when choosing a person for a job.

In other words, an individual with a high IQ has a greater chance of achieving excellent results in many workplaces. But it’s not absolute, and you need to take many other factors into account.

In general, a high-IQ person should be able to deliver higher-quality and high profile jobs.

For an employee with a higher-than-average IQ, the stakes are considerable. Employers tend to give employees with above-average IQs more challenging tasks and responsibilities because they anticipate them to provide good outcomes.

The IQ of a worker reveals his critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, not all the skills an employee needs.

If your IQ is higher than average, you have a better capacity to solve issues and discover solutions or answers in a variety of work-related scenarios.

People with higher IQs are more likely to enjoy a greater level of difficulty in all they undertake. These are not the sorts of employees that will settle for subpar work since they will try to do better.

Overall, we have to determine the required skills for each vacancy and then go for interpret the IQ results.

This way, we won’t indulge in relying on IQ and can broaden our thinking about all skills people might have.


Although intelligence is one of the most important factors in a person’s success, it’s not all you have. So don’t get stressed if your score is not that high; you can work in many other skills and become even more successful and wealthy than smarter people. Bear in mind that hard work and courage can remove many obstacles that intelligence can’t.

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