Best Data Science Degree by 2024

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We have listed some of the most popular Data Science degree programmes to help you understand the subject and equip yourself with relevant skills.

1. Great Learning in association with Great Lakes Institute of Management offers a Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence.

Course duration: 12 Months

The PGP-BABI combines a variety of learning methods, including classroom teaching, self learning via videos and reading material, team-based problems solving, etc. The comprehensive course curriculum includes foundational (statistics using R, business and management concepts), analytic techniques (R Python Tableau SAS) and domain application. The course has a 3 month capstone project, and is updated every six months.

2. Jigsaw Academy and University of Chicago offer a Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Machine Learning.

Duration of the course: 10 months

PGDM covers Data Science (R, Python & SAS), Big Data and Visualization (Tableau) in depth. The PG in data science program begins with the basics of Statistics and then covers all aspects of descriptive analytics, prescriptive analytics, as well A.L. & ML. The program includes a hands on program that uses case studies from BFSI and retail, telecom, supply chains, HR, and other industries. The capstone project lasts more than three months and the course updates every six months.

3. Manipal ProLearn in Association with Manipal Academy of Higher Education offers a Post Graduate Certificate program in Data Science and Machine Learning.

Duration of the course: 6 months

It covers in-depth, industry-relevant material. The course is a combination of online lectures and real-world case studies from industry professionals. The course covers Java programming and advanced excel. It also includes R, an introduction to Python as well as data visualization tools. The course does not include capstone projects and is updated every six months.

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4. P.G. Program in Data Science by UpGrad In association with IIITB

Duration of the course: 11 months

The curriculum was designed in collaboration with IIIT Bangalore, multiple industry leaders and other experts. The focus is on data management (Excel/Python/SQL, Tableau), statistical/exploratory data analysis (Hive, Spark/Sqoop), machine learning and big data analytics. Candidates can choose a Specialization in BFS or eCommerce, Retail, Healthcare, or Healthcare. The course includes an end-of-course project lasting 1-3 months. The course is updated once every six months.

5. Professional Certificate in Python Data Science (IBM)

This Python course is a great introduction for beginners to Python. You will learn to analyze data using NumPy multi-dimensional arrays, pandas DataFrames, the SciPy library for mathematical routines and scikit-learn machine learning. Data visualization is a graphical representation of information that can be used to communicate insights interactively to clients, customers and stakeholders. Machine Learning with Python allows you to uncover hidden insights and forecast future trends. You will find all the tools necessary to start with both supervised and non-supervised learning. You must complete a project to demonstrate your Data Science abilities to potential employers. Use various data science and artificial intelligence techniques to analyze, visualize and create a predictive model using a data set that reflects a real business scenario.

6. Data Science Specialization

John’s Hopkins University

Course Duration: Self Paced.

This Specialization will cover the concepts and tools that you’ll require throughout the entire pipeline of data science, from asking the correct questions to making inferences and presenting results. You’ll use the skills you learned to build a data-driven product, using real-world data.

7. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate



This program is comprised of nine courses that will provide you with the most up-to-date skills and techniques for a variety of data science topics. These include open source tools, libraries, methods, Python, databases and SQL, as well as data visualization, analysis and machine learning. The IBM Cloud allows you to practice using real data science software and real-world datasets. You will have a portfolio and several assignments to complete by the end of the course. This will give you the confidence you need to start a career in Data Science.

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