Top Emerging Careers in the Shipping Industry for 2024 & Beyond

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As the cornerstone of global trade, the shipping industry continues to be one of the fastest evolving and most in-demand sectors for new roles. The future of the industry looks bright and is full to the brim of technological change, meaning the need for different types of shipping jobs that are new to the industry will begin to take hold. In this article, we will be exploring the top emerging careers in the shipping industry and the trends that have led to this growth.


Cybersecurity Specialists

As new technologies are being used on ships every day due to the digitalisation of shipping operations, cybersecurity is of the utmost importance. Maritime cybersecurity specialists are in high demand to help protect vessels and shipping infrastructure from cyber threats. From navigation systems to cargo management and even communication networks all being pinpointed as potential targets for attacks, the need for experts who can safeguard these has become crucial.


Sustainability Officers

reduction and limit oil pollution incidents, the need for sustainability officers to keep ships in line with changing regulations is paramount. Sustainability is a growing concern in all industries, particularly in shipping, with these officers playing a pivotal role in helping companies reduce their environmental footprint. The sustainability officer’s main role will be to help develop and implement new strategies to decrease emissions, manage waste, and improve energy efficiency. This will help ships to meet global environmental standards and make a real difference to the industry.


Autonomous Shipping Engineers

The introduction of autonomous vessels is on the horizon, with the industry looking to be completely revolutionised. This means that there is a growing need for engineers who can design, develop, and maintain these self-navigating ships. Their main responsibilities will include integrating AI, machine learning, and other types of sensor systems to ensure the safe and efficient operation of autonomous vessels – helping to minimise risks and maintain security at all times. This career sits at the cutting edge of maritime innovation with a great combination of engineering skills and computer science expertise needed.


Supply Chain & Logistics Coordinators

With global trade demand at an all-time high, particularly due to the growth in demand during the pandemic, the complexity of the supply chain is growing. This creates a need for a dedicated supply chain and logistics coordinator to help ensure the smooth movement of goods from origin to destination. They manage logistics networks, coordinate with different stakeholders who touchpoints throughout the journey, and help to optimise routes to minimise both costs and time. This role is increasingly important as companies strive to enhance their supply chain resilience and responsiveness.


Green Ship Designers

Looking back to the sustainability factor and the movement for companies to be more “green,” green ship designers are being introduced into the industry to help create vessels that are both environmentally friendly and energy efficient. These green ship designers will work on innovative ship designs incorporating sustainable materials and technologies. Examples include hybrid propulsion systems or advanced hull designs to help reduce drag. This is a pivotal career in the shipping industry, helping companies meet their sustainability goals.

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