Why Choose a European MBA Over an American One ?

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Choosing the right MBA program is a big step that you need to take for your career and that is why it is not a small decision to make. You should take your time while making this decision because this decision will decide how you are future turns out to be.

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There are many options available but the question is whether you should go to Europe or the United States to complete your MBA degree.

In this article, you will learn why you should choose a European MBA rather than an American one.

So let’s find out:

It Costs Less

The truth is that MBA programs cost a lot and they are very expensive. In the United States the biggest MBA schools like Harvard cost more than $150,000. 

That is the reason why a European MBA is much cheaper because there are similar schools which are offering the same program in Europe at a lower price. 

If you choose ESCP’s executive MBA then you can get good quality education and you do not have to fall into debt.

Culturally Rich

If you complete your MBA degree from Europe then you will experience a lot of cultural diversity. Students from all over the world take admission in European University and your classroom will be full of different experience and ideas. 

It will give you a lot of exposure in life. On the other hand and American MBA will not give you that much exposure because only American students and local students will be there.

Global Network

Networking is very important during an MBA. If you take an admission in a European institution then you will get access to an international network which will be very beneficial for you during your career. Graduates have a lot of connections and network with different countries and it will help you to get great opportunities in your life.


If you are a student then it is not easy to manage your personal and educational life both at the same time. However if you take an admission for MBA in a European institution then it will be a lot is your for you. 

How many programs available like ESCP’s executive MBA. These programs offer part time options and an option of online classes as well which saves a lot of hassle.


European institutions for MBA are more versatile at innovative because they focus on sustainability in the academics. There is a lot of focus on social responsibility as well and these are the right instruments which are needed in a changing global environment. 

ECSP’s executive MBA is customised keeping in mind up positive and modern mindset. This modern mindset is required to bring a positive change in the organizations.

Shorter Programs

European MBA is much better because they offer shorter programs which means that you will get faster results in your career. If you are someone who does not want to spend a lot of time studying then a European MBA is the perfect choice for you to make! Did you know that in the United States most of the MBA programs last for 2 years? 

Can we a lot for some people and if you are one of those people then a European program will be the right choice for you because it is much shorter. MBA lasts around 18 months and sometimes it is also 12 months!

Final Thoughts

You compare the European MBA with the American MBA then it is quite clear that European MBA brings much more value for the students. European MBA degree is more affordable and the time duration is shorter. If you want to get more opportunities and growth in your career as a business executive then you should definitely choose a European MBA to succeed in your life.

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