How to Pursue Your Art Career

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Artists are creative, talented people who see the world differently than most other people. They can see beauty in everything and have the skills to bring that beauty out through their art. In fact, many artists see art as not just something they do in their spare time but rather a career.

However, this road is not easy and requires a lot of planning and preparation before you can make it work for you long-term. Here are a few tips for pursuing art.

Put yourself in the right place

Your location can make or break your art career. If you are a person who can only look at art from certain areas, such as from the comfort of your home, then you may want to consider moving to a place where there are more opportunities for you to see art.

For example, if you are a person who loves and appreciates fine art and does not really like to go out very much, then moving to a city with galleries and museums would be great. It will motivate you to visit them and draw inspiration.

Find mentors and sponsors

Sponsors can help fund your art career if they believe in it enough to put their money where their mouth is. They can also act as guides through getting into school and finding an agent so that you can get your work out there and start making a name for yourself in the art world.

Mentors can also be extremely helpful when it comes time to choosing an agent because they will know people who work in the industry, which would allow you to get a foot in the door quicker than if you were all on your own. This is especially true if they have connections with other agents who may be willing to take on new clients.

Get your work out there

You are going to need a way to get your work out there. You can do this by exhibiting in galleries and art shows, but you also have the option of putting a lot of your work on social media. There are many ways that you can get your work out there.

If you don’t think you have the time to do it all, consider hiring a social media manager. They can help you promote yourself on different platforms like Instagram or Facebook.

Find an agent

Once you have some pieces you want to show, it is time to find an agent to help you market your work. There are many different ways to find an agent; some of the best ways are through word of mouth, referrals, and your network. Another great way to find an agent is by looking for agents in your area who specialise in certain art types.

Keep Learning

The only way you can truly make a career out of your art is by continuously learning. The more you learn, the better you will be at what you do, and the more opportunities you will have to get your name out there.

This is what it takes to become a successful artist. If you don’t have time to learn, then it would be best for you to look into getting an apprenticeship with someone who has made the transition before. They will help you learn art career tricks and how to scale.

Invest in Studio Space

For your art to take off and make money, it needs to be displayed where people can see it and buy it. This is why studio space is so important because if people don’t see your work, they won’t buy it. It also means you can get paid for showing your work even if no one buys anything from you.

Even better, the studio will be a safe storage for paintings. While it might not bring you enough money initially, it will help market your work. If people see your work, they might want to purchase something from another artist in the future. This could lead to a commission or two when things start picking up quickly in your career.


Being an artist is easy. You wake up, throw on paint-splattered overalls, and get to work. But for many people, it’s not that simple. Pursuing a career in the arts isn’t as clear-cut as you might think. In fact, it can be quite challenging. It takes courage, determination and planning to make your art career a reality.

While it may seem daunting at times, with the right preparation and support, you can succeed in this field.

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