This Is What Your Career Might Say About Your Life

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If your career is your life, what is your career saying about you? It is a question worth considering. Perhaps you have made a name for yourself in business. That Is What Your Career Might Say About Your Life. That is neither a good nor bad thing in and of itself. But there are still insights you can gain from closer inspection. Consider the following questions:

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The answers to these questions can reveal a lot about you. It is not for others to evaluate the answers. It is only for you to do so. Whatever the questions reveal, you should know that it is not too late to turn things around. If the answers were good, it is not too late to make them better.

  • What kind of business is it?
  • How did you achieve your success?
  • Did you spend more time trying to lift others or crushing competitors?
  • Did the community at large benefit from your success?

Your business is your life. But it is also true that your life informs your business. It is a matter of priorities. What do you care about, what drives you? What is it you look forward to on your days off? Do you look forward to sleeping in late? Or do you look forward to an early start and a full day of the things you care about the most? These are some of the things you career says about you, and how your life can drive better career options:

You Care About Knowledge

Sometimes it is said of life that the goal is to know as many true things as possible and let go of as many false things as possible. The pursuit of truth is the pursuit of knowledge. Mastery of reality is to know as many true things about how the universe works. That means that you want to at least have a grasp on the foundations of physics at an academic level. When you conduct your business affairs, it is with an eye toward doing the things that work with rather than against nature.

You can either take a course at a local college and use study tools to help you get caught up on the latest information. Or you can hire people at your company who can help keep you informed. The key takeaway is that your commitment to knowledge and your career has to align for you to find true fulfillment in both.

You Care About The Advancement Of Others

One of the best benefits you can offer your workers is partial tuition to cover online education. That enables your workers to reach their full potential instead of being stuck in an entry-level position. You can’t just advance people to positions for which they are not qualified. But you can help them qualify for advancement. You can also help them fulfill their dreams of achieving a better life and situation for their family.

Online education allows them to pursue their degree while making a living. In the past, many have felt trapped in a low-level employment situation because they had to go to work before going to college. We tend to forget that in places where tuition is not a benefit of citizenship, going to university is a luxury that many people don’t have. They have to start their 9 to 5 right out of high school and go from there. If you are the kind of person who wants to see people reach their full potential regardless of their starting circumstances, you will also want to offer benefits that help people advance to the next level.

You Care About People With Disabilities

Many workers with disabilities get paid pennies on the dollar due to a legal loophole. It keeps them dependent on state programs just to survive, and unable to advance to better opportunities. If you are the kind of person who cares about people with disabilities, you give qualified candidates a chance. And you also provide the accessibility accommodations they need without pressure from lawyers. That’s the difference between a business person who says they care and one who actually does.

Your career speaks volumes about the kind of person you really are. Regardless of your career direction, some of the best things your career can say about you is that you are the kind of person who cares about knowledge, advancement of others, and the uplifting of people with disabilities. 

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