Pardeep K. Bansal – Top Career Development Director

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Mr. Pardeep K. Bansal, who is the Director of Career Planning and Development at Chandigarh University, has been awarded the Top Career Development Director award by Career Guide. The award was accepted by him and he expressed his pleasure and gratitude on receiving the award in his acceptance speech.

Mr. Bansal truly feels that an award like this motivates and boosts his morale to do what he does and do it better and work even harder. He has over 17 years of diverse experience in designing, planning, organizing, and controlling career development and employability training programs for engineering and management students. He has trained students on aptitude, reasoning and soft skills across India. He has helped in the development of Java-based software in companies like Dell, Perot, HPS, HCL and PCL.

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Mr. Bansal is a dynamic, hard-working, creative and enthusiastic professional who effectively and efficiently manages a team of over 130 resources (trainers, managers and quality coordinators) at Chandigarh University. He possesses excellent interpersonal, observational, communication and analytical skills.

The students have also appreciated his and the University’s efforts in helping them get better placement offers. They prepared a list of over 18 books that had over 35000 questions related to placement. During the pandemic, to avoid any sort of hindrances for the students, they went so far as to courier these books to all the engineering and MBA students at their doorstep. Amidst all these, they have also taken into account the impact on mental health and worked on those issues as well.

So, in this noble endeavour, the Career Guide Team congratulates and encourages Mr. Bansal in his efforts to keep working hard for the future of the students under him and constantly encouraging and supporting him.

Acceptance speech by Mr. Pardeep Kumar Bansal:

– Chandni Sethia

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