Top Innovative and Creative Skills: Sparkling Mindz Global School

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The Sparkling Mindz Global School located in Bengaluru, Karnataka, has been awarded the Top Innovative and Creative Skills Related Initiatives (School) award by Career Guide. The award was accepted by the CEO, Ms. Sreeja Iyer on behalf of the school. Sreeja Iyer in her acceptance speech on behalf of the school expressed her pleasure and gratitude for receiving the award. She believes that education today is at the cusp of evolution with the opportunity to recreate in a child-centric way, and child aligned. She feels truly excited to be a part of this change to shape the lives of young minds.

Ms. Iyer aspires for the children to grow up to be change-makers and look past the academic hurdles and marks as the only solution. This is a challenge that they have happily taken on and tackling this involves unleashing the creator and the innovator in them. Ms. Iyer also gives due credit to her team and family members who were along her side in this journey.

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Sparkling Mindz was founded in Jan 2010 with a vision to inspire confident learners among our children. From the very beginning, they have been clear that learning needs to feel joyous, deep and connected to the learner. The Sparkling Mindz Global School has also been awarded the Top SME Businesses of 2021 by Great Companies. They were among the Top 20 Primary Schools 2020 by ECA-APER (Association for Primary Education Research) Hall of Fame Awards; they were also among the Top 50 Educational Organizations by GFEL in 2019 for an innovative approach to learning and empowering children.

They have the vision to create the change-makers of today through a balanced philosophy of learning and living for children. They have adopted a Game-Based and Reggio-Emilia inspired approach which is focused on making the learning process more purposeful, joyous, and relevant in the 21st century for every child.

creative skills

The Sparkling Mindz team has varied backgrounds, experiences, and insights into the education system as well as the corporate world. They are passionate about re-imagining the very purpose of learning: children as change-makers of today. They have brought about an innovative approach towards the curriculum through child participation in school, parent interactions, class delivery, event presentations so that every single facet touches the child’s life and drives them towards the mission of empowering themselves as change-makers.

creative skills

So, in this noble endeavour, the Career Guide Team congratulates and encourages them to keep moving forward in their efforts for the children to connect to and apply their learning in their day to day lives. For the same purpose, they have developed missions for the children to go on within the IBCL (Innovation Beyond Connected Learning) framework uniquely created by the school. When a child learns through this framework they learn academics through a more holistic approach that involves design, thinking, tinkering, managing emotions, reflection and collaboration and they are inspired to stay engaged in the learning process to become confident learners.

creative skills

Acceptance speech  by Sparkling Mindz Global School:

– Chandni Sethia 

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