Top Educator/Trainer – Vikram Balajiwale

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Mr. Vikram Balajiwale, who is the owner of Balaji Commerce Academy for the past 22 years, has been awarded the Top Educator/ Trainer award by Career Guide. The award was accepted by him and he expressed his pleasure and gratitude on receiving the award in his acceptance speech.

Mr. Balajiwale gladly accepted this award and has taken upon himself the responsibility and obligation to carry forward and take this journey of imparting education and career development and planning to the next level by reaching out to even the Indian rural student population.

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Mr. Balajiwale has dedicated this award to family, faculty and acquaintances who have been a great support to him in this endeavour. Mr. Balajiwale is an Internationally Certified Career Planning and Development Consultant and has been an expert coach in Financial Accounting and Economics for the past 20 years. He is the Chief Mentor at Balaji Commerce Academy, Nashik as well as a Students’ and Parents’ Counsellor.

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So, in this noble endeavour, the Career Guide Team congratulates and encourages Mr. Balajiwale in his efforts to make an impact through knowledge, education and required skills on the “The Potential Commerce Student”; to encourage and Groom Future Commerce Professionals and provide unique and innovative learning opportunities to students to realize their goals and to shape up for future Business dealers, Financial Professionals and Entrepreneurs.

Acceptance speech by Vikram Balajiwale:

– Chandni Sethia

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