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Course For Working Professionals


  • We bring Career Coaching Service for working professionals to overcome wide variety of work related challenges

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  • CareerGuide brings CAREER CLARITY SERVICE FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS to overcome wide variety of work related challenges.
Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals

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CareerGuide brings Career Clarity Service for all Working Professionals to overcome wide variety of work related challenges.

Get CAREER COACHING related to your career

Career session with Certified Career Counsellor will give you stronger understanding of what you need to do to pursue those careers in the future.

What is Career Clarity?

 If you feel stuck in you current positions, or if you are in-between roles and unsure of what you want to do next.

Career Coaching Career Clarity


If you are asking yourself these two questions:

  • “Am I in the wrong job?”
  • “Something is missing in my career but what is it?”

Then it is time for you to immediately attend to CareerGuide’s Psychometric Tests ( Professional Skill Index & 21st Century Skills Test ) and speak to one of our certified career coached.

Ultimately, this exercise will give you an understanding of:

If you genuinely understand  what makes you tick and what your mission in life is, you’ll have better career clarity than most people.

Career Clarity Service Career Coaching



If You Are Asking Yourself "How Do I get There" In Your Career


You Want To Change Career or Role But You Are Not Succeeding


Like Other 90% Working Professional You Don't Have Anyone to Talk Because The Workspace Landscape is Often Very Political

Surabhi Dewra Career Coaching


Just Like 80% of Working Professional, You Don't Have Right LinkedIn


If You Are Unable To Maintain Employment In Same Position That's The Sign That You Need A Career Coach


You Have Been Held the Same Position For 2-3 years and Have Been Passes Over For A Promotion Several Times


A Guide & mentor will give you Career Coaching and can help you find new ways of thinking about who you are in work and in the world

Career Planning

Sharing of Checklists and Career Progress Planning & Discussion with Experts

Psychometric Test

Best AI enabled Psychometric Test to Understand Career.

Video Calls

4 Personal Call Over Video or Phone Call to Resolve Any Doubts Related To Your Future


Overcome wide variety of work related challenges – Just not updating linkedin or job search tips 

Learn Skills Required In Today's Work

Set Goals To Build Career RoadMap

Build Connections
Build Confidence

Learn New School
Of Thoughts

Gain A Mentor Outside Of The Office

Increase Productivity
In Your Life


We want to hand hold you & help you accelerate your career woth our Career Coaching. Read our story from our users


Our Career Coaching helped many get on fast track. They can become your inspiration. 

What's Included

Our Most Popular Career Plan

What's Included

Our Best Plan

What's Included

Career Report

Our Mentees Have Upgraded Their Careers To

Trusted By Lakhs Of Working Professionals



Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2020


Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2020

International Women's Day Receipient -Tinder

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2020

ASU GSV Elite 200

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2019

CEO with HR Orientation Award

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2019

50 Fabulous Edutech Leaders - World Education Congress


Indian Education Award


FAME INDIA 25 Powerful Women Award

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2015

BITSAA Global 30 Under 30 Award

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2015

Action For India Award

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2015

Digital Women Award - SheTheTv


Microsoft Technology Excellence Award


National Education Excellence Award

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2012

Assocham India Award

Career Clarity Service For Working Professionals 2012

Your Story 40 Women Entrepreneur

More About Career Coaching For Working Professionals

Are you ready to go on a courageous, self-discovering, and empowering journey with Careerguide.com?

If you feel stuck in your current positions, or if you are in-between roles and unsure of what you want to do next. Then you need career clarity service. CareerGuide brings Career Clarity Service for Working Professional to overcome wide variety of work-related challenges. You’ll have better career clarity than most people if you actually understand what makes you tick and what your mission in life is. You will have a better understanding of what you need to do to pursue those careers in the future after a career session with a certified career counselor.

Benefits of Career Clarity Service for Working Professionals  

Students at schools, colleges, UG, PG, and other institutions frequently receive career counselling, which is very helpful in ensuring that they land the ideal job, goal, etc. for their career. It is crucial to keep in mind that career counseling does not only apply to students when it comes to working professional. A working professional could occasionally want to change their job description, operate in a different environment than they anticipated, or hold a position that doesn’t offer long-term stability, among other things. At any time in one’s life, a professional counselor should offer career counseling. By providing you with beneficial suggestions, expert career counselors can assist you in selecting the best career coaching and safest path for you. Here are the few main benefits of career counseling for working professional:

Aids You In Exploring Your Options

Career Clarity Service for Working Professional is crucial because it aids in choice exploration. When you’ve already joined a company and put in a lot of time working there, it’s critical to understand what options are still open to you. If they make plans in advance, some people might have learned enough and be prepared to look for other possibilities. I suppose your line of work doesn’t pay well, your industry hasn’t been steady for a while, etc. In order to start your career, it is crucial to know what alternative employment options are available to you. If the previous stage has failed, some people may have the necessary knowledge to move on to the next one if they have planned ahead. However, for the reasons mentioned above, a lot of people who have just started working can need career coaching. Even the most experienced people occasionally lack direction. In order to assure a good future, it is therefore recommended to contact the counsellor for Working Professional and Career Coaching.

For Job Switches

One can have begun their employment with a company. For a variety of reasons, many people choose to join a company with a specific job role. They may want to use the knowledge gained from this position to pursue other opportunities, there may not be long-term stability (as previously stated), they may be in a stressful environment and want to switch to another, they may be feeling pressure from their parents or friends, and so on. They may have come from a low-income family and joined the company without interest. Nobody else, not even your seniors or specialists, can advise you in the appropriate approach to address these difficulties. Changing jobs or responsibilities would be challenging for a number of reasons, as was already mentioned. You can get help from experts in Career Clarity Service for Working Professional by getting the best solutions from them.

To Further One’s Education

Yes, a lot of people have jobs, but many also want to further their education in order to improve in their careers. To move on to the next level, individuals could choose to do research or obtain another degree. Career counselling can help if you’re unsure of what you want to do with your life or if you have any doubts. However, Career Clarity Service for Working Professional is most helpful if you’ve already held a job but want to pursue further study in a different field. Universities in other countries look at a candidate’s background, and your chances of being admitted are stronger if they can tell that you plan to keep working in the field you’ve already worked in. If you choose to continue higher education in a different field, career counselling for Working Professional’

Beneficial Options

You could be drawn to certain positions and desire to learn more about them. You might not have any real understanding or experience with them, even if you have an idea about them. This question can be posed online, where people can share their experiences, but it will take time. Alternatively, you can speak with any senior or expert who can draw a conclusion from the experiences of many other people. You might be interested in a position and want to learn more about it, but you may not be aware that there may not be long-term chances for that position, that the pay may be lower, that working in that industry requires stress management skills that you may not possess, etc. For professionals who are currently employed, seeking career counselling is preferred.

Teaching In Accordance

If you don’t know which option to pick from a multitude of possibilities but still want to work in one of them, Career Clarity Service for Working Professionals can point you in the right route. Depending on your background, prior scores, workability, interests, and other factors, they provide you instructions and best career coaching. They might offer alternatives and suggestions for how to get huge, or they might offer some of the best strategies for moving up from where you are now. Only a small percentage of your elders may be able to help you move from your current level to one that is higher, but if you consult an expert, he will be able to help you completely by offering many helpful techniques and suggestions because it is their duty to help others.

Why CareerGuide?

One of the top job counseling platforms, CareerGuide, provides several services for class 11 and 12 students.

Our team of Certified Career Counsellor will help you select the perfect college for you with your marks, location and preference. We will also provide you with complete information about our college, branches, departments, right specialization and career pathway and career coaching. The organization exercises cutting edge methodologies in design the personalized career roadmap of the students.

Our team has an extensive understanding of the industry and access to leading experts in numerous fields. From engineers to artists, business sales professionals to advocates, we serve as clients.

  • As an essential component of the operations and hiring procedures for numerous international corporations, we have seen the growing importance of accurate career mapping.
  • When you work with us, you are working with a team of experts who are qualified to provide the finest career solution for you or your child.

From the initial assessment to the planning and implementation stages, we provide you with guidance in every step. On the basis of that guidance, we apply the most effective solution that is best suited for you to career guidance, and our counsellors provide recommendations that meet your needs.

A career advisor can help you make decisions in your life by educating you about your strengths and weaknesses, assisting you in getting to know yourself better through psychometric testing and counselling sessions. So, start your career guidance or career coaching now. When you choose us, you are selecting a team of knowledgeable counsellors and experts that will support you in every way. So why are you still waiting? Contact us right away

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