Class 11 is believed to be the toughest academic year in the entire years of schooling. The leap of the level of academics is quite wide and often students find it difficult to cope up with it. As a result of this, students tend to make wrong career choices which could later drop them in regret. Few students who could not perform well in academics in class 11 unlike their class 10 puts an additional pressure which also end up in unfavourable situations. Here is an article on 6 reason why class 11 students opt for counselling.
To negate all these odds and not to risk any career-related decisions, one should preferably opt for career counselling. Career guidance from certified counsellors will definitely help you in making better career choices which could lead you to success. This article will highlight the importance of career counselling especially for a class 11 student. Read the full article to know them yourself. Know More Details On Career Guidance For Graduates and Post Graduates.
Selection Of The Right Career

As students have already selected their streams in class 10, deciding what career or what degree to opt for, remains a question mark. Students in class 12 basically become very busy with their board examinations and other competitive exams, therefore, the optimum age when one should start focusing on their career selection is class 11 itself. If you are confused about to do or have some apprehension regarding a particular career, career counselling session would a great help for you. One would definitely not try to risk their career by wrong decisions, hence opting for a career counsellor is always a smart move. Know More Details On Career Clarity Service.
Various Competitive Exams
As class 12 seems to be very academically busy year, knowing about different available competitive exams for their admissions into their dream degree is very important. As class 12 usually goes in preparation, all the information should be well known in class 11. People tend to look up in internet but they barely get complete information and they might often miss certain exams which could restrict their opportunities. To avoid any such risks, one should seek for career counselling. A career counsellor is immensely knowledgeable and through their experience, they could easily lay down all the possible competitive exams that you should sit and further they could also tell you how they work and what are the next steps that are needed to be undertaken.
New Age Career Options
With every day passing by, there are multiple new career options coming up which students are not well known to and hence, students who could potentially perform well in those career paths usually do not opt due to lack of knowledge. A career counsellor in this case could easily help you out by letting you know all the facts about the new age career options along with the present success rate and their scope in future.
Helps In Avoiding Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is very prominent among the school students and class 11 is no exception to it. Students usually to follow up their peers while selecting a career degree which often put them in trouble as their area of interest could be completely different. A career counselling session can be very helpful in avoiding peer pressure as a counsellor will assess you in terms of your interests and certain traits of your personality and could potentially suggest you those career paths which suit you and where you could excel the most.
Strengths And Weaknesses
As a right career counselling session will definitely involve in psychometric test, you will get the opportunity to know yourself better. You will get to know about your strengths and weaknesses which will stay with you while every career decision you make in future. Knowing your weaknesses will also give you the chance to work on them and how you can turn your weaknesses into the strengths and use it for your benefits. Knowing yourself can also help you in future in clearing many interviews with ease. Know More Details On Interview Masterclass.
Selection Of The Right College Or University
Selection of college is one of the most hectic and confusing tasks for almost every student. There are a lot of factors like ranking, different cities, placement opportunities, extra-curricular activities, etc., that are needed to be considered before finally selecting the college for your degree. However, all these information are not are not available everywhere and even if they are available, they can be biased and there is not authentic source even on internet. A career counsellor could be your personalised yet professional guide in your selection of the colleges. A counsellor at any given time will have a better knowledge and understanding of the universities which will help you to choose them easily. Apart from the known options of colleges, they can also suggest you some other colleges based on your taste and preference. Know More Details On Choosing Higher education Masterclass.
Masterclass For College

As a college student, you are at a unique point in your life where you are pursuing higher education and learning skills that will shape your future. While attending lectures, taking notes, and studying for exams is important, there are additional skills that can enhance your college experience and prepare you for the next chapter of your life. In this masterclass, I will discuss Eleven key skills that every college student should develop. Know More Details On Masterclass For College.