A successful career does not typically happen accidentally. To make one and obtain all the advantages that come from it, one has to like spending their time reflecting on what they would like and the way they may get there- and that is exactly what career planning does for you. But still, the question remains… why is career planning so important?
Career planning provides us with a roadmap to our future. Career planning outlines how one would get from point A (where you are now) to Point B (your ultimate career goal). With a final goal in mind, you will definitely be ready to identify what actions you would like to inculcate that will take you there. These actions might include things like assessing job descriptions to determining what you would like to try to practice in order to qualify for these jobs, attending networking events to form new connections, and exploring different companies and industries to determine if they are the correct fit.
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Career planning identifies gaps you wish to fill. Speaking of actions you wish to take, career planning helps you identify where you would possibly have a bit more learning to try and do. This might mean taking additional courses, becoming certified in an exceedingly new skill, or perhaps taking admission in a college. Graduating from school may be a good way to accelerate your career path and meet your career goals. It gives you the chance to acquire a spread of skills without delay while you make professional connections. These professional connections will support you for the remainder of your career and pivot in a wholly different direction.

Career planning provides you with space for unending personal reflection. How often does one actually sit down and give some thought to their professional development aside from during your annual review? A decent career plan takes under consideration your strengths, weaknesses, values, and what you need and wish out of a career.
So, this can be your opportunity to reflect on what you have got to supply to the world (and potential employers), how your career plan fits your life, and identify ways in which you will be able to grow (personally and professionally). Career planning provides much-needed motivation and guidance.

As much as you will want it to, your career path will not likely follow a line if you are impulsive and you do not have a plan to follow. Having a career plan will facilitate you to stay motivated during all the twists and turns your career path throws at you. Moreover, most significantly, it will guide you during times when you are considering changing your career or industry, by helping you work out whether your choice truly fits the plan or not.
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So, where does one begin? The best way is to start out by writing everything down. Whether you employ a career planning guide or choose to create your own, it is essential to document your thoughts.
In addition, before you go, please remember some things. Your career plan does not necessarily need to be set in stone. While it is important to have line goals, make it a habit to review your plan every few months to be sure it still matches what you wish out of a career. It is like giving yourself a reality check. No one can tell you what to do, unless you want to do it to in terms of a career path.

Also, following your career plan will not be an easy process. Try to not be discouraged by the possible obstacles along the way. Regardless of what may change, your career plan is there to ground you and guide you on your path to success! All the best.
– Chandni Sethia