Change in the economy is often linked to people who understand that education is more important in a way that everyone should attend school. Lack of concern towards proper guidance to the students has resulted in a high drop-out rate.
The students blame their parents for influencing career choice and start cursing themselves for not following their passion which leads them to be socially unconnected with the real world. How does career counselling improve the situation? Read on
1. Less Drop-out rate
Various programs and policies have been introduced in schools and colleges to control the dropout rate. These programs and policies include mentorship opportunities for each student, real-world learning opportunities etc. Overpowering the fear of disconnection by a career counsellor can result in a significant reduction in the dropout rate.

The Nation needs the economic and social contribution of the young generation for the development of a nation. The high dropout rate is a threatening signal for any nation. Career counselling should be an essential element in the education system and every child must get career counselling for the development of a nation.
2. Unemployment
Career counselling has evolved so much that it directly affects the industrial sector from vocational training to human resources. Career counselling significantly decreases unemployment. The primary reason for unemployment is inadequate skills and unmatched jobs.
Career counselling can increase the awareness of career options available and enhances individual skills. People having jobs matching their skills and academics tends to change fewer jobs. A large workforce in any nation increases the GDP of the nation.
3. Skill Development
Through career counselling, an individual gets guidance for appropriate courses he/she should pursue based on his/her skills, talent and personality. Greater use of career counselling services and likely to increase the skills of an individual.
A person with higher skills tends to contribute more to the workforce of the country. A higher workforce of any country definitely has faster growth.
What is PEST Analysis?

The main purpose of PEST analysis is to understand what external forces may affect career counselling in a nation and how those factors could create opportunities or threats to your business. The main components of PEST are: Political, Economic, Social and Technological
Politically, different governments are trying to emphasize career counselling owing to take the responsibility of global reports on mental pressure and depression. Career counselling has lately become a political issue where not only the governments from developed nations such as the USA and the UK are spending but the developing nations such as India, Israel, The Philippines, Malaysia all are investing a lot
The average public expenditure on education worldwide as a percentage of GDP is 5.7%. Some countries such as Canada spend greater than the global average and the result is quite clear in the graphs that have been shown above.
In Israel, career counselling is an essential element of education, in the USA, the target career counsellor to student ratio is 250:1, in India education board, has passed a law for at least one career counsellor in every school.
Career counselling in some economies is considered as a basic necessity just
like education while in others, it is considered as a luxury that only well-off
students can avail. It definitely requires government efforts and funding.

An efficient career counselling can definitely prove to be a wonderful stroke for the economy of a country. When the youth is well directed and motivated, they can contribute to economy building.
Career counselling is linked with lowering the dropout rate in colleges and organizations, increases the economy. With appropriate career counselling, students can perform well with clear goals, employees in companies can give their best, and it can result in economic output.
Career Counselling has a great social impact. Students can perform well in the area of their interest and thus drop-out rate decreases, enrolment ratio increases, gender disparity also narrows down.
Career guidance has therapeutic effects and thus leads to positive engagement and involvement in work and education which further enhance the social well-being factor.
New technologies are emerging which can make it easy for counsellors to know the client better. Now career counsellors are using the proven scientific theories to develop psychometric tests used in career counselling and providing online solutions to the students.
Technology has made it easier for students from the remotest areas of the world to pursue career counselling from expert and certified counsellors.