Career counselling: Is it for me?

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End goals are the ones that we really really want. The stuff that inspires our soul and motivates us to wake up each day. It often not about materialistic things like an expensive car, or a big house. Mostly it’s about the quality of life and the quality of work that we aspire to, like feeling satisfied and meaningful at the end of the day like we matter and are happy. Here are the career counselling: Is it for me?

Means goals are what our mind thinks we need to achieve to get those end goals. These are made based on what we think is the way to attain our end goals, which is most likely to be a very long and tedious one. It is not possible for us to know each career path and know how to walk on them, to know that what we want at the end could very well be what our journey is about. Often, people get so stuck in the career goals that they forget about their end goals or their end goals start seeming like a distant dream.


Identification can refer to different concepts depending on the context, but in general, it refers to the process of recognizing or establishing the identity of someone or something.  In other contexts, identification can refer to the process of recognizing or categorizing an object or entity based on certain characteristics, such as its physical appearance, behavior, or properties. Identification can also refer to a psychological process by which an individual associates themselves with certain groups or categories, such as their gender, ethnicity, or nationality.


Career assessment test, The big five personality test, Psychometric test, Career strength test, MAPP career assessment test, Myers-Briggs type indicator. The right career planning is what changes the game. The most judicious way, in which you will benefit the most. Hard work is the key but knowing where to do the hard work is integral. Career counsellors help you make this plan. They know about all the coming opportunities and openings, they know where the trend is headed, and the best part, they know what you are looking for.


Now comes materializing what we have planned. Several obstacles and changes in trends or circumstances will come your way to deter you from your goals. And many a time you will feel confused by the options in front of you, even the covid pandemic proved to be one for all of us. Here the guidance of a career counsellor will help you remember where you’re headed and help you make sense of how to use your environment to your advantage and not be influenced by temporary things.


Once you’re done with your side of hard work, you need to now look for opportunities that will help you reap the fruits of your work, a workplace that values your presence and where you can learn and grow as an individual. These workplaces can be discovered by identifying the right opportunities in the market be it for a self-employed or a  person looking for a job with an enterprise. A career counsellor is spending their days and nights studying and looking for such opportunities. They can help you apply to various job openings and also help you prepare best for your dream job. You can also check out BECOME A MASTER WITH CAREERGUIDE

Thus, in today’s day and age, and the current scenario of competition, it is pivotal to know one’s right career path and walk on it. A career counseor is a present-day bane for all of us and stands equal to our education and university facilities. So next time you’re feeling confused about what time to wear your dream job interview, ask your career counsellor ( just kidding) no ask a friend, but to get you to that interview, a career counsellor might help!


Career counseling is a process of assisting individuals in identifying and achieving their career goals. It involves exploring an individual’s skills, interests, personality traits, and values to help them make informed decisions about their career path. Career counseling typically involves a range of activities, including assessments, one-on-one sessions with a career counselor, and the development of a career plan. The ultimate goal is to help individuals find work that is meaningful, satisfying, and aligned with their personal and professional goals. Career counseling is particularly beneficial for individuals who are facing career transitions, such as students trying to decide on a major, mid-career professionals seeking a change, or individuals who have been laid off or are struggling to find work.

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