Conditions leading to need for Career Counselling

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Career counselling is a scientific process that can be given ideally by trained and certified counsellors. The job of a career counsellor has even been compared to that of a doctor. He first analyses the talent and skills of the student, prepares a proper course structure for advancement in his/ her career, guides the student on how to proceed in their career and motivates them to achieve what they are aiming at. You will read about “Conditions leading to need for career counselling” in this blog.

What Led To The Development Of The Need For Counselling?

Globally, students face a big challenge when they have to decide their career in Career counsellor . A few students are confident of their career decision, however, many students have no reliable source of guidance, and thus they fail to understand what career option will be suitable to them. A majority of students, globally, select a career option considering what their peers are selecting or what their parents suggest them to do. You can also check become a master with careerguide.

To top it up, the economic conditions of the world have become more volatile than ever. In the lane to outshine in the world of competition, career counselling emanates at the precise time. The existence of career counselling dates back to the 19th century when it was started in the United States due to changing economic conditions.


Advancement Of Careers

History has proved times and again how several career fields became obsolete over the years. With advanced technologies, some jobs get vanished while new ones emerge. The one who can keep up with the trends is definite to ace the competition. As new career options emerge, new skills are demanded in the industry and a student needs to be aware of these advancements.

Career Counselling here acts as a torch-bearer for the whole workforce that can be made aware of the industrial changes in advance to hone their skills accordingly and be prepared for the upcoming changes. Although the importance of career counselling cannot be denied, yet there are several challenges associated with the process. In the UK, which is considered to be highly advanced in terms of career services, 70% of students under 14 said in a survey that they have never taken any career advice while 45% of students above 14 said that they had received limited advice.know more about career counsellors.

Who Needs Career Counselling

It has been reported that of all the people having psychological problems, 25% have their reasons due to dissatisfaction in their career and jobs. Most of these people are under 30 of age and this makes it highly important to highlight the importance of career counselling. You can also check guiding college students.


CareerGuide is an online platform that provides personalized career guidance and support to individuals seeking to advance their careers. By using CareerGuide, individuals can receive expert advice, tools, and resources to help them make informed decisions about their education, career path, and job search. CareerGuide offers a range of services, including career assessments, resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies. For more information about Become a Mastere with Careerguide.

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