USA – Overview of State of Career Counselling

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Career counselling is not a new concept, some countries have been following some element of it for several years while other countries are taking strong steps to bring it into the academic curriculum of the students. Different countries have different rules and regulations for career counselling and counsellors. In some of the developed nations, career counselling is being provided by the government and Universities. Here is the USA – Overview of state of career counselling.

Career counselling is a process of providing guidance and assistance to individuals who are seeking to make decisions about their career paths. The goal of career counselling is to help individuals identify their strengths, interests, skills, and values and to explore how these factors can be applied to various career options. Career counsellors use a variety of tools and techniques to help individuals make informed decisions about their careers

General Overview

The United States has a history of being the forerunner in introducing career counselling as an essential element of academic and professional services. Certain organizations such as The National Career Development Association are working towards the betterment of services across the nation.

Academic And Certification

In the USA, counselling is being used since years and more than
qualifications, experience counts for them. Certain accreditation bodies such as CACREP and the National Career Development Association (NCDA) provide certificates to the working career counsellors in the country. In the USA, someone who has devoted a number of years in the field of career counselling can get a Master Career Counsellor Credential.

Government Policies

US Department of Education has also implemented Perkins Act (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) to highlight such counselling and guidance programs for careers. Through the act, not only career counselling is promoted, but it is also ensured that enough funds are released by the government the ensured effectiveness of the program. Career counsellors are also provided training through this act. In addition, the government has made efforts to provide career counselling to service members, veterans and those who are dependent so that they draw their career graphs with guidance.

It has been predicted that for the next 3 years, there will be an annual increase in career counsellor demand by 8%. In the US, job training and career counselling is expected to be a USD 14 billion market with more than 21,000 private businesses in the industry. U.S Department of State (CTC) provides training, counselling, job lead and other assistance to U.S. citizen employees. Various seminars on Job search, retirement planning, financial planning, early to the midlife career change or career retirement are organised by U.S. Department of State for U.S citizens.

U.S. government also train career counsellors or provide information to career counsellors to make employment projections, understanding the industry trend to guide their client to make precise decisions

Mode Of Counselling

Many career counsellors provide counselling over series of telephonic conversation by fixing face-to-face counselling session and even online guidance over the clicks using some tests and by asking questions.

Universities’ Initiatives

Counselling in career, counselling in psychology master courses are offered in few U.S. Universities. Career counselling facilities are available in most of the educational institutes in U.S. Career counsellors guide students in admission and enrolment practices. American Education Bodies recommend 1:250 as counsellor to student ratio, but it is currently 1:491 in the U.S.Read more: What is the required counselor to student ratio in West Virginia

Career Counsellors Power - Up Package

A career counselor’s power-up package could include a range of tools and resources to help clients identify their strengths, explore career options, and make informed career decisions. Here are some possible components of a career counselor’s power-up package:

Career assessment tests: Assessment tests can provide objective and standardized evaluations of a client’s skills, interests, values, and personality traits. These tests can help clients identify their strengths, clarify their career goals, and explore different career options.

Resume and cover letter review: A career counselor can review a client’s resume and cover letter, providing feedback on formatting, content, and language. This can help clients to create a professional and effective application package. Visit the now

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