Career Counselling Challenges in India and Asian countries

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Tertiary education level signifies an educational degree that is above school level. World Bank states that all the colleges, Universities and specialised institutions come under the umbrella of tertiary education. It is also known as ‘Continuing Education’ in some of the countries. Career Counselling has been regarded as highly important for those seeking tertiary education. In above-mentioned 17 countries, on average, 46.1% of the total population in the age group of 25-34 has received tertiary education. Tertiary education is third level or post-secondary education, i.e pursuing any academy after high school.

Korea has the highest populations with tertiary education of age group 25-34 with 68.97% followed by Japan with 59.65%, Canada 59.18% and the United Kingdom 49.18%. India, Italy and Germany have the lowest population with tertiary education in the age group of 25-34

Challenge in India

The main reason behind the low tertiary rate in India is that many urban and rural private education institutes offer degrees without affiliation or recognition and this leads to no recognition of educational qualification of a major share of the population in this age. To save tax, many institutions are not approved by authorities like UGC and AICTE. Due to unawareness, many young students get trapped in such institutes.


At this stage, career counselling can play a major role for the students and others who want to pursue tertiary education. It is safe to say that tertiary education can provide better job prospects and salaries to the students and thus can lead to a better lifestyle. However, many students, due to lack of proper guidance end up leaving their studies. Career counselling at this stage can help the students to understand what career can be suitable for them and how they can gain expertise in their selected career options. In addition, career counsellors and guide the students about how much effort their selected career stream will demand, the kind of lifestyle they can expect, the scope of career growth and most importantly the financial aid that is available for particular courses.

Asian Country Challenges

The dropout rate of students from colleges are decreasing for sure but it is still on a higher side. A remarkable change has been observed in dropout rate from 2000-2015. The global dropout rate in 2000 was over 12% and in 2016 dropout rate comes out to be close to 5%. The significant drop can be related to the rise of career counselling and increased awareness in developing nations. Graduating is not an easy task considering the amount of coursework along with personal life and societal expectations. When a student has to select the right college, certain challenges come in front of him and he has to sort them out at the earliest so that there is no delay in applying for the college. After secondary education, selecting the right career field for graduation is the first step for a student.

In many Asian countries such as India and China, this step is highly neglected and a majority of students opt for the career streams – engineering, medical science and commerce. There is little understanding of career fields beyond these and this is one of the reasons that these students often end up doing double graduation or a post-graduation in a field non-similar to the one they did their graduation in.

Korean Case Analysis

Analysing the whole situation, Korea is among the top scorers who have the highest percentage of people (25-34 years) having tertiary education. One of the reasons behind this is an active career counselling law which was first introduced in 1998. The program is focused on building personal skills, creating life-long careers and a satisfying job. At the time of rapid growth of the country before 1998, there was an increased interest of the youth towards high-paying jobs and that created an imbalance in the economy. This created an urgent need for aptitude based career counselling. Since then, Korea has evolved career counselling in a way that it can benefit the whole working and student population of the country. This has highly impacted the education and awareness level in the country.

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