Explore yourself – before you become a career counselor

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The act of counseling is as much a challenge to know oneself as it is to provide direction to a client. A successful career counselor’s job is to instill confidence in the client to cope with a given situation that has been a millstone around his neck. Here is an article on Explore Yourself – Before You Become A Career Counselor .

Table of Contents

A counselor’s job is to encourage the client to realize his own potential.  This is because the sessions basically involve knowledge sharing, and a qualified professional career counselor cannot do justice to clients if one is not completely self-aware. Self-reflection is an important tool for a counselor to develop a knowledge bank that will result in a mutually satisfying outcome. 

Importance Of Self-Awareness

The process of exploring oneself and learning to give width to your beliefs is the key to the process of self-awareness. Unless you are confident of your beliefs and standing in relation to the experiences of your changing clients, you shall not be able to detach yourself from the concerns of your client. You shall fail in assessing the situation objectively to suggest solutions. You are sure to falter on gathering self-clouds Let us see how self-awareness develops.

  • Connecting to Others: Working with different clients is always a challenge. But it also leads to self-assessment about your strengths, weakness, feelings, and limitations with respect to relating with the client. A good counselor will be able to make a client communicate comfortably, to create a positive impact. 
  • Development of Self Awareness: The very foundation of counseling is the use of own beliefs, values, and knowledge to address the personal concerns of the client. Self-awareness grows over time and learning about oneself is an unending process.
  • Countering Familiarity: The bane of career counseling is that you are privy to client information. Self-confidence is the key to jettison the information once the counseling comes to an end. 
  • Coping with Attitudes: It goes without saying that different clients will pose different intricate situations. Gaining clarity and being able to focus on is an ongoing process. Any deviation can result in a failure to develop a two-way interaction.

Qualities Required For A Career Counselor

Academic knowledge is not the only basis on which a successful counseling career can be launched. Riding on self-confidence and being sure about one’s own beliefs and values may not carry you far in the profession. What may come in the way is your innate personal trait, knowledge, and development which are greatly influenced by self-awareness. Yet, looking at some of the qualities that make you a much sought after counselor are

  • Appreciation: It is one quality that will help the counselor to absorb queries of the client and result in an effective consultation outcome
  • Flexibility: Gauging client concern and sharing the right information is vital to its resolution. A counselor’s flexibility and support are vital to mutual satisfaction.
  • Positive Interest: The key to counseling is the ability of the counselor to put the client at ease.  
  •  Mutual Respect: A counselor must avoid being condescending and be amiable in disposition to share information mutually. 
  • Open Mind: The counselor must be ready to face challenging questions with equanimity and not show any bias or be judgmental. 
  • Passion: Above all, a counselor must be passionate about helping others. A feeling of accomplishment by helping another human does not come easily until one is passionate about it.

Other Traits Of A Successful Career Counselor

Career counseling is a method derived from sharing relevant information and suggesting ways to chart a roadmap to take the right direction.  To be one of the successful career counselors, your knowledge and self-confidence resulting from your firm beliefs and awareness will help you in honing the following skills.

  • Active Skills: All your personal traits come to your aid in counseling sessions which is all about listening and absorbing patiently. Your confidence helps you in retrieving relevant information from your knowledge bank to help the client grasp your suggestion and guidance. 
  • Active Knowledge: Being sure of one’s knowledge is the biggest boon of self-awareness. In fact, every session is intrinsic to the learning process. Humility comes from self-awareness, leading to success in career counseling.
  • Active Development: Personal development is the key to expansion and growth in the field of counseling. An interest in self-awareness is essential for understanding, what will be your aid in an effective counseling process. 

Preparation For Counseling Session

A successful and good career counselor is one who self prepares before every session of counseling to be effective as a support system to the client. A counselor’s help is sought only when a client is at crossroads and unable to arrive at an informed decision.  A methodical approach on the part of a counselor goes a long way in mitigating the issue.  It is important to remember that the client himself is his biggest support. It is only the impetus that the client needs to overcome the blues. The steps a counselor follows are

  • Be ready with details before facing the client. 
  • Start with small talk to make the client comfortable.
  • Open a two-way sharing of information.
  • Be a good listener without being pompous which may put the client off. 
  • Observe and analyze the client’s strengths and weaknesses and suggest ways to harness potential and rise above. After all, the aim is to reach the goal.

How Do Know You Have It In You To Be A Career Counselor?

Counseling is basically being passionate about helping others. A simple realization of having been able to help others is rewarding enough. At the same time being confident in your abilities arms you with a shield to withstand the rigors of counseling- which needs a perpetual upgrade of your knowledge bank. If your self-awareness and confidence immunes you from these travails to be your serene calm self once the sessions are over, career counseling is definitely your calling in life.  

Summing Up

Self-awareness and exploration are potent means to goad the counselor to rise above the mundane and be of help to the client. It is important as the client seeks the help of the counselor only because he is unable to face his concern alone.

Become A Master With Careerguide

The Career Counsellor Certification Course” from CareerGuide is a 50+ hour, self-paced, lifetime access online course for career counsellor certification. This will assist in giving you curriculum with the use of many Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs, and Quizzes. Everything you need to become a successful career counsellor is in the curriculum. This course consists of  lessons that help to develop your skills and become a master career guide.

FAQ's on Career Counselling Certification Course For Career Counselors

Q: Why is it important to explore yourself before becoming a career counselor? 

A: Exploring yourself before becoming a career counselor is important because it helps you understand your own strengths, interests, and values. This self-knowledge will help you guide others in their career exploration and decision-making process.

Q: How do I explore myself before becoming a career counselor? 

A: You can explore yourself by taking self-assessment tests, reflecting on your own career journey, seeking feedback from others, and engaging in personal and professional development activities.

Q: What self-assessment tests can I take to explore myself? 

A: There are several self-assessment tests you can take, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Strong Interest Inventory (SII), and Values Assessment. These tests can help you identify your personality type, interests, and values.

Q: Why is it important to seek feedback from others when exploring yourself? 

A: Seeking feedback from others can provide you with different perspectives on your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you identify areas for improvement and gain insight into how others perceive you.

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