Reliability of CareerGuide’s For Career Counselling Certification

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A career, according to Careerguide, is a person’s life. More than 3500K pupils have benefited from their services around the country. Their geographical reach exceeds 34000 people. Its network includes 1500 career counsellors who have completed 1000K psychometric assessments.

Table of Contents

Examine the website to discover how much thought and work went into the services provided. The following is a list of CareerGuide’s’ reliability for career counselling certification.

Designed for Students

Seven psychometric tests created by famous psychologists are available through CareerGuide. They’re laid out in a way that emphasizes your abilities, interests, and goals. If you like, CareerGuide also provides career coaching over the phone. Thousands of job opportunities are available through the portal. You may also get detailed information on all of the world’s most prestigious educational institutions right here. It will even assist you in your web search for career counselors.

Parents' Guide

If you are a parent, you can take advantage of the different services available to pupils. CareerGuide can help you find colleges anywhere in India or abroad. If you decide to study abroad, can assist you with all of the legal procedures. 

Counselors' Guide

As a career counsellor, CareerGuide provides you with everything you need to get started. All you have to do now is download the app and establish an account on the site. Your dashboard will feature all of the information you need to give kids career recommendations. You can earn as much as you want whenever you want.

For Professionals

If you’re a professional, can help you get to the next level in your career. It aids your efforts when considering a career shift and also helps you locate work after a long absence from the corporate sector. The best psychometric tests have been created to help you analyze your goals. The skill index, on the other hand, assesses your career potential. The higher the index, the better your interview chances are.

CareerGuide also provides a career counselling certification programme if you want to advance your career counselling skills. Depending on your tastes and needs, you can choose between the offline and online versions. Whatever path you choose, completing a certification course here provides you with the following advantages:

  • Access to the portal’s huge resources for the rest of your life
  • At a shockingly low rate, seven psychometric tests were administered.
  • Everything you need to know about career coaching in one place.
  • Guidance to assist students in deciding on a career path.

The Coursework

The career counselling certification programme begins with an examination of the student’s mental state. It discusses the challenge that tenth-grade kids face as well as the importance of taking this vital step. After the tenth, it moves on to common subject pairings for various streams. You’ll learn about the advantages of career counselling, as well as topic themes and delivery strategies. Then you learn how to use the tools you’ll need to assist students. The stream selector tools teach you how to analyze reports and test results. You’ll also find a list of frequently asked questions to help students in their studies. You will learn how to manage the expectations of kids and their parents as the program progresses. You can get a sense of the types of inquiries kids commonly ask career advisers. Case studies and sample situations of career counselling for students round out the phase.

The second phase teaches you everything you need to know about pupils in the 11th and 12th grades. This, too, is based on the same curriculum. You get a sense of the subject combinations available in various streams, as well as the tools needed to assist pupils and will receive a career counselling certification, both a hard copy and a soft copy, after the course, which you are free to display wherever you choose to promote yourself.

The instructor

Surabhi Dewra, is Instructor of CareerGuide, is well-known in the profession. She has also played a key role in bringing beneficial improvements to the industry. All of this can never come from a phony institution or website. If this isn’t sufficient, you can reach out to the instructor via phone or social media. Success stories and client feedback exist on the internet as well. CareerGuide’s career counselling certification programme is one of the most dependable you’ll find for career counsellor certification programs. It has everything students, parents, professionals, and career counsellors require to achieve their goals. Its instruction is inexpensive even for the typical person, thanks to scholarships, EMI choices, and other reductions.

To get the most out of the website, you may need to pay some money. However, the rewards you obtain far outweigh any efforts you make in this direction. The company turns jobless, well-educated persons into professionals who can earn money until the end of their lives. You can search the internet if our analysis isn’t sufficient. On all platforms, the CareerGuide career counselling certification course is available. Make a phone call to the instructor and ask as many questions as you want. Read the reviews, testimonies, and videos that have been posted. The CareerGuide certification course has thousands of students, parents, career counsellors, and other professionals who can attest to it.

Become A Master With Careerguide

The Career Counsellor Certification Course” from CareerGuide is a 50+ hour, self-paced, lifetime access online course for career counsellor certification. This will assist in giving you curriculum with the use of many Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs, and Quizzes. Everything you need to become a successful career counsellor is in the curriculum. This course consists of  lessons that help to develop your skills and become a master career guide.

FAQ's on Reliability of CareerGuide’s For Career Counselling Certification

Q: What is a certification course for career counselors? 

A: A certification course for career counselors is a specialized training program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary to work as professional career counselors.

Q: Why should I consider pursuing a certification course for career counselors? 

A: Pursuing a certification course for career counselors offers several benefits. It enhances your professional credibility, demonstrates your commitment to excellence in the field, and provides you with the necessary expertise to effectively guide individuals in their career journeys. 

Q: Are there specific prerequisites for enrolling in a certification course for career counselors? 

A: The prerequisites for enrolling in a certification course for career counselors may vary depending on the program and institution. While some courses may require a background in psychology or counseling, others may be open to individuals from various educational and professional backgrounds. 

Q: How long does it take to complete a certification course for career counselors? 

A: The duration of a certification course for career counselors can vary. Some programs may be completed in a few months, while others may span over a year. The length of the course depends on factors such as the program structure, delivery format (online or in-person), and the number of required hours for coursework and practical experience

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