Counsellor In Delhi For Depression

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Finding a Counsellor In Delhi For Depression for melancholy entails searching for specialists with understanding in intellectual fitness and specialised schooling in treating melancholy. These counsellors provide numerous healing strategies together with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Therapy. They offer a secure and exclusive area to discover and deal with underlying troubles contributing to melancholy symptoms. Services regularly encompass personalised remedy plans, aid in growing coping strategies, and steerage to enhance usual intellectual well-being. Whether via person sessions, institution therapy, or on line counseling options, Delhi`s counsellors provide on hand and powerful aid to assist people control and conquer melancholy.

Overview of Depression

Common Mental Health Condition:

Depression is a great issue, affecting hundreds of thousands globally, transcending age, gender, and background.

Persistent State:

Unlike transient sadness, despair is an enduring emotional kingdom which can intervene with every day life.

Symptoms: These encompass:
  • Persistent Sadness or Emptiness: A steady feeling of gloom or void.
  • Loss of Interest: Disinterest in sports that when introduced joy.
  • Changes in Appetite and Sleep Patterns: Significant weight reduction or gain, insomnia, or oversleeping.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: Trouble specializing in tasks, making decisions, or remembering details.
  • Feelings of Hopelessness or Worthlessness: Pervasive poor mind approximately oneself and the future.
  • Physical Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, unexplained aches, or digestive problems.
  • Medical Condition: Recognizing despair as a valid fitness situation is crucial, emphasizing it`s now no longer a private failing or some thing effortlessly conquer with out help.

Importance of Seeking Professional Help

Accurate Diagnosis:

Mental fitness specialists can well diagnose despair, differentiating it from different intellectual fitness issues.

Effective Treatment Plans:

Professionals create tailor-made remedy plans that can encompass diverse therapies, medications, or a mixture to cope with the individual’s particular wishes.

Support and Guidance:

Professional counselors offer non-stop aid, assisting people expand powerful coping mechanisms and techniques to control their situation.

Improved Quality of Life:

Proper remedy can extensively decorate one’s cappotential to function, enhancing private relationships, paintings performance, and typical well-being.

Brief Overview of Counseling Services in Delhi

Individual Counselors:

These are certified intellectual fitness specialists who provide personalized, one-on-one remedy classes tailor-made to the individual’s unique wishes and circumstances.

Counseling Centers:

These centers residence groups of intellectual fitness specialists, offering a complete variety of offerings. They regularly have experts in one of a kind areas, taking into account a multi-faceted technique to remedy.

Online Counseling:

Digital systems offer handy get entry to to remedy, connecting people with counselors via video calls, chats, or emails. This approach gives flexibility, specifically for people with busy schedules or mobility issues.

Therapeutic Approaches:

Counselors in Delhi use numerous healing methods, including:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

Focuses on converting poor concept styles and behaviors.
Psychodynamic Therapy: Explores the impact of beyond studies on modern-day behavior.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy:

Emphasizes present-second cognizance and acceptance.

Diverse Options:

Whether who prefer face-to-face interplay or the benefit of on line classes, people in Delhi have a extensive variety of counseling offerings to pick from, making sure they are able to discover the proper sort of aid to cope with their despair.

What is Depression?

Depression is a critical intellectual fitness sickness characterised with the aid of using chronic emotions of unhappiness, hopelessness, and a loss of hobby or delight in activities. It impacts how someone thinks, feels, and handles each day activities, together with sleeping, eating, or working. This is greater than only a bout of the blues and isn’t a weak spot that may be conquer with the aid of using simply “snapping out of it.” It calls for right prognosis and remedy with the aid of using a healthcare professional.

Symptoms and Signs of Depression

Depression manifests in numerous ways, and signs and symptoms can variety from slight to severe. Common signs and symptoms include:

Emotional Symptoms:

Persistent unhappiness or a sense of emptiness
Irritability or frustration, even over small matters
Loss of hobby or delight in maximum or all ordinary activities
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
Frequent mind of loss of life, suicidal mind, suicide attempts, or suicide

Physical Symptoms:

Fatigue or loss of energy
Changes in appetite (weight reduction or benefit unrelated to dieting)
Sleep disturbances (insomnia or immoderate sleeping)
Unexplained bodily problems, together with again ache or headaches

Cognitive Symptoms:

Trouble concentrating, making decisions, and remembering things
Slowed thinking, speaking, or frame movements

Causes of Depression

Depression can end result from a complicated interaction of numerous factors, including:

Biological Differences:

People with despair might also additionally have bodily adjustments of their brains.

Brain Chemistry:

Neurotransmitters, which might be obviously happening mind chemical compounds connected to mood, might also additionally play an instantaneous function in despair.


Changes withinside the frame`s stability of hormones might also additionally cause despair. These adjustments can end result from thyroid problems, menopause, or different conditions.


Depression is greater not unusual place in humans whose organic spouse and children additionally have the condition.

Life Events:

Traumatic or traumatic events, together with the loss of life of a cherished one, economic problems, or a tough relationship, can cause despair.

Medical Conditions:

Chronic illness, sure medications, and substance abuse can make contributions to despair.



How Counsellors Help with Depression

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression play a important position in treating melancholy with the aid of using presenting expert guide, guidance, and healing interventions. They assist individuals:

Understand and Acknowledge Their Condition:

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression teach customers approximately melancholy, assisting them understand and take delivery of their situation with out stigma.

Develop Coping Strategies:

They train realistic strategies to manipulate symptoms, together with strain discount strategies, rest strategies, and problem-fixing talents.

Identify and Change Negative Thought Patterns:

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression help customers in spotting dangerous mind and behaviors and paintings closer to growing more healthy styles of thinking.

Build Emotional Resilience:

Through remedy, customers learn how to beautify their emotional resilience, assisting them take care of destiny stressors and emotional demanding situations extra effectively.
Improve Interpersonal Relationships: Counseling frequently entails enhancing conversation talents, that can beautify private relationships and social guide networks.

Provide a Safe Space:

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression provide a non-judgmental and exclusive surroundings in which customers can brazenly specific their emotions and stories.

Different Approaches and Therapies Used

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression hire diverse healing strategies to deal with melancholy, tailor-made to the individual`s needs. Some of the maximum not unusualplace strategies include:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT):

Focuses on figuring out and converting terrible idea styles and behaviors.
Helps customers increase extra balanced and optimistic methods of thinking.
Teaches realistic talents to manipulate strain and enhance mood.

Psychodynamic Therapy:

Explores subconscious styles and the way beyond stories have an effect on present day behavior.
Aims to find and solve deep-seated emotional conflicts.
Encourages self-exploration and information of internal emotions.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT):

Addresses interpersonal troubles that can make a contribution to melancholy.
Focuses on enhancing conversation talents and courting dynamics.
Helps customers manipulate social and private position transitions effectively.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT):

Combines cognitive remedy with mindfulness practices.
Encourages focus of the prevailing second and recognition of mind and emotions.
Aims to save you relapse with the aid of using fostering a conscious technique to emotional demanding situations.

Behavioral Activation (BA):

Encourages engagement in sports that convey satisfaction and a feel of accomplishment.
Focuses on lowering avoidance behaviors and growing nice stories.
Helps ruin the cycle of melancholy with the aid of using selling energetic participation in life.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT):

Concentrates on locating answers withinside the gift and exploring hopes for the destiny.
Emphasizes strengths and sources instead of problems.
Works on placing sensible and doable dreams for improvement.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT):

Combines cognitive-behavioral strategies with mindfulness principles.
Focuses on coaching talents to manipulate emotions, tolerate distress, and enhance relationships.
Particularly beneficial for customers with extreme emotional responses.

Professional Expertise and Experience

Qualified Professionals:

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression are often highly trained and certified, possessing the necessary qualifications and expertise to diagnose and treat depression.

Specialized Knowledge:

Many Counsellor In Delhi For Depression have specific training in various therapeutic approaches and are experienced in handling a wide range of depression cases.

Personalized Treatment Plans:

Professional Counsellor In Delhi For Depression can tailor their therapeutic interventions to the unique needs of each client, ensuring more effective treatment outcomes.

Accessibility and Convenience

Wide Availability:

Delhi boasts a vast network of mental health professionals, making it easier to find and access counselling services.

Variety of Services:

Options include face-to-face sessions, online therapy, and teletherapy, catering to different preferences and schedules.

Location and Proximity:

With numerous counselling centers and private practices spread across the city, finding a convenient location is relatively straightforward.

Flexible Scheduling:

Many Counsellor In Delhi For Depression offer flexible appointment times, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate busy schedules.

Confidentiality and Trust

Safe Environment:

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression provide a non-judgmental and confidential space where clients can openly discuss their feelings and experiences without fear of stigma.

Ethical Standards:

Professional Counsellor In Delhi For Depression adhere to strict ethical guidelines to ensure client confidentiality and trust.

Building Trust:

The therapeutic relationship is built on trust and empathy, allowing clients to feel comfortable and supported throughout their treatment.

Long-Term Support:

Counsellor In Delhi For Depression can offer continuous support, helping clients navigate their journey to recovery with a trusted professional by their side.

Relevant Qualifications and Certifications

Educational Background:

Ensure the Counsellor In Delhi For Depression has a applicable diploma in psychology, psychiatry, social work, or a associated field. Look for superior stages including a Master`s or Doctorate.

Licensure and Certification:

Verify that the counsellor is certified to exercise in Delhi and holds certifications from identified expert bodies. This guarantees they meet the specified requirements of exercise and ethics.

Continuous Education:

A true Counsellor In Delhi For Depression remains up to date with the cutting-edge trends in intellectual fitness with the aid of using taking part in ongoing training and schooling programs.

Experience with Depression Cases

Specialization in Depression:

Look for Counsellor In Delhi For Depression who concentrate on treating depression. They ought to have full-size revel in operating with people affected by numerous styles of depression, along with most important depressive disorder, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder.

Track Record:

Check for a demonstrated music report of efficiently supporting customers manipulate and conquer depression. Positive reviews, testimonials, and case research can offer insights into their effectiveness.

Diverse Therapeutic Approaches:

An skilled Counsellor In Delhi For Depression is gifted in more than one healing techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Therapy, letting them tailor remedy to the client`s needs.

Empathy and Communication Skills


A true Counsellor In Delhi For Depression ought to be empathetic, absolutely knowledge and compassionate closer to the client`s emotions and experiences. This allows construct a trusting and supportive healing relationship.

Active Listening:

Effective Counsellor In Delhi For Depression are lively listeners, giving customers their complete attention, knowledge their concerns, and validating their feelings with out judgment.

Clear Communication:

They ought to speak really and effectively, explaining complicated ideas in an comprehensible manner, and presenting comments and steerage that is simple to follow.

Patience and Supportiveness:

The Counsellor In Delhi For Depression ought to be patient, presenting regular assist and encouragement, supporting customers experience secure and encouraged during their remedy journey.

Professional Boundaries:

Maintaining expert barriers even as being heat and approachable is important for fostering a healthy, efficient healing environment.

Relevant Qualifications and Certifications

Educational Background:

Ensure the Counsellor In Delhi For Depression has a applicable diploma in psychology, psychiatry, social work, or a associated field. Look for superior stages including a Master`s or Doctorate.

Licensure and Certification:

Verify that the counsellor is certified to exercise in Delhi and holds certifications from identified expert bodies. This guarantees they meet the specified requirements of exercise and ethics.

Continuous Education:

A true Counsellor In Delhi For Depression remains up to date with the cutting-edge trends in intellectual fitness with the aid of using taking part in ongoing training and schooling programs.

Experience with Depression Cases

Specialization in Depression:

Look for counsellors who concentrate on treating depression. They ought to have full-size revel in operating with people affected by numerous styles of depression, along with most important depressive disorder, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder.

Track Record:

Check for a demonstrated music report of efficiently supporting customers manipulate and conquer depression. Positive reviews, testimonials, and case research can offer insights into their effectiveness.

Diverse Therapeutic Approaches:

An skilled Counsellor In Delhi For Depression is gifted in more than one healing techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Therapy, letting them tailor remedy to the client`s needs.

Empathy and Communication Skills


A true counsellor ought to be empathetic, absolutely knowledge and compassionate closer to the client`s emotions and experiences. This allows construct a trusting and supportive healing relationship.

Active Listening:

Effective Counsellor In Delhi For Depression are lively listeners, giving customers their complete attention, knowledge their concerns, and validating their feelings with out judgment.

Clear Communication:

They ought to speak really and effectively, explaining complicated ideas in an comprehensible manner, and presenting comments and steerage that is simple to follow.

Patience and Supportiveness:

The Counsellor In Delhi For Depression ought to be patient, presenting regular assist and encouragement, supporting customers experience secure and encouraged during their remedy journey.

Professional Boundaries:

Maintaining expert barriers even as being heat and approachable is important for fostering a healthy, efficient healing environment.

Surbhi Dewra :Top Counsellors in Delhi



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Aug 2015 – Present · 8 yrs 9 mos
New Delhi

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Apr 2011 – Jul 2015 · 4 yrs 4 mos
New Delhi Area, India

  • Since her initial days, Surabhi has been clear on the importance of good education and herself has excelled in it. It was while in her graduation did she realize the lack of proper
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  • Fund Raising and Investor Relationship :Top Counselling Centers in Delhi

Contact Information:

For inquiries, appointments, and consultations, please contact Surabhi Dewra using the following details:

Appointment Booking:

To schedule an appointment with Surabhi Dewra, please use one of the following methods:

  1. Online Booking: Visit Surabhi Dewra’s website and use the online booking form to schedule your appointment conveniently.
  2. Email: Send an email to [[email protected]] with your preferred appointment date and time, along with any specific requirements or inquiries.
  3. Phone: Call +91-8800442358 to speak with Surabhi Dewra’s office staff and book your appointment over the phone.

Office Address:

Surabhi Dewra’s office is located at the following address:

2-A/3, Kundan Mansion, Asaf Ali Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Closed on Sundays and public holidays)

Qualifications and Experience

Educational Background:

A Best Counsellor For Depression In Delhi with a robust academic heritage in worldwide training, counseling, or a associated discipline is preferable. Look for certifications or stages that imply specialised training.

Professional Experience:

The quantity of years a counsellor has been withinside the discipline may be a very good indicator in their expertise. Experienced Best Counsellor For Study Abroad In Delhi are much more likely to have a deep expertise of numerous college structures and alertness processes.

Knowledge of Destinations:

Ensure the counsellor is well-versed withinside the training structures of the nations you have an interest in. They ought to be capable of offer insights into precise universities, courses, and dwelling conditions.

Up-to-date Information:

The training panorama is continuously evolving. A suitable Best Counsellor For Study Abroad In Delhi remains up to date with the contemporary trends, visa regulations, scholarship opportunities, and modifications in college admission criteria.

Professional Memberships:

Membership in expert corporations including NAFSA (Association of International Educators) or EAIE (European Association for International Education) may be a mark of credibility.

Success Stories and Client Testimonials

Proven Track Record:

Look for Best Counsellor For Study Abroad In Delhi who’ve a records of correctly setting college students in respectable universities. They ought to be capable of offer records on their fulfillment quotes and the colleges their customers have attended.

Client Testimonials:

Positive remarks from former customers may be a robust indicator of a Best Counsellor For Study Abroad In Delhi `s effectiveness. Testimonials frequently spotlight the counsellor`s strengths, including their responsiveness, knowledge, and the extent of aid provided.

Case Studies:

Detailed case research showcasing the Best Counsellor For Study Abroad In Delhi method and the way they’ve helped college students triumph over demanding situations can offer precious insights into their technique and fulfillment.

Referral Network:

A counsellor with a robust referral network, in which beyond customers endorse them to others, is mostly a signal of excessive pleasure and trust.

Awards and Recognition:

Awards from enterprise our bodies or reputation in academic boards also can be signs of a Best Counsellor For Study Abroad In Delhi excellence and determination to their discipline.

Average Costs

Session Rates:

The price of despair counseling classes in Delhi can range extensively relying on numerous factors, which includes the counselor`s experience, location, and the kind of remedy offered.


On average, character remedy classes can variety from ₹1,000 to ₹3,000 in line with session.

Sliding Scale Fees:

Some counselors provide sliding scale charges primarily based totally at the client’s earnings and monetary situation, making remedy extra low priced for people with decrease incomes.

Group Therapy:

Group remedy classes are usually extra price-effective, with prices normally ranging from ₹500 to ₹1,500 in line with session.

Initial Consultation:

Many counselors provide an preliminary session at a discounted price or for free, permitting people to talk about their wishes and decide if the counselor is a superb healthy earlier than committing to everyday classes.

Insurance and Payment Options

Insurance Coverage:

While intellectual fitness insurance is improving, it is critical to confirm in case your medical health insurance plan covers counseling offerings for despair. Many coverage organizations in India now consist of intellectual fitness insurance as a part of their medical health insurance plans.


If your coverage plan covers counseling, you could want to pay in advance after which searching for repayment out of your coverage provider. Ensure you apprehend the repayment system and any documentation required.

Cash Payments:

Many counselors receive coins bills for classes. It’s critical to make clear price terms, which includes whether or not they receive virtual bills or financial institution transfers.

Credit and Debit Cards:

Some counselors may also receive price through credit score or debit cards, presenting comfort for customers who decide on digital transactions.

Flexible Payment Plans:

In a few cases, counselors may also provide bendy price plans or installment alternatives to assist control the price of remedy over time.

Government Schemes:

Explore if there are any authorities schemes or projects that offer monetary help for intellectual fitness offerings. Some packages may also provide subsidies or offers for counseling classes.

What to Expect in Your First Session

Introduction and Setting Expectations:

Your first session is typically an introduction where you meet your counselor and discuss your reasons for seeking therapy. Expect the counselor to explain their approach to treatment and ask questions to understand your concerns better.

Assessment of Current Situation:

The counselor may ask about your current symptoms, medical history, and any previous therapy experiences. This helps them gather relevant information to create a personalized treatment plan.

Goal Setting:

Together with your counselor, you will likely discuss your goals for therapy. These could include symptom relief, improved coping skills, better relationships, or personal growth.

Confidentiality and Consent:

Your counselor will explain the limits of confidentiality and obtain your consent to proceed with therapy. This ensures you understand your rights and responsibilities as a client.

Duration and Frequency:

Discuss the expected duration of therapy and how often you will meet. The first session often includes scheduling subsequent appointments based on your availability and treatment needs.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Therapy

Be Open and Honest:

Therapy is most effective when you are open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Trust your counselor and share openly to receive the best support.

Set Realistic Goals:

Work with your counselor to set achievable goals for therapy. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to track progress effectively.

Practice Between Sessions:

Apply the skills and strategies discussed in therapy to your daily life. Practice relaxation techniques, coping skills, or communication strategies to reinforce what you learn in sessions.

Keep an Open Mind:

Therapy may involve exploring challenging emotions or behaviors. Approach sessions with curiosity and a willingness to explore new perspectives and solutions.

Reflect on Sessions:

Take time after each session to reflect on what was discussed and any insights gained. Consider jotting down notes or thoughts to bring to the next session.

Give Feedback:

Provide feedback to your counselor about what is or isn’t working for you in therapy. Open communication helps tailor the treatment to your needs and preferences.

Be Patient with Yourself:

Therapy is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself and trust that progress may come gradually. Celebrate small victories along the way.

Maintain Consistency:

Attend sessions regularly and on time. Consistency helps build momentum and allows you to work steadily towards your goals.

Recap of the Importance of Seeking Help

Professional Guidance:

Counselors in Delhi provide know-how and specialised information in treating melancholy, making sure you get hold of the simplest care tailor-made on your needs.

Effective Treatment:

Through remedy, you could analyze coping techniques, benefit insights into your mind and behaviors, and broaden talents to manipulate signs and symptoms and enhance your fine of life.

Support and Understanding:

Counseling offers a secure area to explicit your emotions and issues openly, with out worry of judgment, and to get hold of empathy and aid from a educated professional.

Prevention of Complications:

Timely intervention can save you melancholy from worsening and decrease the hazard of headaches which includes social isolation, substance abuse, or suicidal mind.

Encouragement to Take the First Step

Taking step one closer to looking for assist may be daunting, however it’s miles a courageous and empowering decision. Remember:

You Are Not Alone:

Many people enjoy melancholy, and looking for assistance is a signal of strength, now no longer weakness.

Small Steps Matter:

Starting remedy is a nice step closer to enhancing your intellectual fitness and universal well-being.

Support System:

Lean on friends, family, or depended on people for encouragement and aid as you start your journey.

Commit to Self-Care:

Embrace self-care practices that sell intellectual and emotional wellness, which includes exercise, mindfulness, and retaining a balanced lifestyle.

Stay Open-Minded:

Therapy is a collaborative process. Stay open to the steering and techniques your counselor offers, and agree with for your cappotential to develop and heal.

What qualifications should I look for in a depression counselor in Delhi?

Look for counselors with relevant degrees in psychology or counseling, along with certifications and licenses to practice in Delhi.

How can counseling help with depression?

Counseling provides a supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, learn coping strategies, and work towards managing and overcoming depression.

What types of therapy are available for depression in Delhi?

Counseling approaches may include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and more, tailored to individual needs.

Is online counseling an option for treating depression in Delhi?

Yes, many counselors in Delhi offer online counseling sessions through video calls or chats, providing flexibility and accessibility for clients.

How much does counselling for depression in Delhi typically cost?

Counselling session costs vary, but generally range from ₹1,000 to ₹3,000 per session. Some counselors may offer sliding scale fees or accept insurance, so it’s good to inquire about payment options.

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