ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

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Surabhi Dewra is an esteemed ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor, bringing with her a wealth of experience and expertise in guiding students towards achieving their academic and career goals. With a keen understanding of the education landscape and a personalized approach, she excels in helping students navigate the complexities of the admission process. Surabhi’s dedication to student success is evident in her comprehensive guidance, from selecting the right courses to preparing for interviews. Her approachable nature and in-depth knowledge make her an invaluable resource for aspiring students, ensuring they make informed decisions and secure placements in prestigious programs.

Role of ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Who is an Admission Counsellor?

Guidance Provider: An admission counsellor gives customized recommendation to students concerning direction choice, career paths, and academic institutions.
Information Resource: They offer specific records about various programs, eligibility criteria, and admission methods.
Application Assistance: Counsellors assist college students with the software technique, making sure all vital files are organized and submitted effectively.
Interview Preparation: They put together college students for admission interviews, imparting hints and undertaking mock interviews to reinforce self assurance.
Career Counsellor: ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor  moreover provide career counseling, helping students align their educational selections with their lengthy-time period profession dreams.
Support System: They feature a assist tool for college students, presenting encouragement and advice in some unspecified time in the future of the admission machine.

Importance of Admission Counsellors inside the Admission Process

Expert Guidance: Admission counsellors provide expert guidance that permits university students make informed selections approximately their schooling and profession.
Time Management: They assist students in coping with time limits and make certain well timed submission of programs, reducing the strain associated with the admission technique.
Personalized Attention: Counsellors provide personalized attention, expertise each scholar’s unique desires and aspirations to tailor their recommendation as a result.
Enhanced Success Rates: With their help, college college students have better possibilities of achievement in gaining admission to prestigious institutions because of properly-organized packages and interviews.
Access to Resources: They offer get right of entry to to numerous resources, along with scholarship records, observe substances, and take a look at schooling assets, which can be important for university college students.
Emotional Support: Admission counsellors provide emotional help and motivation, assisting college college students live focused and assured at some level within the regularly disturbing admission method.

Surabhi Dewra's Approach to ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Unique Methodologies and Techniques

Personalized Counseling Sessions: Surabhi conducts one-on-one periods to understand each student’s man or woman aspirations, strengths, and challenges, tailoring her steering thus.
Comprehensive Profile Analysis: She performs a thorough analysis of college students’ educational records, extracurricular sports, and career desires to indicate the maximum suitable packages and establishments.
Strategic Application Planning: Surabhi devises a strategic plan for each pupil’s application method, including timelines, required documents, and time limits to ensure a clean and timely submission.
Interview Coaching: She gives vast interview education, along with mock interviews and remarks periods to enhance college students’ self assurance and overall performance.
Career Mapping: Surabhi enables students map out their profession ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor  paths, aligning their academic picks with lengthy-term profession targets for ultimate outcomes.
Resource Provision: She gives get admission to to a wealth of assets, which includes test prep substances, scholarship records, and industry insights, to guide college students of their adventure.
Continuous Support: Surabhi continues non-stop conversation with college students, imparting ongoing support and advice throughout the admission procedure and past.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Student A’s Journey to Top Business School: With Surabhi’s steerage, Student A secured admission to a pinnacle business faculty, way to a well-crafted application and stellar interview performance.
Student B’s Scholarship Achievement: Under Surabhi’s mentorship, Student B no longer only were given admitted to ISBM Gurgaon but additionally received a huge scholarship, easing the financial burden.
Student C’s Career Switch: Surabhi successfully helped Student C transition from a career in engineering to 1 in business control, highlighting transferable abilties and relevant experiences.
Student D’s International Admission: Surabhi assisted Student D in gaining admission to a prestigious worldwide university, supplying insights into the specific necessities and approaches worried.
Student E’s Confidence Boost: Through personalised interview coaching, Surabhi helped Student E triumph over tension and perform exceedingly nicely in the admission interview, leading to popularity.
Student F’s All-Round Development: By focusing on holistic development, Surabhi guided Student F in constructing a strong profile with balanced teachers and extracurriculars, securing a gap in ISBM Gurgaon.
Student G’s Success Story: Surabhi’s non-stop support and strategic making plans enabled Student G to not best get admitted but also excel in the course of the primary year at ISBM Gurgaon, putting a robust foundation for future success.

Services Offered by ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Personalized Admission Guidance

Individual Assessments: Surabhi conducts comprehensive exams to apprehend every pupil’s academic historical past, hobbies, and desires.
Program Recommendations: Based at the assessment, she recommends applications and publications that pleasant fit the pupil’s aspirations and strengths.
Application Strategy: She develops a personalized utility strategy, consisting of timelines and step-with the aid of-step steerage at the application process.
Document Review: Surabhi meticulously reviews software documents, consisting of resumes, essays, and advice letters, to make sure they are compelling and blunders-free.
Application Tracking: She allows college students keep music of more than one applications, making sure that each one time limits are met with none last-minute pressure.
Follow-up Support: Surabhi presents continuous observe-up help, answering any queries and presenting steering at some stage in the entire admission system.
Feedback and Improvement: She offers optimistic comments on all factors of the application, helping students make essential upgrades for a a success outcome

Career Counselling

Career Assessments: Surabhi conducts ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor  career checks to assist college students pick out their strengths, pursuits, and capacity career paths.
Goal Setting: She assists college students in putting sensible and workable career goals aligned with their instructional pursuits.
Career Pathway Planning: Surabhi gives specific career pathway making plans, outlining the steps had to attain their career objectives.
Industry Insights: She shares precious insights approximately numerous industries, helping college students apprehend market trends and job prospects.
Skill Development: Surabhi advises on the abilities and qualifications wanted for particular careers and suggests approaches to broaden them.
Networking Opportunities: She allows college students construct expert networks through connecting them with enterprise professionals and alumni.
Long-time period Planning: Surabhi helps students in growing lengthy-term profession plans, ensuring they are well-prepared for destiny opportunities and demanding situations.

Interview Preparation

Mock Interviews: Surabhi conducts mock interviews to simulate the real interview experience, supporting college students practice and benefit self belief.
Feedback Sessions: She presents distinct comments after every mock interview, highlighting strengths and regions for development.
Common Questions: Surabhi prepares college students for not unusual interview questions, helping them craft thoughtful and effective responses.
Behavioral Techniques: She teaches powerful behavioral strategies, such as frame language, eye touch, and conversation capabilities.
Stress Management: Surabhi gives strategies for dealing with pressure and anxiety before and at some stage in the interview.
Personal Branding: She facilitates students expand a strong private brand, making sure they present themselves successfully and authentically.
Continuous Practice: Surabhi encourages non-stop exercise and gives resources and pointers for ongoing development until the actual interview.

Why choose Surabhi Dewra is the Best ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Expertise and Experience

Vast Knowledge Base: Surabhi possesses big information of educational institutions, courses, and admission tactics, gained via years of experience.
Specialization in Admission Counseling: She makes a speciality of admission counseling, that specialize in guiding college students thru the complexities of the admission adventure.
Track Record of Success: Surabhi has a validated tune document of supporting severa college students secure admissions to top institutions, demonstrating her know-how.
Continuous Learning: She remains updated with the trendy tendencies and changes in the training region, making sure her advice is usually cutting-edge and applicable.
Industry Recognition: Surabhi is identified inside the industry for her contributions to pupil success and educational steerage.
Collaborations and Partnerships: She collaborates with numerous educational groups and industry experts, enriching her insights and sources.
Dedicated Mentorship: Surabhi’s determination to mentoring college students goes beyond admissions, helping their usual academic and profession improvement.

Under CareerGuide.Com

Platform Integration: Through CareerGuide.Com, Surabhi leverages a sturdy platform to offer comprehensive career guidance and counseling offerings.
Access to Resources: Students benefit from get entry to to a extensive variety of sources, which include career tests, academic insights, and enterprise trends.
Network Expansion: The platform allows connections with specialists and alumni, increasing college students’ networking possibilities.
Data-Driven Insights: CareerGuide.Com affords records-pushed insights into profession traits and task marketplace demands, improving Surabhi’s counseling effectiveness.
Continuous Support: Surabhi utilizes CareerGuide.Com’s help infrastructure to make sure students acquire non-stop assistance in the course of their journey.
Feedback Mechanism: The platform’s feedback mechanism permits Surabhi to gather and examine scholar comments, in addition enhancing her counseling techniques.
Innovative Solutions:CareerGuide.Com offers revolutionary equipment and answers that Surabhi integrates into her counseling approach, making sure a holistic carrier shipping.

Personalized Approach

Individualized Attention: Surabhi takes a personalized approach to understand each pupil’s unique strengths, pastimes, and aspirations.
Tailored Guidance: She tailors her guidance and suggestions based totally on thorough checks of every scholar’s educational and profession profile.
Customized Plans: Surabhi develops custom designed action plans for every pupil, making sure they’re well-prepared for every step of the admission procedure.
Flexible Support: Her method is bendy and adaptive, catering to the evolving needs and possibilities of each student.
Emphasis on Student Voice: Surabhi prioritizes listening to college students’ issues and aspirations, making sure their voices are heard at some point of the counseling system.
Building Confidence: She focuses on building students’ self assurance thru encouragement, optimistic comments, and fantastic reinforcement.
Long-term Relationship: Surabhi fosters long-time period relationships with students, providing ongoing help beyond admissions to foster their standard growth and success.

Admission Process at ISBM Gurgaon

Step-through-Step Guide to the Admission Process

Application Form Submission:  ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor  Candidates want to fill out the net software program form to be had on the ISBM Gurgaon internet site, offering correct personal and educational information.

Application Fee Payment: Upon finishing the application shape, applicants are required to pay the prescribed utility fee thru the precise payment modes.

Document Submission: Candidates should upload scanned copies of required files, consisting of instructional transcripts, certificates, identity proof, and photos.

Admission Criteria Review: The admission committee evaluations each software based totally on educational overall performance, relevant artwork experience (if relevant), and entrance check scores.

Entrance Examination:  Depending on the software, applicants can also want to appear for an front exam, including CAT, MAT, XAT, or GMAT, as genuine thru ISBM Gurgaon.

Interview Round: Shortlisted candidates are invited for a personal interview conducted both in character or on-line. This interview assesses the candidate’s suitability for this system and their career aspirations.

Final Selection: Based on the general performance within the utility assessment, front examination, and interview, final options are made. Selected candidates get hold of admission offers via email or through the admission portal.

Important Deadlines and Dates

Application Opening: The application system generally opens in [Month] every year, with unique dates announced on the ISBM Gurgaon internet site and authentic communique channels.

Application Deadline: The deadline for filing finished programs and charge of application expenses is commonly [Date]. It’s essential for candidates to stick to this closing date to make sure consideration for admission.

Entrance Exam Dates: For programs requiring front exams (like CAT, MAT, XAT, GMAT), ISBM Gurgaon specifies the exam dates nicely earlier. Candidates have to take a look at the exam time table and plan consequently.

Interview Schedule: After the preliminary application review and front examination consequences, shortlisted candidates are notified about interview dates. Interviews usually take location from [Month] to [Month].

Admission Decision Notification: ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor Final admission selections, such as offers of admission, waitlist notifications, or rejections, are communicated to applicants with the aid of [Date]. This statistics is conveyed through e mail and up to date at the admission portal.

Acceptance of Admission Offer: Candidates who receive admission offers should confirm their acceptance through paying the admission fee and filing required files by [Date] to steady their seat.

Orientation Program: Newly admitted college students are required to wait an orientation software scheduled for [Date]. This session presents important records approximately the institute, software shape, and academic expectancies.

How to Choose the Right ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Counsellor

Qualifications and Credentials

Ensure the counsellor has relevant instructional qualifications, including a diploma in psychology, counselling, or a related area. Check for certifications from identified institutions.
Experience and Expertise

Look for counsellors with full-size experience in career guidance. Their expertise to your area of hobby or enterprise can offer extra tailor-made and effective recommendation.
Reputation and Reviews

Research the counsellor’s recognition by means of analyzing reviews and testimonials from previous clients. High rankings and fine comments imply a dependable and able counsellor.
Approach and Methodology

Understand the counsellor’s method to profession steerage. Some may additionally focus on tests and checks, while others can also use a extra conversational technique. Choose one that aligns along with your choices.
Personal Compatibility

It’s crucial to feel snug and understood by your counsellor. An preliminary assembly or session will let you gauge whether their style and personality fit your needs.
Availability and Accessibility

Consider the counsellor’s availability for periods and their flexibility in scheduling. Also, take a look at if they offer on-line counselling if you have a busy time table or stay far from the campus.
Cost and Affordability

Evaluate the value of sessions and whether it suits inside your budget. Some institutions provide unfastened or backed counselling services for his or her students, so inquire approximately those alternatives.

Tips for Making the Most of Counselling Sessions

Set Clear Goals

Before your session, discover what you need to gain. Whether it’s selecting a profession direction, enhancing task seek strategies, or growing skills, having clean goals will make the sessions extra productive.
Be Open and Honest

Share your proper pursuits, worries, and aspirations along with your counsellor. Honesty enables them offer the best viable advice and broaden a plan that suits your needs.
Do Your Homework

Be prepared to speak about your educational records, paintings revel in, and any exams you’ve taken. Bring any relevant files in your classes to present your counsellor a entire photograph.
Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to invite for explanation or in addition statistics on any advice given. Inquiring about exclusive career alternatives, educational paths, and task markets can offer deeper insights.
Follow Up

Act on the advice and pointers furnished via your counsellor. Whether it’s learning careers, networking, or improving your resume, taking action is crucial.

Industry Recognition and Awards of ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Awards and Accolades

Top Career Consultant Award:

Surabhi Dewra has been venerated with the prestigious  Gurgaon Award” through the Indian Career Development Association. This award acknowledges her extraordinary contributions to the sector of profession counseling and her modern method to guiding college students and specialists.

Excellence in Career Counseling:

Surabhi obtained the “Excellence in Career Counseling award from the National Career Guidance Council. This accolade highlights her determination to assisting customers gain their profession desires thru personalised and powerful counseling services.

Outstanding Woman Entrepreneur in Career Guidance:

Surabhi Dewra changed into diagnosed as the “Outstanding Woman Entrepreneur in Career Guidance” through the Women`s Business Forum. This award celebrates her entrepreneurial spirit and large effect at the profession steering industry.

Media Mentions

Featured in The Times of India:

Surabhi Dewra changed into featured in an editorial in The Times of India, highlighting her fulfillment as a profession representative and her modern strategies in assisting college students and specialists make knowledgeable profession choices. The article praised her dedication to personalised counseling and her position in remodeling lives.

Interview on NDTV:

Surabhi seemed on NDTV in a section specializing in profession counseling developments and the significance of expert steering in today`s aggressive task market. During the interview, she shared her insights on profession planning, talent development, and the way her particular method has benefited her customers.

Profiled in Forbes India:

Forbes India profiled Surabhi Dewra in an editorial approximately main profession experts creating a distinction withinside the industry. The piece precise her journey, her philosophy on profession steering, and the fulfillment tales of her customers. Forbes recounseled her for her understanding and the large wonderful effect she has had on her customers` careers. 

Appointment Booking for ISBM Gurgaon Admission Counsellor

Contact Information:

For inquiries, appointments, and consultations, please contact Surabhi Dewra using the following details:

Appointment Booking:

To schedule an appointment with Surabhi Dewra, please use one of the following methods:

  1. Online Booking: Visit Surabhi Dewra’s website and use the online booking form to schedule your appointment conveniently.
  2. Email: Send an email to [[email protected]] with your preferred appointment date and time, along with any specific requirements or inquiries.
  3. Phone: Call +91-8800442358 to speak with Surabhi Dewra’s office staff and book your appointment over the phone.

Office Address:

Surabhi Dewra’s office is located at the following address:

2-A/3, Kundan Mansion, Asaf Ali Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Closed on Sundays and public holidays)

Freqently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1 1. What is the role of an admission counsellor at ISBM Gurgaon?

An admission counsellor at ISBM Gurgaon helps prospective students understand the admission process, provides detailed information about the programs offered, assists with application procedures, and answers any queries related to eligibility criteria, scholarships, and campus facilities. They guide applicants through every step, from initial inquiry to final admission.


2 What are the eligibility criteria for admission at ISBM Gurgaon?

The eligibility criteria typically include a bachelor’s degree with a minimum percentage requirement, valid entrance exam scores (CAT, XAT, GMAT, etc.), and proficiency in English.

3. What documents are required for the admission application?

Required documents generally include academic transcripts, entrance exam scorecards, a resume, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and proof of identity.

4. What is the admission process timeline?

The admission process includes application submission, entrance exam scores evaluation, group discussions, personal interviews, and the final selection. The timeline varies but generally spans several months.

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