Online Career Counsellors in Delhi

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Surabhi Dewra, a renowned name among online career counsellors in Delhi, brings a wealth of experience and expertise in guiding individuals towards their ideal career paths. As the founder of, she has been instrumental in helping students and professionals make informed decisions about their careers. With a deep understanding of various industries and educational pathways, Surabhi Dewra offers personalized advice tailored to individual aspirations and strengths. Her approach combines modern technology with professional insights, ensuring accessible and effective career counselling for clients. Whether you’re a student exploring career options or a professional seeking to pivot or advance in your career, Surabhi Dewra’s guidance can be pivotal in achieving your career aspirations.

Why Choose Surabhi Dewra Online Career Counsellors in Delhi

Unique Approaches and Methodologies

Personalized Career Guidance: Surabhi Dewra tailors her counselling sessions to satisfy the precise needs and aspirations of every man or woman, ensuring a custom designed profession plan.

Comprehensive Career Assessments: Utilizing superior psychometric assessments and checks, she facilitates individuals understand their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and aptitudes.

In-depth Industry Knowledge: With sizeable experience and information of diverse industries, Surabhi affords special insights and practical advice applicable to modern-day task marketplace traits.

Technology-Driven Solutions: Incorporating the latest technology, consisting of AI and facts analytics, her counselling periods provide modern and powerful profession answers.

Holistic Career Planning: Her method consists of educational recommendation, talent development, process search strategies, and private branding to create a nicely-rounded career plan.

Interactive Sessions: Surabhi’s counselling is engaging and interactive, Online Career Counsellors in Delhi  ensuring that customers are actively involved within the system and benefit a clear know-how of their career paths.

Continuous Support and Follow-up: She affords ongoing aid and regular follow-u.S.To make certain clients live on the right track with their career dreams and make changes as wanted.

Advantages over Traditional Counselling Methods

Convenience and Accessibility: Online counselling gives the power to time table classes at convenient times and from any area, doing away with the want for tour.

Cost-Effective: Virtual periods frequently reduce expenses related to commuting and bodily workplace overheads, making profession counselling greater affordable.

Broader Reach: Online counselling allows Surabhi to attain a much wider audience, such as individuals from far flung regions who might not have get right of entry to to pleasant career steering.

Resource Availability: Digital structures offer instantaneous get admission to to a wealth of sources, together with articles, films, webinars, and e-books, enhancing the counselling revel in.

Confidentiality and Privacy: Online sessions can provide a better diploma of confidentiality and privacy, making clients feel extra snug sharing private data.

Flexible Communication: Clients can communicate thru numerous channels inclusive of video calls, emails, and chat, making it easier to live in touch and receive timely advice.

Real-Time Updates and Feedback: The use of virtual tools permits for actual-time updates on profession trends, job openings, and remarks, ensuring clients get hold of the maximum contemporary information and recommendation.

Services Offered by Online Career Counsellors in Delhi: Surabhi dewra

Overview of Her Online Career Counselling Services

Personalized Career Guidance: Surabhi Dewra presents tailored career recommendation based totally on man or woman strengths, interests, and aspirations. Her classes are designed to help customers turn out to be aware of their career desires and create a clean, actionable plan to gain them.

Psychometric Testing and Assessments: Utilizing advanced psychometric equipment, she conducts targeted checks to apprehend clients’ personalities, aptitudes, and possibilities, which shape the inspiration for customized profession steering.

Academic and Career Planning: Surabhi gives complete steerage on selecting the right instructional guides, faculties, and profession paths that align with clients’ lengthy-term dreams. This includes recommendation on better schooling options every in India and overseas.

Skill Development and Enhancement: She identifies skills gaps and recommends appropriate courses, certifications, and schooling packages to enhance customers’ employability and career boom.

Resume Building and Job Search Strategies: Surabhi assists customers in growing impactful resumes and cover letters, and gives effective venture searching for strategies, collectively with networking hints and interview instruction.

Career Transition Support: For the ones looking to transfer careers, she gives steering on a way to transition easily into a brand new Online Career Counsellors in Delhi  subject, inclusive of identifying transferable talents and gaining applicable enjoy.

Continuous Support and Mentorship: Surabhi offers ongoing mentorship and help, which consist of ordinary comply with-united states of americato ensure customers are progressing in the route of their profession dreams and to provide steering as wanted.

Specific Areas of Expertise

STEM Careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics): Surabhi has large facts of STEM fields and presents specialized steerage for college children and professionals pursuing careers in the ones areas.

Management and Business Careers: She gives expert advice on careers in control, business enterprise management, and entrepreneurship, supporting clients navigate those aggressive fields.

Creative and Arts Careers: For those interested by pursuing careers in revolutionary industries together with layout, media, and performing arts, Surabhi gives tailored steering and assets.

Healthcare and Medical Careers: She offers specialized counselling for careers in healthcare, along with clinical, dental, and allied health professions, ensuring customers apprehend the necessities and pathways in the ones fields.

Information Technology (IT) and Software Development: With the developing call for for IT experts, Surabhi offers expert steering on careers in software program application improvement, statistics era, cybersecurity, and one of a kind IT-associated fields.

Legal and Law Careers: Surabhi assists customers interested by felony careers, supplying insights into regulation college alternatives, specializations, and profession possibilities inside the prison career.

Humanities and Social Sciences: She gives complete steerage for careers in humanities and social sciences, along with education, psychology, sociology, and public management.

Unique Approach and Methodology

Counselling Techniques Used by Surabhi Dewra

Psychometric Testing and Analysis: Surabhi employs masses of psychometric checks to assess an person’s character, pursuits, aptitudes, and skills. These exams offer a systematic foundation for facts the purchaser’s strengths and regions for development, which can be vital for customized career guidance.

One-on-One Consultations: She conducts personalised, in-intensity classes with clients to apprehend their career goals, demanding situations, and aspirations. These consultations are interactive and designed to construct a entire information of the client’s desires.

Goal Setting and Action Planning: Surabhi enables clients set easy, viable profession desires and increase special motion plans to obtain them. This consists of short-term and lengthy-term goals, milestones, and unique steps to take.

Career Path Exploration: She courses customers thru exploring numerous profession alternatives, providing insights into one-of-a-kind industries, roles, and the required qualifications. This facilitates customers make knowledgeable choices about their future.

Skills Assessment and Development: Surabhi identifies gaps in talents and recommends applicable education applications, courses, and certifications to beautify customers’ abilties and employability.

Interview Preparation and Mock Interviews: To put together clients for the interest market, Surabhi conducts mock interviews and presents comments on normal overall performance, supporting clients assemble confidence and improve their interview capabilities.

Ongoing Mentorship and Support: Beyond the preliminary consultations, Surabhi offers non-stop assist thru normal follow-up classes, making sure customers live on track with their profession 

Personalized Career Guidance Plans

Initial Assessment and Consultation: The process starts with an preliminary assessment, in which Surabhi gathers records approximately the client’s heritage, schooling, pastimes, and career goals. This is accompanied through a one-on-one session to dive deeper into their aspirations and challenges.

Customized Psychometric Testing: Based on the initial evaluation,  Online Career Counsellors in Delhi Surabhi administers custom designed psychometric checks to benefit deeper insights into the consumer’s personality, strengths, and preferences. The outcomes are used to inform the career steering technique.

Career Exploration and Options: Surabhi affords more than a few appropriate profession options based totally at the assessment consequences. She affords distinct statistics approximately every choice, inclusive of required qualifications, ability profession paths, activity marketplace traits, and increase potentialities.

Action Plan Development: Together with the client, Surabhi develops a personalized motion plan. This plan outlines particular steps the customer needs to take to attain their career desires, such as educational pathways, talent development, networking strategies, and task seek tactics.

Skill Enhancement Recommendations: If there are gaps in talents or qualifications, Surabhi recommends unique guides, workshops, and certifications which can help the customer build the vital abilties. She additionally presents sources and steering on wherein to locate those educational opportunities.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments: Surabhi conducts regular observe-up periods to reveal the client’s development and make any necessary adjustments to the action plan. This guarantees the customer stays on the right track and adapts to any adjustments in their profession aspirations or the task marketplace.

Client Testimonials and Success Stories

Reviews from Satisfied Clients
Ankita Sharma, Student

“Surabhi Dewra’s steerage turned into precious in assisting me choose the proper profession route. Her personalised method and deep insights into diverse fields made it easy for me to understand my strengths and pastimes. Thanks to her, I am now pursuing a degree in a discipline I am passionate about. Highly advise her services!”

Rohit Mehta, IT Professional

“After spending years in a activity that I wasn’t captivated with, I reached out to Surabhi for profession counselling. Her thorough assessment and customized recommendation helped me transition right into a profession in facts technological know-how, which I clearly experience. Her support and observe-up classes were instrumental in my profession transfer.”
Priya Kapoor, Recent Graduate

“I become crushed with the numerous profession alternatives available after graduation. Surabhi’s dependent and thoughtful steering helped me slender down my selections and pursue a direction that aligns with my lengthy-term dreams. Her unique motion plan and ongoing support have been important to my success.”
Arjun Verma, Mid-profession Professional

“Surabhi Dewra’s profession counselling sessions had been a recreation-changer for me. Her precise technique and realistic recommendation helped me identify my strengths and develop a clean career approach. I am now in a leadership position in my business enterprise, way to her steerage.”
Simran Singh, Creative Professional

“As a person within the creative area, I located it hard to find the proper profession course. Surabhi’s knowledge and information of innovative industries furnished me with the readability and self belief I wished. Her personalised guidance and actionable plans have been immensely beneficial.”

Real-lifestyles Success Stories

Nikhil Gupta: From Engineer to Data Scientist

Nikhil turned into operating as an engineer however felt unfulfilled in his function. After consulting with Surabhi, he discovered his ardour for records technological know-how. Surabhi helped him become aware of applicable guides and certifications. With her steerage, Nikhil transitioned right into a statistics scientist role within a yr and now works at a main tech organisation, enjoying each expert success and personal satisfaction.
Meera Desai: A Seamless Career Transition

Meera was a advertising and marketing expert looking to switch to a career in virtual marketing. Surabhi’s detailed assessment and personalised movement plan helped Meera collect the vital competencies and certifications. With ongoing mentorship, Meera successfully transitioned right into a digital advertising position and has due to the fact advanced to a managerial position in her organisation.
Karan Sethi: Navigating Higher Education Choices

Karan, a high school scholar, turned into harassed approximately his better schooling alternatives. Surabhi’s profession counselling classes supplied him with a clean understanding of his strengths and pursuits. She guided him in selecting the proper college and route. Today, Karan is excelling in his chosen discipline of pc technological know-how at a pinnacle-tier university.
Ritu Malhotra: Returning to the Workforce

After taking a profession smash to elevate her children, Ritu wanted to return to the body of workers however became uncertain in which to begin. Surabhi’s supportive and strategic method helped Ritu replace her abilities and rebuild her self assurance. She correctly re-entered the activity market as a challenge supervisor and continues to thrive in her career.

How to Access Online Career Counsellors in Delhi

Steps to Book an Online Session

Visit the Website:

Go to Surabhi Dewra’s legit career counselling website, CareerGuide.Com.
Create an Account:

Sign up for an account using your electronic mail address or log in if you already have an account.
Fill Out the Registration Form:

Complete the registration shape with your private info, academic background, and profession interests. This facilitates the counsellor understand your desires higher.
Choose a Counselling Package:

Select the counselling bundle that pleasant fits your needs. Options may also consist of one-time periods, a couple of-session programs, or specialized applications for exceptional profession tiers.
Schedule an Appointment:

Use the web scheduling tool to e book an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. You will be able to see the to be had dates and times for periods.
Make the Payment:

Complete the price procedure using the available price methods. You will obtain a confirmation e mail with information of your appointment.
Prepare for the Session:

Gather any relevant files or data that might be useful throughout your counselling session, inclusive of your resume, academic information, or any specific questions you have got.
Join the Session:

At the scheduled time, join the net consultation using the link furnished on your affirmation email. Ensure you’ve got a solid net connection and a quiet, cushty area for the consultation.

Platforms and Tools Used for Online Counselling

Video Conferencing Tools:

Zoom: A broadly used platform for virtual meetings, supplying features like display screen sharing,  Online Career Counsellors in Delhi breakout rooms, and session recording for a comprehensive counselling enjoy.
Google Meet: Another popular preference for online counselling classes, imparting smooth get right of entry to via Google accounts and integration with Google Calendar for scheduling.
Scheduling and Booking Systems:

Calendly: An on-line scheduling tool that allows customers to book appointments based on the counsellor’s availability, ensuring a continuing reserving system.
Acuity Scheduling: This device allows manage appointments, send reminders, and provide customers with a user-pleasant interface to pick their desired instances.
Communication Tools:

Email: Used for initial communication, sharing resources, and comply with-up correspondence. Clients receive precise instructions, consultation links, and any preparatory substances through e mail.
WhatsApp: For quick verbal exchange, updates, and reminders, ensuring that customers stay knowledgeable and connected with their counsellor.
Assessment and Testing Platforms:

CareerGuide Psychometric Tests: Specialized on-line assessments designed to evaluate personality, flair, pursuits, and talents, providing a scientific basis for personalized profession guidance.
Mettl: An on-line assessment platform supplying loads of tests to measure cognitive capabilities, character tendencies, and abilities relevant to profession planning.
Resource Sharing Tools:

Google Drive: Used to proportion files, profession assets, and evaluation consequences with clients, ensuring they have got get right of entry to to all vital substances.
Dropbox: Another record-sharing device for distributing massive documents and sources securely

Cost of Online Career Counsellors in Delhi

Surabhi Dewra’s on-line career counselling offerings commonly provide more than a few pricing structures and programs tailored to fulfill numerous wishes and budgets. While particular costs can vary and can be situation to exchange, right here’s a general assessment of what to anticipate:

Pricing Structure

Single Session Pricing:

This choice typically permits clients to e-book a single counselling consultation, which is good for the ones in search of initial profession recommendation or particular steerage on a specific problem.
Package Deals:

These frequently include a couple of periods bundled together at a reduced charge. Packages are useful for customers wanting ongoing guide, profession planning, or comprehensive steerage via exclusive tiers in their career adventure.
Specialized Packages:

Some counsellors, together with Surabhi Dewra, may also provide specialized programs for particular needs inclusive of profession transition assist, resume constructing, interview practise, or ability improvement.
Value for Money and Available Packages
Surabhi Dewra’s counselling services are acknowledged for presenting great fee for money, providing comprehensive guidance this is personalized and tailored to every client’s precise instances. Here are a few examples of available packages that could range in value primarily based at the quantity of offerings furnished:

Starter Package: Includes an initial consultation, fundamental career assessment, and personalized action plan.

Career Transition Package: Designed for people looking to switch careers, supplying in-intensity assessments, talent mapping, and strategic planning sessions.

Advanced Career Planning Package: Comprehensive assist for long-term profession goals, inclusive of Online Career Counsellors in Delhi  ongoing mentorship, talents enhancement tips, and special career mapping.

Additional Considerations

  • Customization: Pricing may vary based on the level of customization and additional services required.

  • Session Duration: Prices may also reflect session duration and the depth of analysis and guidance provided during each session.

Preparing for Your Online Career Counsellors in Delhi

Tips to Make the Most of Your Session

Clarify Your Goals: Before the session, make an effort to make clean what you wish to achieve from the counselling consultation. Whether it’s career exploration, talent development, or process are searching for techniques, having smooth goals will assist attention the dialogue.

Gather Relevant Documents: Prepare any relevant documents which incorporates your resume, educational transcripts, or any assessments you’ve completed. These materials can offer precious insights into your heritage and career aspirations.

Reflect on Your Challenges: Think approximately any demanding situations or issues you’re going through on your career. Reflect on past studies, achievements, and regions wherein you feel caught or unsure.

Prepare Questions: Write down particular questions you want to invite sooner or later of the consultation. This must include inquiries about career paths, academic opportunities, ability development, or task market traits.

Choose a Quiet Environment: Select a quiet, comfortable environment for your consultation wherein you acquired’t be interrupted. Ensure you’ve got a sturdy net connection and that your device is absolutely charged.

Be Open and Honest: Counselling sessions are great while you’re open and honest approximately your reports, aspirations, and disturbing conditions. This helps the counsellor provide tailor-made recommendation and resource.

Take Notes: During the session, take notes on key points, motion steps, and suggestions supplied via the counsellor. This will help you consider vital details and track your progress later on.

What to Expect During the Process

Initial Assessment: The Online Career Counsellors in Delhi will conduct an initial evaluation to apprehend your history, career goals, strengths, and demanding situations. This may involve asking questions about your training, work revel in, pastimes, and capabilities.

Psychometric Testing (if applicable): Depending at the counsellor’s approach, you may undergo psychometric testing to assess your persona tendencies, aptitudes, and preferences. This allows in figuring out suitable career paths.

Goal Setting: Together with the counsellor, you’ll set clear, workable desires based for your aspirations and the insights won from the evaluation. These desires will shape the premise of your movement plan.

Action Planning: The counsellor will work with you to develop a customised motion plan. This plan can also encompass steps along with skill development, instructional pathways, networking techniques, and process search tactics.

Skill Development and Resources: You’ll receive guidance on improving your skills and having access to resources which includes guides, certifications, workshops, and networking possibilities applicable on your profession dreams.

Appointment Booking for Online Career Counsellors in Delhi

Contact Information:

For inquiries, appointments, and consultations, please contact Surabhi Dewra using the following details:

Appointment Booking:

To schedule an appointment with Surabhi Dewra, please use one of the following methods:

  1. Online Booking: Visit Surabhi Dewra’s website and use the online booking form to schedule your appointment conveniently.
  2. Email: Send an email to [[email protected]] with your preferred appointment date and time, along with any specific requirements or inquiries.
  3. Phone: Call +91-8800442358 to speak with Surabhi Dewra’s office staff and book your appointment over the phone.

Office Address:

Surabhi Dewra’s office is located at the following address:

2-A/3, Kundan Mansion, Asaf Ali Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Closed on Sundays and public holidays)


Personalized Guidance: Surabhi Dewra presents personalised career exams and steerage plans, tailor-made to every patron’s precise strengths, interests, and profession dreams.

Comprehensive Services: Services include psychometric testing, intention setting, movement making plans, and ongoing help to assist customers navigate profession choices correctly.

Accessibility: Online counselling classes offer convenience and accessibility, allowing clients to attach from everywhere with a strong net connection.

Professional Expertise: With years of experience and expertise, Surabhi Dewra equips clients with the gear and techniques needed to achieve nowadays’s competitive process marketplace.

Value for Money: Various applications cater to specific desires and budgets, ensuring customers acquire fee for money with structured, actionable profession recommendation.

Final Thoughts on the Importance of Online Career Counselling in Delhi
Online profession counselling plays a vital position in Delhi’s dynamic expert panorama by way of:

Empowering Career Choices: Helping people make informed career selections primarily based on their capabilities, pursuits, and market trends.

Adapting to Digital Trends: Aligning with the developing trend toward faraway services, making profession steerage reachable to a much broader audience.

Supporting Career Transitions: Assisting experts, college students, and process seekers in navigating profession transitions, skill enhancement, and activity marketplace demanding situations.

Enhancing Career Satisfaction: Enabling individuals to pursue pleasing careers aligned with their aspirations and potentials.

Freqently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1 What is online career counselling, and how does it work?

Online career counselling involves receiving professional guidance and advice on career-related matters via virtual platforms like video calls, email, or chat. Counsellors assess your skills, interests, and goals remotely to provide tailored career advice.

2 What services do online career counselors in Delhi provide?

Online career counselors in Delhi offer a range of services including career assessments, guidance on educational pathways, resume building, interview preparation, and career coaching.

3. How can I find a reliable online career counselor in Delhi?

To find a reliable online career counselor in Delhi, you can search on professional networking sites, read client reviews and testimonials, check their qualifications and experience, and ensure they offer services that meet your specific career needs.

4. What are the advantages of consulting an online career counselor in Delhi?

Consulting an online career counselor in Delhi offers advantages such as convenience (no need to travel), flexibility in scheduling appointments, access to a wider range of counselors and expertise, and often more affordable rates compared to traditional in-person counseling.

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