Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

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Surabhi Dewra is a highly esteemed Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi, known for her significant contributions to the field of career guidance and counseling. As the founder of, she has transformed the way students and professionals approach career planning and decision-making. With a strong educational background and extensive experience, Surabhi has been instrumental in helping countless individuals discover their true potential and align their career paths with their strengths and interests. Her empathetic approach, coupled with her deep understanding of industry trends, makes her one of the top career counselors in New Delhi. Surabhi Dewra is committed to empowering individuals to achieve their career goals through informed and strategic guidance.

What to Look for in a Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Qualifications and Certifications

Relevant Degrees: Ensure the profession counsellor has a diploma in psychology, counseling, or a related area. Advanced ranges or specialized guides in career counseling upload credibility.
Certifications: Look for certifications from identified our bodies like the National Career Development Association (NCDA) or equal to your area. Certified counselors have met rigorous standards.
Ongoing Education: A correct counselor continues up with the modern-day tendencies and techniques in profession counseling. Check if they attend workshops, seminars, or courses often.
Professional Memberships: Membership in professional corporations indicates a dedication to moral standards and continuous expert development.
Licensing: In a few regions, career counselors should be licensed. Ensure your counselor meets local licensing requirements.
Specialized Training: Certifications in specific regions like career transitions, resume building, or interview training can be a plus.

Experience and Specializations

Years of Experience: An experienced career counselor is possibly to have encountered a huge range of career issues and might offer more insightful steering.
Clientele: Look for a counselor who has experience working with individuals for your unique scenario, whether or not you’re a student, mid-career expert, or a person trying to transfer fields.
Industry Knowledge: Counselors who focus on certain industries or sectors can offer tailor-made recommendation and insights based totally on contemporary market developments.
Success Stories: Ask for examples of ways the counselor has helped others attain their career goals. Success testimonies can suggest the counselor’s effectiveness.
Approach and Methodology: Different counselors use exclusive techniques. Some might also awareness on exams and exams, whilst others may also prioritize one-on-one coaching periods. Find out what methodology resonates with you.
Network Connections: Counselors with a robust community in diverse industries can provide treasured connections and opportunities for their customers.

Reviews and Testimonials

Online Reviews: Check on line structures like Google, Yelp, or professional websites for reviews and scores. High scores and wonderful evaluations are accurate signs of the counselor’s reputation.
Client Testimonials: Look for testimonials at the counselor’s website or request to talk with past clients. Direct feedback from customers can provide a clearer picture of what to expect.
Success Rates: Some counselors may also provide data on their achievement fees in helping clients achieve their career dreams. This statistics can be a beneficial metric in their effectiveness.
Recommendations: Personal recommendations from friends, colleagues, or academic establishments can be very straightforward.
Professional Endorsements: Endorsements from other specialists inside the discipline can upload to the counselor’s credibility.
Social Media Presence: Active and positive engagement on expert social media systems like LinkedIn can indicate a counselor’s willpower and credibility in their subject.

Criteria for Selecting Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Qualifications and Experience

Educational Background: Verify that the career counsellor has applicable degrees, which includes in psychology, counseling, or a related subject. Advanced stages are a plus.
Professional Certifications: Look for certifications from diagnosed institutions, indicating that the counsellor has undergone right schooling and adheres to professional requirements.
Years of Practice: Consider the counsellor’s years of revel in. More experienced counsellors commonly have a deeper understanding of numerous career paths and demanding situations.
Specialization Areas: Check if the counsellor specializes in regions relevant for your desires, including pupil counseling, mid-career transitions, or particular industry sectors.
Professional Memberships: Membership in expert corporations (e.G., National Career Development Association) frequently suggests a commitment to ongoing professional development and adherence to ethical requirements.

Range of Services Offered

Career Assessment Tests: Ensure the counsellor offers a lot of career assessment tools to help pick out your strengths, pastimes, and aptitudes.
Personalized Counseling Sessions: Look for counsellors who offer one-on-one sessions tailor-made for your precise profession wishes and dreams.
Resume and Cover Letter Assistance: Services that consist of help with crafting professional resumes and cowl letters are critical for activity seekers.
Interview Coaching: Check if the counsellor offers interview coaching offerings, such as mock interviews and comments sessions.
Job Search Strategies: A good career counsellor ought to provide guidance on effective task search Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi techniques, networking strategies, and using process portals.

Client Testimonials and Success Stories

Online Reviews: Investigate evaluations on systems including Google, Yelp, and LinkedIn to gauge the counsellor’s recognition and client pleasure.
Website Testimonials: Read purchaser testimonials on the counsellor’s website to understand the reports of preceding customers.
Success Rates: Look for any published success costs or statistics indicating how many customers have efficiently performed their career dreams with the counsellor’s assist.
Personal References: Ask the counsellor if you can contact past customers for direct feedback. Personal references can provide deeper insights into the counsellor’s effectiveness.
Case Studies: Some counsellors offer specified case studies or examples of the way they have helped clients overcome specific career demanding situations. These testimonies can reveal their sensible information and approach.

Services Offered by Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Individual Counselling

Personalized Career Assessments: Career counsellors offer one-on-one classes that include complete checks to recognize your pastimes, strengths, and personality traits, helping to pick out appropriate career paths.
Goal Setting and Planning: They assist in setting sensible profession desires and developing actionable plans to gain them, tailored to your person desires and aspirations.
Resume and Cover Letter Writing: Counsellors provide steering on crafting expert resumes and cowl letters that correctly spotlight your abilities and reports.
Interview Preparation: Through mock interviews and personalized remarks, profession counsellors help you broaden the confidence and capabilities needed to reach activity interviews.
Career Transition Support: Whether you’re changing careers or re-coming into the team of workers, counsellors offer strategies and help to navigate these transitions smoothly.
Ongoing Support and Mentoring: They offer continuous steerage and mentorship, assisting you live on target with your career improvement and adapting plans as needed.

Group Workshops

Career Exploration Workshops: These periods assist members discover various career alternatives, apprehend enterprise tendencies, and make knowledgeable choices about their future careers.
Skill Development Sessions: Group workshops regularly attention on developing particular competencies along with communication, management, and teamwork, that are critical for career development.
Job Search Strategies: Workshops cover powerful job seek techniques, together with networking, making use of process boards,  Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi and leveraging social media for profession opportunities.
Resume and Cover Letter Writing: Group sessions on creating compelling resumes and cowl letters offer treasured hints and templates that contributors can use to enhance their process programs.
Interview Skills Training: Interactive workshops that consist of mock interviews and institution feedback assist individuals improve their interview strategies and raise their confidence.
Career Networking Events: These workshops provide opportunities to connect with industry experts, ability employers, and peers, expanding participants’ professional networks.

Online and Offline Sessions

Virtual Counselling Sessions: Career counsellors offer convenient on line periods via video calls, making it easier for clients to obtain steerage from the comfort of their houses.
Webinars and Online Workshops: They behavior webinars and on-line workshops on various profession-related subjects, reachable to a much wider audience no matter area.
E-studying Modules: Online courses and e-getting to know modules allow clients to analyze at their own pace, masking topics like career making plans, job seek techniques, and skill development.
In-Person Counselling: For people who pick face-to-face interaction, counsellors provide in-man or woman classes, presenting a greater private and direct technique to profession guidance.
Hybrid Sessions: A aggregate of on line and offline classes ensures flexibility and accessibility, catering to customers’ various choices and schedules.
Resource Access: Both on-line and offline clients have get right of entry to to a wealth of assets, together with articles, motion pictures, and interactive gear that help their profession improvement journey.

How to Choose the Right Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Assessing Your Need

Identify Your Goals: Determine what you need to obtain from profession counselling. Are you searching out profession steerage, job seek strategies, resume writing help, or interview preparation? Knowing your unique wishes will help you discover a counsellor who makes a speciality of the ones regions.
Career Stage: Consider your cutting-edge profession degree. Are you a student, a recent graduate, a mid-career expert, or trying to transfer careers? Different counsellors may have knowledge in exclusive profession stages.
Preferred Counselling Method: Decide if you select individual counselling sessions, institution workshops, or on line classes. Your desired approach will have an effect on your preference of counsellor.
Special Needs: If you have got special needs or specific profession demanding situations (which include returning to work after an extended break or navigating career modifications), look for a counsellor skilled in those areas.
Counsellor’s Reputation: Research the recognition of potential counsellors. Look for folks who are properly-seemed and feature fine reviews from customers in comparable situations.
Comfort Level: Ensure you experience snug with the counsellor’s technique and character. A excellent rapport is vital for effective counselling.

Comparing Services and Fees

Range of Services: Compare the services offered by exclusive counsellors. Look for folks that offer comprehensive services, which include profession assessments, goal putting, resume writing, and interview education.
Experience and Expertise: Evaluate the enjoy and understanding of the counsellors. Those with significant enjoy and specialized information on your area of interest are in all likelihood to provide extra precious steering.
Session Flexibility: Check the provision and versatility of consultation timings. Counsellors who provide bendy scheduling, which includes evenings and weekends, can higher accommodate your needs.
Mode of Delivery: Consider whether or not the counsellor offers in-person, on-line, or hybrid periods. Choose a mode that fits your Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi  life-style and preferences.
Cost and Value: Compare the fees of diverse counsellors. Ensure that their offerings are inside your price range. Remember that higher prices don’t usually equate to better satisfactory, so determine the cost they provide.
Packages and Discounts: Some counsellors provide applications or discounts for multiple classes. Inquire approximately these options to potentially shop on charges whilst ensuring you receive constant steerage over the years.

Benefits of Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Personalized Career Pathway

Tailored Guidance: Top career counsellors provide customized assessments that align your abilities, pursuits, and persona developments with suitable career paths, ensuring a customized roadmap in your expert journey.
Identification of Strengths: Through comprehensive opinions, counsellors help you apprehend and leverage your strengths, guiding you towards roles wherein you can excel and thrive.
Exploration of Opportunities: They introduce you to various career options and enterprise insights, increasing your focus of capability possibilities that match your aspirations and competencies.
Goal Setting: Counsellors assist in setting clear, plausible profession dreams primarily based in your person possibilities and profession stage, helping you stay centered and prompted for your profession pastimes.
Long-time period Planning: They useful resource in growing long-term profession plans, thinking about factors like career development, ability improvement, and adapting to enterprise changes, ensuring sustainable increase and achievement.

Increased Confidence and Clarity

Self-Awareness: Counsellors foster self-recognition by assisting you understand your values, pursuits, and expert motivations, boosting your self belief in making career-related decisions.
Clear Direction: They provide clarity by clarifying misconceptions and uncertainties about career selections, empowering you to make knowledgeable choices that align together with your aspirations.
Skill Enhancement: Through focused guidance and feedback, counsellors enhance your task-searching competencies, interview techniques, and networking competencies, improving your universal employability.
Overcoming Challenges: Counsellors equip you with strategies to conquer career-associated demanding situations, inclusive of process rejections or career transitions, fostering resilience and perseverance.
Positive Mindset: By instilling positivity and optimism, counsellors inspire you to technique profession demanding situations with a proactive mind-set, fostering a mindset conducive to boom and fulfillment.

Enhanced Decision-Making Skills

Informed Choices: Counsellors equip you with the tools and information had to make informed profession decisions, considering elements like task market traits, industry needs, and personal aspirations.
Risk Assessment: They assist you determine the dangers and benefits associated with exceptional profession paths, allowing you to make calculated decisions that align along with your lengthy-time period desires.
Adaptability: Counsellors cultivate adaptability by means of encouraging flexibility in profession choices and readiness to include trade, preparing you to navigate evolving expert landscapes efficiently.
Confidence in Choices: With enhanced selection-making abilities, you gain self assurance in evaluating and choosing profession possibilities that provide boom capability, activity satisfaction, and alignment with your values.
Continuous Improvement: They sell a mind-set of continuous development, encouraging ongoing mirrored Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi  image and adjustment of profession dreams and techniques to hold profession pride and achievement.

Comparison with Other Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Differentiating Factors

Founder of CareerGuide.Com: Surabhi Dewra’s established order of CareerGuide.Com signifies her pioneering position in leveraging era for profession counselling, imparting modern on line gear and assets.

Comprehensive Career Assessments: Surabhi Dewra emphasizes specified checks that delve deep into people’ strengths, hobbies, and career aspirations, making sure tailored steerage.

Extensive Industry Network: With a full-size network spanning numerous industries, Surabhi Dewra allows valuable connections and insights into cutting-edge activity market tendencies and possibilities.

Proven Success Stories: Surabhi Dewra boasts a track file of achievement memories, demonstrating her capacity to empower individuals from numerous backgrounds to reap their profession goals efficaciously.

Holistic Career Development Approach: Surabhi Dewra adopts a holistic method, addressing no longer most effective instant profession worries but additionally lengthy-term profession planning and ability improvement strategies.

Benefits of Choosing Surabhi Dewra Over Others

Innovative Online Tools: Access to CareerGuide.Com gives customers  Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi with modern-day online resources for self-evaluation, task seek strategies, and career exploration.

Personalized Guidance: Surabhi Dewra offers noticeably customized career pathways based on complete checks, ensuring alignment with man or woman strengths and dreams.

Expertise Across Career Stages: Whether you’re a student, mid-career professional, or transitioning into a brand new field, Surabhi Dewra’s know-how covers a wide range of profession stages.

Industry Insights: Benefit from Surabhi Dewra’s substantial enterprise information and network, gaining treasured insights into rising profession opportunities and marketplace tendencies.

Proven Track Record: Surabhi Dewra’s documented fulfillment in guiding clients to gain profession milestones underscores her effectiveness and reliability as a career counsellor in New Delhi.

Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi



Indian Education Awards – 2019

Best Career Counselling Platform

  • Action For India, founded by Sam Pitroda, named her one of the Top 100 Social Entrepreneurs of 2015.
  • Listed in India’s Top 40 Women Entrepreneur -2015 Listed by
  • National Education award – 2013 by Ex-MHRD minister Dr. Pallam Raju for ‘Best Career Guidance Platform”.
  • On recommendation group of Ministry of Labour, GOI for the establishment of career service center across India.
  • In 2012, Assocham gave her an award for the best career counselling initiative.
  • Presented guest lecturers on the first steps of starting a business and innovation to engineering and MBA college students. Surabhi worked in the fields of electronic design automation (EDA) and CAD tools, chip design, battery life optimization, and low power IP before venturing education.


Chief Executive Officer
CareerGuide.Com · Full-time
Aug 2015 – Present · 8 yrs 9 mos
New Delhi

  • CareerGuide.Com is a a marketplace to get instant career answers from career experts. With this I intend to organise career counselors and career experts across the world to be on the platform and help students find answers to their career questions !

Apr 2011 – Jul 2015 · 4 yrs 4 mos
New Delhi Area, India

  • Since her initial days, Surabhi has been clear on the importance of good education and herself has excelled in it. It was while in her graduation did she realize the lack of proper
  • career guidance system in the country and since then have been working towards forming an easily accessible platform for all the students for career and education guidance.

As founder Surabhi is involved in various roles, some of them are:

  • Handling product development.
  • Budget planning, allocation and fundraising.
  • Designing marketing and PR communications.
  • Hiring talent, building team and developing work culture.
  • Fund Raising and Investor Relationship.

Appointment Booking for Top Career Counsellors in New Delhi

Contact Information:

For inquiries, appointments, and consultations, please contact Surabhi Dewra using the following details:

Appointment Booking:

To schedule an appointment with Surabhi Dewra, please use one of the following methods:

  1. Online Booking: Visit Surabhi Dewra’s website and use the online booking form to schedule your appointment conveniently.
  2. Email: Send an email to [[email protected]] with your preferred appointment date and time, along with any specific requirements or inquiries.
  3. Phone: Call +91-8800442358 to speak with Surabhi Dewra’s office staff and book your appointment over the phone.

Office Address:

Surabhi Dewra’s office is located at the following address:

2-A/3, Kundan Mansion, Asaf Ali Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Closed on Sundays and public holidays)


Innovative Approach: Surabhi Dewra, founding father of CareerGuide.Com, gives modern career counselling solutions leveraging superior on-line gear and personalized assessments.

Comprehensive Guidance: Her offerings consist of comprehensive profession exams tailor-made to person strengths, hobbies, and profession aspirations.

Industry Expertise: With a full-size industry network, Surabhi Dewra gives insights into contemporary job marketplace developments and possibilities.

Proven Success: Surabhi Dewra has a music file of effectively guiding customers across diverse profession stages to obtain their professional goals.

Holistic Support: She offers holistic profession development help, specializing in lengthy-time period making plans and talent enhancement techniques.

Encouragement to Seek Professional Guidance:
Seeking professional steerage from Surabhi Dewra guarantees you receive customized and strategic profession advice that aligns along with your desires and aspirations. Her know-how no longer handiest enhances your profession readability however also equips you with the gear and self belief to make informed decisions. Whether you are starting your career adventure or looking for a profession change, Surabhi Dewra’s steering can pave the way towards a a hit and satisfying professional lifestyles. Embrace the opportunity to reap your profession goals with the guide of a depended on expert like Surabhi Dewra.

Freqently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1 What qualifications should I look for in a top career counsellor?

Look for counsellors with relevant degrees in psychology, counselling, or related fields. Certifications from reputable institutions and experience in career counselling are also beneficial.

2. How can a career counsellor help me advance in my career?

Career counsellors provide personalized assessments, guidance on career paths, assistance with resume writing and interview skills, and strategies for career growth and development.

3. What should I expect during a career counselling session?

Sessions typically involve discussing your career goals, strengths, and interests. Counsellors may conduct assessments, offer insights into job markets, and provide actionable advice tailored to your needs.

4. How do I choose the right career counsellor in New Delhi?

Consider their qualifications, experience, range of services offered (such as individual counselling, workshops, online sessions), client testimonials, and how well their approach aligns with your career needs.

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