Career Counsellor Certification in India

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According to the Business World Reports, there is a deficiency of career counsellors in India. Career counselling refers to a process through which a counsellor helps a counselee to understand his or her abilities and capabilities, work trends, and therefore helps to make an informed decision about education or work by taking all the factors into consideration. The significance of career counselling lies in the fact that every person is different with unique needs. You will read about “Career counsellor certification in india” in this blog.

Role Of A Career Counsellor

For some, earning money might give them the most satisfaction while for others, earning fame might be satisfying, while for many others, serving their country can provide them the sense of self-entitlement. Here comes the role of a career counsellor to understand what every individual wants or what his or her expectations from life are, to oversee if he or she possesses the qualities required for achieving that goal, and if he or she does not possess the required qualities, then suggesting them what else they are good at or suggesting the further course of action to help them achieve their goals. However, the fact that there is a deficiency of career counsellors in India shows that people are still reluctant to choose to become a career counsellor as a distinct employment option. You can also check certification course for guiding study abroad.

Becoming A Career Counsellor

Becoming a career counsellor is a challenging task as there is no one-size-fits-all approach that can be followed by a career counsellor. Career counsellors have to carefully study the abilities and aspirations of each child and then meticulously suggest to them a certain course of action. The job of a career counsellor is not only challenging but also requires a lot of caution and patience as the career of many individuals depends on the advice rendered by a career counsellor. The foremost skill that a career counsellor requires is to build a relationship of trust with the counselee, as only mutual trust and mutual cooperation will enable a counselee to communicate openly with their counsellor. You can also check certification course for guiding working professional.

How To Be A Certified Career Counsellor

Now let us look at the steps that are required to obtain a certificate in career counselling. A person should obtain a bachelor’s degree in any course, but the course should be a fully accredited program. Though there are certain specific degrees at the undergraduate level that are considered to be desirable for commencing a job as a career counsellor, degrees even in the field of Sociology, Business Management and Administration, and Psychology can be taken into consideration to pursue their career as a counsellor. To become a school counsellor, a master’s degree is required.



The Certification Course for guiding college students” from CareerGuide is a 50+ hour, self-paced, lifetime access online course for career counsellor certification. This will assist in giving you curriculum with the use of many Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs, and Quizzes. Everything you need to become a successful career counsellor is in the curriculum. This course consists of  lessons that help to develop your skills and become a master career guide.

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