As a social science, behavioral science is often overlooked by students eager to enroll in a degree program that will ensure they can effect positive change over the course of their careers. Often, students eager to make a positive impact on the world will focus on medicine or law — fields that have clear career paths and obvious opportunities to do good.
Yet, as the study of human behavior, behavioral science can provide students with a foundation of knowledge in how and why people do the things they do — which means that behavioral science grads are a step ahead in changing the way people think and act. If you want to improve society, you might be pleased to learn that a behavioral science degree can allow you to do the following undeniably good things:

Help Law Enforcement Officials Thwart Crime
Why people choose to break laws and perpetrate crimes has been a burning question for law enforcement officials for centuries. Yet, only in the middle of the 20th century did authorities begin turning to research on the human mind and behavior to seek answers. Today, law enforcement agencies can and do rely on findings in behavioral science to develop theories regarding criminal motivations and activity. Behavioral science can also be useful elsewhere in the criminal justice system in determining proper treatment of criminals to prevent recidivism.
The application of behavioral science to criminal justice is relatively new, and there are still much that law enforcement agencies can learn from behavioral science — and vice versa. Behavioral scientists fascinated by the criminal justice system might dedicate their studies and career to working alongside law enforcement to help communities become safer and more successful.
Help Direct Programs for Children
Children are the most vulnerable members of any community as they depend entirely on adults for their basic needs, such as shelter, food and love. Unfortunately, too many children lack the support they need to survive and thrive. In addition to helping communities recognize when children require additional services, behavioral scientists can help communities develop the right kind of programs to ensure that children have access to essential resources for success into adulthood.
Much behavioral science research is focused on child development, as this is such an important and fascinating period in which human behaviors manifest. Behavioral scientists can apply findings associated with child development to direct programming for children that is more likely to result in better outcomes for communities in need.
Help Urban Planners in Designing Optimal Cities
Centuries ago, cities emerged organically as humans congregated, built structures and used paths as needed. However, the initial needs of urban residents are hardly in line with what city dwellers expect and benefit from today. Winding and narrow city streets, a dearth of green spaces, far-flung retail centers and insufficient parking opportunities abound in some of the oldest and densest cities, making it much more difficult for residents to find comfort and success.
Understanding more about human behavior can help urban planners improve their city designs. Behavioral scientists can work alongside and inside city planning agencies to facilitate urban development that considers how city dwellers work, move and live. With assistance from behavioral science research, urban planning can be more efficient and effective in the modern age.
Help Organizations Develop Safer and Happier Workplace Cultures
The Great Resignation had many hundreds of employers scrambling to understand why workers were so eager to leave their jobs in search of new opportunities. In truth, no two employees had identical reasons for resigning, but the mass exodus of staff revealed startling trends across workplaces: unfair salaries, insufficient advancement opportunities, unpalatable workplace culture.
Though the crisis of the Great Resignation has largely passed — and though many workers who participated in the mass exit regret doing so — employers must think critically about what they can do to prevent widespread turnover in the future. Behavioral scientists can help organizations identify bad policies and processes that result in low satisfaction amongst the workforce and develop a more supportive corporate culture to allow every worker to thrive.
Everything on Earth is affected by human behavior, which means that understanding more about human behavior gives you the ability to effect and direct real and meaningful change.