Challenger Motor Freight: The Rewards of a High-Velocity Career

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In our culture and economy, truck driving has long been synonymous with freedom. There’s something liberating about traveling the highways of North America, finding adventure, exploring magnificent landscapes, meeting interesting people and earning the respect that comes with a job that entrusts you with a company’s property and reputation.

In the 70s that spirit was captured by C.W. McCall, whose hit single “Convoy” famously began: “Was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June, in a Kenworth pullin’ logs …” On-screen, it was Burt Reynolds as the Bandit, who barreled across the USA with lawman Jackie Gleason in hapless pursuit.

Fast forward to 2023, and trucking has dramatically changed in many ways. Rigs are high-tech and high-comfort. Each truck is a state-of-the-art computer on wheels, linked to online inventory and scheduling systems, as well as satellite GPS. And yet, the spirit of freedom, independence and responsibility is undimmed.

This is especially true of the most successful firms, which thrive by treating truckers as the highly skilled professionals they are. Challenger Motor Freight is one example. Founded in 1975, the same year “Convoy” rocketed up the charts, it’s one of North America’s leading privately owned logistics and transportation companies.

This year the company was recognized with an impressive array of awards, including: 2023 Best Fleets To Drive For, Canada’s Best Managed Companies, Trucking HR Canada Top Fleet Employers 2023, Trucking HR Canada Top Fleet Employer of Distinction, and Truckload Carriers Association Fleet Safety Award.

Apart from the reputation of the company, illustrated by this honor roll of awards, Challenger Motor Freight drivers cite a variety of reasons for pursuing a career in trucking: 

Salary and Stability

Truckers are in demand in both Canada and the U.S., and that means that companies are willing to pay top dollar for good drivers. By several measures, that translates to an annual salary of at least $60,000. Drivers of oversized loads, speciality vehicle haulers and ice road drivers can earn significantly more. Owner-operators can make as much as $200,000 a year.

The income is steady, and a driver can expect regular increases in pay. The benefits offered by top trucking companies are generous. Plus, there are often bonuses and incentives that add to total compensation.

An Easily Accessible Career

You don’t need a degree to become a trucker, just the skill to operate a big rig, and the reliability, energy and trustworthiness that trucking companies seek. You must first prove yourself with training and certifications, of course. Earning your Commercial Driver’s License typically requires about eight weeks of training at an accredited school. With ambition and a strong career focus, these steps are easily achieved.


By definition, truckers are always on the move, enjoying the sweeping vistas of North America from the comfort of their cabs. Not every route is glamorous, but there are often opportunities for extended visits to exciting places. The traveling life isn’t just about the destination, but also the journey. You’ll meet fascinating people along the way, and build friendships. Some of the best relationships you’ll forge will be with other drivers. Although long hours on the road can be solitary, there are frequent chances to enjoy the community of truckers.


This is a given. As a trucker, you won’t spend your days in an office cubicle, watching the clock. You’re out on the road — the place generations of North Americans have gone to find adventure, and themselves. You travel down blue highways. You explore hidden gems on iconic Route 66. You recreate the wanderings of Peter Fonda. You follow the paths of Burroughs and Steinbeck. Or you travel through vast open spaces in the night, alone with your thoughts.

Flexible Schedules and Driving Distances

Trucking companies typically allow drivers options when it comes to when and how far you want to drive. It’s an ideal way to strike a happy work-life balance. Your preferences for short or long routes will be routinely honored. A parent may want to ensure he or she will be home every night. A single driver may choose the long-haul routes, accruing greater hours, income — and on-the-road memories.

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