A Guide On Career In Finance

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Are you now wondering what to do now that you’re done with school or you’ve graduated? Do the rising and falling stocks intrigue you? Do you wish to make a career in the world of money? So here’s how you can make your career in the finance world! There is a wide range of available opportunities in economic services including banks, stock brokerages, investment funds, and so on. India has a number of institutions where one can major in the field of finance.Thus, students aspiring to take up finance should always be encouraged. So, there is a huge scope of employment for students of finance. With an MBA in Finance, the following are the career options you can opt for-

1. Investment Banker

An Investment banker is one who works in an Investment bank, and is responsible to higher the capital for the government as well as for individuals or groups. The banks also associate in Mergers as well as acquisitions; they act further to establish a connection between a company and its investors. They assist with unique investment opportunities as well.

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2. Financial Analyst

These are the experts hired for their knowledge of markets, economics, accounting, and compliance. Financial analysts collect the data and present their analysis and revenue projections to advise the top management on their strategic decisions and investments.

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3. Venture Capital Analyst

The Analysts essentially are responsible for mentoring a network on the latest industrial developments, looking out for trends and the potential companies. They often get employed in and work along with venture firms. They are associated with both start-ups as well as small-scale companies.

4. Chief Financial Officer

Chief Financial Officer people are the ones who manage the financial aspects of the company. They track cash flows, analyze a company’s financial pros and cons, and then propose corrective actions.

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5. Portfolio Manager

These people have often been associated with management firms as well as hedge funds; they are vested with the task of analyzing clientele and their portfolios. People with experience in management skills are suitable for this role.


6. Risk Analyst

People in the Risk Analyst role are the ones who bring down the losses incurred and analyze the unpredictability of the market. These people are responsible for monitoring the areas where there are potential risks, and determine the factors that threaten the company. They also predict change and future trends.

Along with these options, there are many more opportunities in financial services such as public accounting, financial planning, stockbroking on FinanceCentral, in the private sector. Some aspire to become government servants and opt for the likes of Indian economic Services or Indian Revenue Services.

In conclusion, it can be said that these jobs require a variety of different abilities to work in a complex work environment. Therefore, it is advised that you choose the option that suits your skills, interests, and abilities in order to succeed in this fast-paced domain of work. 

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