How to Become a Professional Chess Player

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Earning a chess title needs a lot of hard work and dedication. Chess is a mind game and it is considered one of the toughest games. It is a popular game between the two players. Chess is played by millions of people but not everyone has gained the title. It is an abstract strategy game and involves no information.

Chess is a game that is played on a square board with 64 squares organized in an eight-by-eight grid. There are 16 white pieces and 16 black pieces, one player control white, and the other player control black. You can only win this game by checkmate and there is no way for it to escape.

Chess is an extremely beneficial game because playing chess results in an open-up of the brain with better brain function. It also enhanced memory and mental abilities, strategic thinking, and attention improvement. In this article, we will discuss how to become a professional chess player

Here are the 5 tips to become a professional chess player:

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Start at a Young Age

You need to start at young to become a professional chess player as it has many advantages. Children who start at a young age in any field like languages, music, and other disciplines can experience more and become fluent. It takes years to master chess, children who start at the age of 5-8 had more chances to become professional players. Chess is a mind game, at a young age your brain is ready to absorb all the new lessons, tactics, and ideas which is important to becoming a strong player

professional chess player, chess player

Work Hard to Get Success

Most of the talented players who are grandmasters work hard and make many sacrifices to achieve their goals. Have a daily study routine that will cover intensely all three levels of the game, the opening, middle-game, and endgame which is important to strengthen your chess skills. Find a coach or mentor who will help you to find weaknesses and strengths so you can invest your time in weaknesses and make learning more efficient.

Play Tournaments to Improve Skills

As a chess player, you will thousands of games but study those, losses learn from those losses, and come out as a stronger player. If you play in tournaments then you will get the opportunity to put your knowledge to the test, learn about the psychology of competition, practice time management, and gain the experience which is essential to become a strong player.  

chess techniques, chess tournaments

Score Three Norms to Become a Grandmaster

It is important to score the three norms to become a grandmaster, a chess player has to play in norm tournaments. You need at least three grand master’s from different countries, nine rounds, and time control that is at least 120 minutes norm tournaments meet all the criteria. Lastly, the chess player needs to score a norm must have a 2600 Elo performance for that tournament.

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Earn a 2500 FIDE Rating to Get the Title

Once you score all the three norm requirements mentioned above, it is important for a chess player to cross the 2500 rating requirement to be awarded the title of grandmaster. 

By: Sananda Kumari

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