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Teacher vs IPS officer

If you want to bring change to the nation through serving and following enforced rules and regulations, then try to unfold the IPS profession. It is the most unique profession which is filled with physical exercises and enthralling experiences. It is made especially for the aspirants who want to carve out IPS as a career path.

IPS officers are recognized as government employees who have the objective to uphold the law and order, peace, security, and government policies in India. These professionals are ready to be on their toes as police officers. Their major duties revolve around the investigation to extract out and cross-check the facts, crime identification, and case solving.

This profession offers a golden opportunity to work and coordinate with Central Government Organizations like Research and Analysis Wing, Intelligence Bureau, Border security, and Central Reserve Police Forces. It is a badge of honour and this badge of pride promotes a sense of responsibility and commitment towards their duties.

Self Knowledge

To be the ideal IPS officer it is important to have fitness, energy, enthusiasm, bravery, and dedication to protect India as a nation from terrorism. They try to command Indian Intelligence Agency and besides, they lead Research and Analysis Wing also
How to become an Ideal IPS officer?

Well, the youth of India always think and dream to pursue IPS officers as a career prospect. To become IPS officers, aspirants devote their entire life and they fight tooth and nail for this position. The hunger to strive and immense energy tries to get desired results motivates students to give their best out of rest.

These professionals have to offer services at both levels. Both IPS and IAS officers have to coordinate with each other in terms to maintain harmony and investigate or supervise the functionalities. They both work as home guards and now IPS services are alienated to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently.

Now here are the ways through which you can become an IPS officer.
Several people remain confused about it because of incomplete knowledge and inappropriate guidance. But the reality is that you are not eligible for IPS entrance after completing 12 standards only from any stream. For applying IPS officer’s candidature, the subject must apply for CSE examinations which are organized by UPSC.

And to qualify for the next round, the aspirant must have cracked the examination, the mains, and the interview proceedings to get the opportunity as a trainee.
For applying in the examination, the expected standards needed are that an individual should possess at least a graduate degree in any discipline from an esteemed university or college. So, in simple terms, technically 12th standard passed enthusiasts cannot make the examinations of UPSC in terms to become a successful IPS.

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They have to first attain a graduate degree after completing their graduation program. After that, only the subject can give it a try. As per your wish and passion, you can start preparing from the 12th class itself. Several coaching centers are available in the market that prepares several IPS officers every year, so you can also approach them in terms to prepare for the CSE competitive exam. For preparing CSE it is better to emphasize the current affairs by making well-articulated notes. Try to read the newspaper daily to stay updated.
CSE Eligibility Criteria

The enthusiasts should have at least one of the following degrees in terms to get approval for the examination.
A graduation degree approved by a central, state or well-renowned university will be taken into consideration.
A correspondence degree and a degree received through distance education can also work.
Open university degrees are also considered.
A prerequisite recognized by the Indian Government can be comparable with the one of the above.
Candidates who have the above-mentioned documentation are also eligible to enter the CSE entrance exam for UPSC but they also have to submit proof of their eligibility to maintain authenticity and credibility. For eligibility, it is necessary to have tested documents from the side of a competent authority. If candidates don’t meet any of the criteria then their application will be rejected and they will be unable to participate in the entrance exam.

The students between the demographics of 21-32 years (For general category candidates) are allowed to give exams which are held on August 1 of the year. Although age range doesn’t exist if the candidate is SC, ST, OBC, or physically disabled or handicapped.
The upper age of 35 years has been allocated for OBC (Other Backward Castes) of the society.
Age limit of 37 years has been positioned for SC (Scheduled Castes) and ST (Scheduled Tribes).
The relaxation is provided to the above-mentioned candidates’ category who belong to certain backward communities of the nation, especially those who are handicapped.

-Hruditya Kumar

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