5 Courses For BCom Students To Enhance Salary

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BCom is a specialized training program available in far too many institutions of India. The students who would like to comprehend the business and finance world will find it a favorite. Trading, even so, is, as we recognize, very complicated, and requires qualified personnel to manage their businesses. A BCom graduation is definitely an aid to students, but just completing BCom does not help much so after BCom and M.Com many finish different programs to develop all mastery of skills. If you are in the last year of your BCom studies, you have to look for what you can do following BCom. Courses, jobs, postgraduate studies, internships. The list goes and is very confusing. Thus, here we have compiled a list of the top courses following BCom to help you decide correctly. The best thing is that BCom courses provide various options to enhance your abilities. This helps you greatly increase your pay when you take a job.

Courses For BCom Students To Enhance Salary

You have to do a meticulous B.Com comprehension of the courses. When making your judgments, you need to consider several factors:

  • Aid or amount spent on financial affairs
  • Interest and priorities
  • Weak points and strong points
  • Prerequisites for Eligibility

Numerous BCom courses can allow you to achieve your expertise and your wage. Then perhaps the point is who deserves it the most. Since these courses must be seen as investment decisions in your future. The entire education you receive in all of these younger years significantly increases your ability in the long term to secure better-paid job opportunities.

Here are some of the best courses which you can opt for after completing BCom:

1. Certified Public Accounting (CPA)

It is one of the courses following B.Com, where prominence is growing strongly. The CPA module is a US-based course and follows global accounting standards (GAAP). They work in the same way as CA in India but are expected to handle the functions of different nations. Interaction with shareholders of businesses is one of their primary jobs. CPA helps investors to supervise the money they receive and leave. They are qualified to analyze reports to identify key operational blunders. They are looking forward to finding places for saving cash and pumping money.


2. Masters in Commerce (MCom)

Even inside the community of B.Com, a Masters in Commerce is quite unspecified. Numerous students that want to develop in their career paths eventually complete skillful courses or master’s degrees in another field. Just a few of them finally follow M.Com. That doesn’t mean M.Com isn’t one of the best courses following B.Com. If you are interested in the business world, an M.Com degree will be extremely useful in life if you decide to pursue the academic part. The course is an extension of the courses which you learned in your B.Com Therefore, you will also have a fairly good idea of the issue. So, don’t feel compelled if you are engaged in M.Com. After B.Com is mentioned here the road to your coming years will be as large as with many other courses.

3. Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

Perhaps one of B.Com’s most acclaimed professional courses is a company favorite MBA degree. It ought to be. It is an astringent course that offers practical training for students. It was very efficient and MBA graduates became one of the greatest and most influential men as well as women in the world. But the craze for an MBA keeps pushing many from various streams to take their chances. As there is no obstacle, people from the fields of arts and even science have vocational training in an MBA.


4. Data Science 

Another excellent course following B.Com is that of a data scientist. Data scientists handle and analyze different sets of data, comparable to financial analysts. These experts are talented in examining the market in general to define critical trends and opportunities. Data scientists help the firm that fights while providing insights into the good things they do. They evaluate and analyze the books and the data to mention how long they can withstand. Their experts are also able to find ways to ensure their positions for the firm.

5. Company Secretary (CS)

Such types of courses following B.Com should collaborate for students who have a desire to participate in the stock market. Secretaries of companies are responsible for the management of corporate stocks and dividends. They comprehend and strongly urge the organization appropriately the complex system of the stock market. Company Secretaries are the business’s and investors’ links. The CS is also seen in big business meetings, informing the managers on the market situation and stock variations. They research thoroughly and provide the management of the company with great insights.

By: Poorva Meshram

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